Morrissey fan on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" (UK)
Posted on Mon, Apr 10 2000 at 10:04 a.m. PDT
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Daniel Butt:

Just the most fantastic moment this evening on "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire" in the UK (Obviously, one of the country's top-rated shows). The host, Chris Tarrant, revealed that the new contestant's ambition, if he won a million quid, was "to take Morrissey with him on an adventure holiday, so he could see him running around with his shorts filled with gladioli". When pressed on why he wanted to do this, the guy just smiled and said completely sincerely that Morrissey was a great hero of his. Dude! I don't think he's going to win a million, but it all keeps the Great Man's name out there...

From Monsieur Dupont:

A contestant on the 5th April UK edition of Who Wants to Be A Millionaire said that if they were to win the million they would want to go on holiday with Morrissey so that he would see him in his shorts with gladioli sticking out of them. The presenter described it as the strangest fantasy yet. The contestant's wife who was in the audience didn't appear too concerned about her husband's wish though.

Unfortunately he didn't get close to realising his wish as he won £16,000.

And from P:

Last night I was watching "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" on ITV with my flatmate. At one stage, the host (Chris Tarrant) asked the contestant, one Steve McCradden, "According to your questionnaire, if you won a million pounds you would go on holiday with Morrissey so that you could see him running around with gladioli down his shorts???!!". The contestant, about 35-ish, cropped hair, goatee, broad grin (and with his wife in the audience), replied, "Yeah, big hero of mine..."!

Back in my flat, we all looked at each other in utter amazement and burst out laughing and shouting "Go for it, boy!!!".

Unfortunately, things didn't go that well, in that he decided to walk after being unable to answer a question about cameras and focus lenses (the harsh truth of the camera eye perhaps?) - but he still took £16,000 with him, a sum I personally wouldn't sniff at...

It's even more eerie when you remember hearing the song "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" every night on the intro tape to the Oye Esteban gigs!

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

How cool. If such a comment made the editing cuts in the US, we'd all enjoy the puzzling look on Regis' face and the inevitable question "Morrissey who?"

Atlanta, GA - Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 12:59:43 (PDT) | #1

That's soo cool!!! I wish I would of seen that!!
I would of been screaming my head off!!!!
I wonder what moz would say? :^)

Lidia Villa <[email protected]>
Chicago, IL - Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 15:20:46 (PDT) | #2

It`s nice,although in my case I would be completelly satisfied by seeing Moz singing LIVE one more time........

Diogo <[email protected]>
Lisbon.Portugal - Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 15:35:46 (PDT) | #3

Trust me if some Jack ass here in the US won he would want the same thing but with the GOO GOO dolls or Smashmouth or something gay like that.

Your silence is deafening......give me a sign.....
Tampa Florida - Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 15:44:37 (PDT) | #4 PG rated of him.

he should have asked to be whipped with the gladioli.

suzanne <[email protected]>
not my final answer - Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 21:57:13 (PDT) | #5

Well, whatever turns you on Suzanne !
Personally, I saw the programme and I was appalled. The guy gave Moz fans a bad name! I don't expect Morrissey fans to go on quiz shows and win anything less than the top prize! Still, as Morrissey is supposed to represent the perrenial loser I guess it was fitting!

Boy Least Likely To
Liverpool, England - Tue, Apr 11, 2000 at 04:50:49 (PDT) | #6

I was on the show and I would have preferred to win a night with the Goo Goo Dolls

John Joseph Theodore Rzeznik
Buffalo, NY - Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 06:10:06 (PDT) | #7

Suzanne - you have confused the gladioli reference, silly girl. You are only an imitation Suzanne - reader beware.

Tim Booth
Who put brown owl eyes on the butterfly's wings - Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 08:52:27 (PDT) | #8

I know who Morrissey is...he played with the Door's right?

Regis Philbin
New Yawk - Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 16:14:07 (PDT) | #9

no, i understood exactly what he meant. however, i would aspire for more

suzanne <[email protected]>
not my final answer - Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 19:58:42 (PDT) | #10

okay, in my opinion, Moz is basically mainstream in the us. already. I don't know why people insist on pidgionholing him into some dark corner where noone knows about him. about 80 percent of people that I talk to who are not even music fans have heard of him. I think it's time moz fans wake up and realize...MORRISSEY IS POP!!!
I think we all like to refer to morrissey as being this alien beign because we all feel like aliens ourselves. The fact is, he is just human like all of us. He is human and he needs to be loved...just like everybody else does...and it's about time he recieves the credit from millions like he deserves.


lauren(duchess) <[email protected]>
pa - Tue, Apr 18, 2000 at 07:31:41 (PDT) | #11

People have heard about Morrissey from other people more than MTV or VH1. At least that is the case recently. Morrissey is not really as mainstream as one may believe. All your lifelines are up, you stand to lose 468,000 dollars. "Morrissey is Pop"-Is that your final answer?


Regis Philbin
New Yawk - Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 16:54:32 (PDT) | #12

* return to Morrissey-solo