Comments / Notes
Maybe they saw him lying on the beach and thought he was so lovely that he could never give a boring interview even if he just talked about lying on a beach I'd tune in to listen to the honey of his music vowels.
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 10:24:12 (PDT) | #1
Bloodhound Gang: are @#!!!e
Sven <[email protected]>
E. in G. - Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 10:54:51 (PDT) | #2
The themes they address are so unlike moz's(promiscuity, alcohol and other cool banalities, hehe) that i wonder if the smiths had any influence on them musicwise. Although i don't quite get his sense of humour, the remark was surprinsingly unoffensive, so there seems to be some respect for the mozman lingering on... does he mean that fans might get a little disappointed about him not being as eloquent as moz during his interviews? i.e. 'they can kill me but they can't stop me and so forth...'
homeless chihuahua <[email protected]>
Costa Rica - Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 11:39:04 (PDT) | #3
i thought Bloodhound were just silly, amazing boys until i knew, about 1 month ago, that their last video has been censored because of an homophobic scene..so...
Thibaut <[email protected]>
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 12:12:34 (PDT) | #4
Unlike their absurd music, the comment does seem relatively harmless, but I think it indicates an ignorance of Morrissey, not a sarcastic type of respect. Moz is too casually typecast, especially by "musicians" who don't have enough ability or talent to create serious music, nor the bravery to desire to. Bloodhound Gang write the anthems for your typical whitebread frathouse--its amazing how far they've come.
Jeff <[email protected]>
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 12:24:54 (PDT) | #5
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 13:34:43 (PDT) | #6
You guys should take it easy. I love Moz and I'm not a Bloodhound Gang fan, but I found the comment humorous. I'm sick of reading streams of witty insults like "The Bloodhound Gang are #%@*!" everytime someone mentions Moz without also mentioning that he's "brilliant" or whatever. Lighten up.
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 15:37:22 (PDT) | #7
Yah, yah, I can so connect with what you said there, Remiker.
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 15:43:43 (PDT) | #8
This is so true...Morrissey has that wit that he can talk about anything and still have you listening eagerly for some memorable quote he might spit out. oh i can listen for an hour Morrissey talk about himself lying in the california sun...can you(Images of "Tommorrow" single cover race through my head)
Moz cowboy <[email protected]>
Long Beach - Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 15:57:39 (PDT) | #9
dear friends,whilst some may find these wayward men "harmless" or "inoffensive" i submit to you the one single thing that perpetually enters my mind whenever the bloodhound gang rear their "witty" heads: racism the gang's guitarist is wearing a leeds utd. shirt. "that's a cool shirt!" says rapper/singer jimmy pop. some of the crowd roar. "and later he's going to go out and beat up some asians!" carries on witty jimmy. taken from an nme.com e-mail update despite the article's references to un-named leeds players having been recently questioned in the investigation of a racist attack on a young asian man, there is absolutely no excuse for such irresponsible coments. only one thing comes across, and that is, racism. catering to the lowest common denominator seems to have been their 'claim to fame'; however, when bands start talking like that on stage the entire audience should turn round and exit the building. in it's stead, people cheered. character and conviction, i surmise, are things of the past...long since discarded. love,
felipe messina guzman <[email protected]>
s.f. bay area, san mateo-califaztlan - Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 20:30:19 (PDT) | #10
The biggest surprise is that KROQ interview Jimmy Pop Ali as I thought that the BHG is only known in Germany. I thought so as many Americans and Brits never ever heared of the gang - even "Fire Water Burn" is pretty unknown, I thought.Pop�s comment doesn�t lack style or homour. It�s interesting that Morrissey comes to Jimmy Pop�s mind... And, Sven, come on - listen to "Hooray for Boobies" and have a good laugh!
Dorian Kray <[email protected]>
- Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 05:17:13 (PDT) | #11
oh c`mon. thats out of line. i mean the accusation. music and racism are so far from each other. i cant believe they really meant it. surely it was cynicism...as a moz fan i`m surprised people cant see it - it seems people see whatever they want to see...and to hate is so easier than to love. even if the bloodhound gang were racist, they would never let you know that. i think it was criticism on those leeds players. except this, i believe that morrissey`s interviews may fascinate us but bore the others, thats why i think they are moz fans.
noam <[email protected]>
israel - Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 05:21:13 (PDT) | #12
Oh per leeze,If anything, the BHG's fleeting comment is nothing more than some self association to Moz's cred. With regards to racism and homophobia: Well that's just nonsense. How can anyone who doesn't see the irony in wearing a Leeds shirt, defend Morrissey, who's not unkown for associating himself with the St.George's cross. BHG are funny, but heaven knows I'm miserable now!
This charming man.
- Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 09:15:28 (PDT) | #13
dear felipe,i find your post quite intriguing. for all the fey, faux-intelligent posturing and wording in your message, you still don't come across as perceptive at all. charming man, surely you agree? to denounce BHG for racism when the mozzer is hardly sally hop-along concerning practically anyone who is not caucasian is simply ludicrous. i can't explain morrissey's tolerance of the mexican community, but i'd venture a guess that it's largely related to the number of morrissey fans of mexican descent and not to any respect for humans regardless of race. now, don't get me wrong, i am mexican and a fan, but i could never be blind to the evidence at hand. badmouth BHG's supposed allegiances with regards to race and you badmouth morrissey's.
handsome devil
san diego, CA - Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 10:25:24 (PDT) | #14
dear friends,to clarify further. please read the last paragraph of my comment again, this time mindfully. you will find that accusations of racism were never made against the band. simply, the observation that an irresponsible and inexcusable comment-ironic or cynical or not-was made. it is one thing to be ironic about racism within the context of a work of art such as a painting, song, etc. but it is another thing entirely to do that amidst on-stage banter. does anyone suppose that the youth in attendance were all so sophisticated that not a single one was impressionable in the least? i understand everyone's concerns regarding my comment. i agree, most people do have a tendency to read far too much into the littlest of things. i went (and am, again, going) to great lengths to be crystal clear. my point was that it was irresponsible. to quote linton kwesi johnson, "it nuh funny." what do we know about their sensibilities regarding racism, or morrissey's for that matter? what does it matter? what does matter, however, is that when people start talking like that, regardless of intention, that we show conviction for what we believe in and make a stand. this must be done wherever and whenever such comments are made. at home, at a show, at a restaurant, park, bar-whatever. stand up for what you believe in friends. to quote investigative reporter dennis bernstein, "put your mouths, minds, and bodies where your beliefs are." not to sound like an alarmist, more so, a realist-but, indeed, the illness of racism is everywhere and it needs no more fuel for it's barbarous fire. it needs no more ineffectual instigation from those of us who should know better. oh, and handsome devil...do i agree that i did not at all come across as perceptive? well, my only intention was to be honest. i know you meant no harm, however, vanity is something i aim to cleanse myself of. time is far too short to be preoccupied with one-self. if you are, indeed, vain. then, you could have saved yourself a great deal of face by insulting me personally and not on this public forum. my e-mail address appeared plainly below the comment. hmmm... love, (a small and simple creature)
felipe messina guzman <[email protected]>
s.f. bay area, san mateo-califaztlan - Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 19:44:04 (PDT) | #15
I curse the day his name came out of their mouths!
- Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 21:58:52 (PDT) | #16
orange county - Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 01:05:51 (PDT) | #17
Felipe Messina Guzman is spot on! Resorting to racism is the end of civilisation. Racism is narrow-minded and an utter show of ignorance. Those who are racist are afraid of anything different from themselves, hence they are insecure and don't have any self-confidence. But don't tell them this - ironically, they are too self-absorbed in their delusions that they are a master race.
J. Razor
San Francisco - Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 10:37:37 (PDT) | #18
Those ignorant monkeys shouldn't have the right to even mention the name of greatness when speaking.Especially in interviews when the're clearly trying to liven things up by bringing up such an always-interesting man like Morrissey.p.s. Last night the plans to capture a hand full of monkeys on the loose (who think they can sing)was all I saw on channel four. Anyone with any information about their whereabouts is asked to contact chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo.
Cold Leather Seats
In The Middle of a Street - Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 12:52:37 (PDT) | #19
Pop Maniac
NYC - Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 13:45:24 (PDT) | #20
Don't have any kids, Felipe. They might be too impressionable.
Jeff <[email protected]>
- Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 17:19:43 (PDT) | #21
Dear Mr. Crap Manic,You've got to be either a near relative of this lowly species known as the "BloodHounds", or a complete idiot of a human being to have found anything about what these lowly creatures do that remotely resembles what one may call "clever". The only way to justify your claim that these "things" are a breath of fresh air is if you live in Chernobyl. I advice you to go back to your room and continue listening to your Will Smith, Britney Spears, Greenday,Marylin Manson, Offspring, Limp Bull@#!!!, Korn, Kidrock, or whatever other crap you also might consider to be "clever". p.s. and don't come back...eh, eh, eh, ever.
Cold Leather Seats
In The Middle of a Street - Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 01:03:26 (PDT) | #22
Update from Channel Four News at Nine:The four monkeys which recently mysteriously escaped from a local zoo where reportedly spotted yesterday morning somewhere in Uptown NewYork City having breakfast with one Kevin Smith. A bussboy at the restaurant overheard a conversation between the thumblessgang and the formerly-respected(before the "Dogma" thing that is),formerly obese,but now simply chuby indi-film director, about the possible making of a film documenting the gangs escape from captivity to sudden stardom making records full of crappy music that so many of us crappy "Americans" have gone out to buy. The film is also said to star amongst others;Matt Damon and Ben Afleck who will attempt once again to star in a film they consider to be "clever". Well, at least this one won't touch on a subject that really matters and therefore cannot by rule be any worse then the last film these "cool dudes" appeared in together. p.s. It's also been reported that the lucky bussboy who had this close encounter with this "clever" gang is now dating none other than Jennifer Lopez, talks are going on as I write between this man and Mr.Puff Dad about a record.
Cold Leather Seats
In The Middle of a Street - Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 01:38:49 (PDT) | #23
Morrissey is gay and The Beastie Boys and Bloodhound Gang Kick ass!!!
The Deepest reaches of ur mind - Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 15:16:54 (PDT) | #24
Yeah yeah well spotted shazbar, you're the first to mention something like this, you should really be working for CNN. Why don't you die you pea-brained bum sucker!!!!!!!!!!!
- Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 15:35:42 (PDT) | #25
In the Beastie Boys' song "Alive", they say:Now who in the world do you want to fight It's against the system that we should unite Homophobics ain't alright If you learn to love then you might love life Also, I remember reading an interview with Adam (I think it was Adam?) from years ago and during the interview he was checking out some guy. No joke. If you search around the net you could probably find the interview. I think it was Spin but I'm not sure.
Our Hank
- Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 19:41:17 (PDT) | #26
dear felipe,you don't understand at all. i meant to insult you in public. a failed attempt at starting some sort of battle royale on the discussion board. something should happen around here, you obsessed twats. "good god, morrissey mentioned in church bulletin!". i didn't even read your full post. i picked you out because you were the last one to write before my friend "charming man". see, i wasn't referring to you, idiot, but the post-er who went by the name of charming man. write all you want, suckers, i won't be back to read any of it. unbelievably handsome devil
handsome devil
san diego, CA - Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 11:47:37 (PDT) | #27
U r all so sad. U all come on and write loads of comments just because Morrissey was mentioned in an interview!!! And by the way Adam (whichever one it was as there is 2 Adams in the Beastie Boys) wasent checkin out a man for serious as they were gonna call 'Licence to ill' Don't be a @#!!!!!
The Deepest reaches of ur mind - Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 12:43:12 (PDT) | #28
Shazbar, why don't you go in the bathroom and play with your nipples and come back when you can spell. You illiterate nobody!!!!!!!1
- Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 15:45:00 (PDT) | #29
We come here and write loads of stuff about Morrissey, that is the point you vile acne-ridden bag of pus. You on the other hand are even sadder because you come to a Morrissey page and write about the beastie boys, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 15:52:03 (PDT) | #30
Bloodhound Gang hahahahahahahah............
Diogo Neto <[email protected]>
Lisbon Portugal - Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 22:40:38 (PDT) | #31
- Mon, May 01, 2000 at 12:44:20 (PDT) | #32
dear handsome devil,all apologies for my misunderstanding of your commentary. when you addressed the comment to me, personally, i was under the impression that all of the text therein was intended solely for my correspondence. i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. love,
felipe messina guzman <[email protected]>
s.f. bay area, san mateo-califaztlan - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 14:19:37 (PDT) | #33
Like moz cowboy said....I sure as hell can listen to morrissey for hours. I have this interview on CD and i listen to it all the time. The man is damn intellegent. Morrissey Rocks!!!!!
SouthCali. - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 15:12:50 (PDT) | #34
NYC - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 07:09:41 (PDT) | #35
Who the hell listens to the bloodhound gang???????
Steve <[email protected]>
Los Angeles - Wed, May 03, 2000 at 23:59:46 (PDT) | #36
HMMM, Genius? "Hello, my name is Jimmy Pop and I'm a dumb white guy....." sound familiar?
- Thu, May 04, 2000 at 13:45:26 (PDT) | #37
The gang can't even be compared to the Smiths, even Moz. It's pretty goofy.
timrobbins <bobroberts@yale>
private - Mon, May 08, 2000 at 12:05:57 (PDT) | #38
dear friends,perhaps some of those of you who've posted that you fancy the bloodhound gang and their music can verify something for me. according to a newsletter i've received today, there is a bloodhound gang recording with anti-asian lyrics wherein, among other derogatory lyrics, the chorus sings: "chinky chinky bang bang i love you...", etc. any correspondence would be greatly appreciated. if you would like a copy of the aforementioned newsletter forwarded to you please e-mail me at the address below. love,
felipe messina guzman <[email protected]>
s.f. bay area, san mateo-califaztlan - Mon, May 08, 2000 at 18:12:14 (PDT) | #39