Comments / Notes
I subscribe and missed that blurb. Thanks for the tip.
Lon <[email protected]>
Atlanta - Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 10:55:47 (PDT) | #1
For anyone who's interested, Anthrax does a quasi-decent cover of "London" on the Airheads soundtrack. Don't buy it, but if you get the chance, give it a listen. Most Smiths covers suck, but this one is worth listening to. Over and out.
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 12:07:10 (PDT) | #2
oooooohhhhh!!!!!! poor Mozz! he thinks he's unloveable--and that's wrong. But how can he bear to be loved by such bad people?
Thibaut <[email protected]>
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 12:18:18 (PDT) | #3
What a testament to the legacy of the Smiths. Every other metal band is in love with them. Phil Anselmo is a real jack-ass, but the band is skilled at their craft, no matter how silly most of their albums are.
Jeff <[email protected]>
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 12:31:54 (PDT) | #4
that's a real surprise, honestly! considering that in most cases, you never see a pantera fan who likes the smiths and vice versa. then again, there is a difference (and a striking one at that) between the performer and their fans.
state of emergency
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 13:41:17 (PDT) | #5
YAWN!!!!!!! You people are soooooo boring, spice things up a bit or I'm leaving.
El Grande
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 13:50:05 (PDT) | #6
hey, how funny...the drummer is from my hometown.
suzanne <[email protected]>
i guess i didn't live among a bunch of rednecks afterall - Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 17:55:06 (PDT) | #7
if you ever come it across it in the used record bins look for pantera's first lp, they are glam rock as @#!!!!!!!! big hair and all... no they werent so tough after all....
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 19:26:58 (PDT) | #8
it should be mentioned that pantera, or at least phil, has white power links........if you need a reason to dislike them.
- Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 22:51:36 (PDT) | #9
the white power comment is totally untrue and unfounded. as a matter of fact, there are pantera songs which take a strong ANTI-racist stance.
- Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 08:11:57 (PDT) | #10
Sorry, i didn't mean to put in misleading information - i read an article on pantera in select that talked about white power links. well, that's british media for you then.
- Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 01:43:47 (PDT) | #11
yeah crimson, thats the British Media for you. Something that you will never be fit to contribute to judging by the standards of your comments here.
- Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 03:07:42 (PDT) | #12
There is a song entitled " Cemetary Gates" on a Pantera record... Anyone know if that is a cover?
DSutekh <[email protected]>
- Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 23:17:08 (PDT) | #13
I think i�m probably the only guy here who likes the smiths and Moz as much as pantera. They�re both in my top five bands ever. Even though the smiths influence in phil doesn�t quite show, it proves that hard guys can also be very sensitive. Chino, the singer from the deftones, love Moz very much also.
Ra�l <[email protected]>
Panam� - Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 10:26:09 (PDT) | #14
hey thibaut, just what is it that makes pantera "bad people"? if you're going to make a stupid statement, at least try to back it up. i don't know too much about pantera, but morrissey fans can be so freakin' narrow-minded about other musical genres. i'd much rather listen to rammstein, faith no more, anthrax or even pantera than some crap smiths wannabe bands like gene, the cranberries or who knows what else...oh well...there has never been much sense or taste in the world of morrissey fandom - no reason to expect that to change now.
sdavenport <[email protected]>
- Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 10:33:42 (PDT) | #15
"Cemetary Gates" is not a cover...far from it.i was surprised by Phil's confession. living in D/FW-- you can not escape Pantera. but i actually enjoy selected Pantera tracks. and i know many "metal" fans that are quite articulate, intelligent, and open. whether an individual listens to metal or morrissey, how does it constitute the whole of their character? and what does it say about someone who listens to both? if you decide to judge people based on their subjective tastes, then YOU are the one being prejudgice and narrow.
kizmiaz - Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 13:03:55 (PDT) | #16
This must be a joke SURELLY...............
Diogo Neto <[email protected]>
Lisbon Portugal - Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 22:43:43 (PDT) | #17
Pantera are not the typical Metal band, It doesn't surprise me that Anselmo could be influenced by Moz/Smiths. They are good at what they do, more power to Moz. And I've been to a Pantera show...Anselmo yelled out "F**K racism!" more than once...which left the partison Skinhead crowd kinda baffled, but then things were back to chaos.Matt. SD,CA
San Diego - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 12:59:20 (PDT) | #18
I too am a fan of both Morrissey and Pantera. I see no conflict there, nor irony. The deep roots lie with Moz, so if I had to name a prefered artist it would be him.Concert comparison? Pantera.. I saw them in San Diego during the Vulger Display... tour. Unbelievable. Incredibly talented guys completely dedicated to giving "the kids" their money's worth. The work ethic those guys have would put most bands to shame. Morrissey- Seen him 8 times now. Always a good show, but more than once I left feeling... "Is that it?". By this I mean the sets seemed very short. Musicianship: Pantera wins hands down Mood: Gotta give it to Moz Fan Beauty: MOZ!!! By the way, I find it incredibly ironic that both Phil and Moz have been (wrongfully) affiliated with skinheads. It was not too long ago that Moz was attacked by the press for draping himself in the Union Jack and "appealing to a skinhead audience". A/C
NJ - Wed, May 03, 2000 at 11:06:54 (PDT) | #19
I am Smiths/Morrissey and Pantera fan. I'm a huge Pantera I'm actually going to see them at the Ozzfest this year. I'm actually kind of surprise by Phil's comments. But I guess that helps connects the music that I love a little bit more. I like the alternative stuff but I also like the Metal stuff, by the way Pantera is not your typical metal band.
Steve <[email protected]>
Los Angeles - Wed, May 03, 2000 at 23:51:23 (PDT) | #20
While not a pantera fan, I am a fan of most different types of music. I read raul's ([email protected]) comment about chino from the deftones being a smiths fan, and this is true indeed. I am in posession of an mp3 of the deftones covering please, please, please let me get what I want. If you're on ICQ, we could find a way for me to send this to you; my number is 38848184.
pete <[email protected]>
- Sun, May 07, 2000 at 00:47:45 (PDT) | #21