Comments / Notes
bull@#!!!.i don't think of morrissey (or any of the other artists listed) as pathetic, nurturing, "wimps". insulting. i find morrissey's lyrics serve as a catharsis. and to compare morrissey to cobain is unfair. completely different genres.
kizmiaz - Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 10:00:32 (PDT) | #1
yeah yeah, enough..just love him.
- Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 12:24:14 (PDT) | #2
I agree with the NECK! Moz and Cobain are just too different from each other. I mean c'mon, throughout Morrissey's bad luck at least he has managed to stay away from the "ammunition"!
Jim Rome <[email protected]>
The Jungle - Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 16:24:41 (PDT) | #3
I understand their point, but Jesus, if Morrissey is such a "wimp" why did he survive and Kurdt did not??!?!? @#!!!s.
LoafingOaf <[email protected]>
- Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 17:37:04 (PDT) | #4
Texaho, agree and ask you email me plz? You frighten me, but I nn to talk w/you. I am w/wspan/DL-ATL and nn to discuss tsg/AA-DFW w/you. Thx, L
Lon <[email protected]>
Atlanta - Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 17:46:01 (PDT) | #5
Oh dear god, this is just more C-R-A-P by some fourty-something idiot who has not a clue what makes Morrissey fans tick. Using artists like Luther Vandross all the way to Kurt Cobain as examples show how badly he is grasping at straws.By the way, I think Morrissey would die if he read this article and noticed that he was catagorized as a "Rock n' Roller". Gotta love it.
Half a Person
- Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 17:49:19 (PDT) | #6
Apparently being a heroin addict is a very courageous thing. Morrissey is just too healthy to be appriciated.
e <[email protected]>
- Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 22:01:32 (PDT) | #7
oh JIM ROME, JIM ROME, JIM ROME...you despise me so. let's be honest-- you want me.... you want to bend me over your knee and spank me... all of that pent up sexual aggression... just think of it!!!anyhoo, to complete my orginal thought--- if morrissey ever did commit suicide, i think he would do it with more style. and think of the confusion left in his demise!!! thousands of distraught fans found w/ suicide letters mentioning this nobody "morrissey". even then, i doubt the media would make mention of it. but for the record-- i don't morrissey to die.
kizmiaz - Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 07:43:10 (PDT) | #8
Just want to point out that Morrissey was once quoted as saying he admired Kurt Cobain (in reference to his suicide) because he always admired people who follow through with what they say. Not an exact quote---very poor paraphrasing. Thought it was worth a mention.
Nirvana & Morrissey fan.
- Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 11:16:45 (PDT) | #9
Moz is a Boxer!!!! How could he be a wimp!!! We can tell that the author is unread and the lack of research for the book is disgusting.
queenleer <QueenLeer>
Ca - Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 11:32:19 (PDT) | #10
i don't know that he would dislike being branded a rock and roller too much, even as he knows it's untrue. also, has no one seen the morrissey interview where he discusses kurt cobain? he says something to the effect that he admires cobain's courage, that is admirable to seek an end to your own suffering. very interesting, a great interview, i wish i could remember where i read it at. oh well...-n-
Neffy <[email protected]>
Virginia Beach - Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 14:00:56 (PDT) | #11
It's ironic that Cobain's name should come up the week of his anniversary. I was a Nirvana fan and thought that Kurt was a great frontman. Music did lose a very talented man in April '94. More impotantly a wife lost her husband and a little girl her father. I was never interested in his lyrics. They leaned towards the waffle that Michael Stipe delivered but hey, didn't they deliver it well. Morrissey said more in 'The Queen Is Dead' album that anyone in that article has said in their entire career. And what has Luther Blanddross got to do with anything?
Michael Ferry
- Fri, Apr 07, 2000 at 05:46:14 (PDT) | #12
Yeah, he said Kurdt was brave and so forth, because deciding you'll be here one minute and be gone forever the next is pretty gutsy. Why is calling Morrissey a "rock and roller" wrong? I consider him a rock and roller!
LoafingOaf <[email protected]>
- Fri, Apr 07, 2000 at 08:05:07 (PDT) | #13
The NECK strikes again! This is a website about Morrissey, not for you to run your smack about being spanked by the "Pimp in the Box". So I don't want to hear about your "behind the barnyard when paw's not home" fantasies. Enough already. I like women with a full set of teeth! Besides, I don't think you will find me very attractive seeing as to how I am not your cousin!
Jim Rome <[email protected]>
The Jungle - Fri, Apr 07, 2000 at 10:01:42 (PDT) | #14
Jim Rome...Do you remember the Jim Everett interview back when you were on ESPN 2? "I dare you to call me Chris Everett again."
Seattle - Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 15:37:21 (PDT) | #15
Ok, just to clarify something... I saw an interview with Morrissey that was on a bootlegged tape that I had YEARS ago and that quote stuck in my head.He stated that he would never call himself a "rock and roller". I did not and still do not imply that Morrisey does not rock. I think that Your Arsenal proves that. Thanks.
Half a Person <[email protected]>
- Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 18:36:18 (PDT) | #16
Nice to see clones on the Moz site. I'll keep on calling him Chris till the day I die!
Jim Rome <[email protected]>
The Jungle - Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 12:20:48 (PDT) | #17
Kurt's crying out for a hug was his undoing...don't get me started, but isn't it strange that Courtney did not seem so torn by the tragedy of his death? A vulnerable soul such as Kurt's is easy prey for anyone of a calculating nature. He is to be applauded for his courage to hook up with Ms. Love...she is a survivor, but unfortunately, she could not help him to hang on...and the perhaps their only attraction was to have a partner in shooting up. A dear friend of mine ended up becoming "hooked" just to find out what her lover was "experiencing"...the lover moved on, and left her with the "habit". I am left with receiving phone calls only when my friend needs $$ to score. BEWARE OF THOSE BEARING HUGS...
San Francisco - Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 09:55:32 (PDT) | #18
Your views are very worrying. In the dingo baby case in Austrailia was'nt the mother convicted because the media slaughtered her for not showing emotion? People grieve in their own way, why do people like you need public displays of grief? I am not defending ms Love personally, I just don't like people being closely watched to see if they display grief that is up to our standard. Do you want everybody to behave like the dead media queen Diana?
- Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 14:32:51 (PDT) | #19
I thought I'd hear from someone like Viking Warrior. I already thought to myself, Smarty Pants, that everyone does have their own way of greiving...but I guess I did not think enough about it for you apparently. I was just wondering aloud...SO, EXCUSE ME! Anyway, only the future will tell us what really happened to Mr. Cobain. Or is that a closed book?
San Francisco - Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 16:53:17 (PDT) | #20