Comments / Notes
The last part of the article is quite beautiful. Jorge Espinoza (i guess he's in charge of security?), whom they interviewed, says he helped "save" Morrissey when he was trying to get through the mob of fans that where waiting for him at the airport. He says that since February he has heard story after story from fans that tell of how Morrissey has changed their lives, and what he means to them. He believes it's simply incredible.
maribel <[email protected]>
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 11:52:08 (PST) | #1
hey, what*s the mighty Mo doing in the bushes?.....
elsberry <[email protected]>
at the bottom of my heart - Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 12:58:14 (PST) | #2
morrissey looks like hitler in that photo. creepy.
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 13:17:56 (PST) | #3
What the HELL is that second photo about?!?!?!?! What is going on here? Somebody translate? That is Moz? It looks like the unibomber or something.
Cali - Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 15:40:32 (PST) | #4
Okay, this is what I think the first article says (and my spanish is very bad...but since no one could even tell us what "Por chicos carrera's" meant, I thought I'd at least try to tell you guys what I make of this article). Please correct all of my mistakes!"Morrissey: The Frantic Search" [The first couple sentences are hazy...]...Anxious before the extreme mutismo (?) that the artist has faced on his tour, the unconditional followers interchanged some rumors that could give some (?) on what exactly happened to their idol. "It appears that he registered with the name 'Eddie Riff'" "they told me that he went to Banos Morales with the band", "No, because he walks alone and with 2 guards""But one tip from security told me that he hasn't exited his pieza (?)" [These are fans talking about why Moz changed hotels]. What is sure is that the English singer originally registered at the Hotel Plaza San Francisco, but nevertheless decided to change to the Hotel Carrera, where lodged the rest of the equipment. [?!] "What happened was that a girl tried to get in", "He wasn't happy with the security", "It's that he didn't like it, and he found he had a leak, or I don't know what". There were plenty [of rumors] to choose from when nobody knew they absolute truth. Inside the Carrera, the band that accompanies the artist were less mysterious. Gary Day, the bassist, the skinny type, dressed in Rockabilly style and adorned with tattoos on his arms, avoided with English courtesy to refer to the place that yesterday in the morning they visited [I'm not sure this is correct]. "I don't know, you are asking the wrong person" [Gary Day said]. For his part, the drummer, Spike T. Smith, pretended [?] not to know tonight's show. "We don't want to tell it, we only know a little before the concert." Debbie, the blonde manager of Morrissey, gave a second version, assuring that "the show will be the same as in Mexico, only with a different scene [as in place]." Following her act, the group boarded a van that apparently took them to Estadio Victor Jar to do a sound check. For his part, Jorge Espinoza, producer of La Gargola and the orderer [maybe head, boss] of the tour in Chile assured that he saw Morrissey only when he saved him from a group of fans that were waiting for him at the airport. "This is incredible. Since February 14th I have received every class (type ?) [of people] explaining to me the importance of Morrissey in their lives. It's all very rare [maybe strange?]." The End. So Moz changed hotels and nobody really knows why. That's the gist of it, I guess.
no se nada del espanol
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 15:54:33 (PST) | #5
It took me one hour but this is an accurate translation, given my limitations with the english language. I can't believe he toured the San Cristobal hill, it's my favourite hideaway in Santiago. The view from the top is awesome. This show and the Buenos Aires one promise to be the biggest highlights of the tour. Not to mention Brazil, they're gonna flip out. "We are so glad that you finally decided..."MORRISSEY - FRENETIC SEARCH Uneasiness lingered among the army of fans posted in front of Carrera Hotel yesterday. Unsettled by the mutism and isolation shown by the artist along the "Oye Esteban" tour, the unconditional followers exchanged rumours that could tip them off about the plans their idol has during his visit to Santiago. "Seems like he checked in under the name of 'Steve Riff'", "I was told he went to 'Baños Morales'(a touristic spot) with the band", "That can't be, because he left alone with two bodyguards", "...but one of the hotel clerks told me he hasn't left his room yet"....and so on. What is certain is that the english singer originally checked into the Hotel Plaza San Francisco, however he decided to move to Hotel Carrera where the rest of the crew is. "What happened is that a girl tried to break in". "He wasn't satisfied with the hotel security". "He didn't like it, he said there was a leak on the roof". There are enough versions to pick from when no one knows the absolute truth. Inside the Carrera, the rest of the band were way less misterious. Gary Day, the bassist, a skinny guy dressed like the rockability era and "garnished" with tattoos, avoided with british courtesy to refer about where they would be heading to in the morning: "I really have no clue, I think you're asking the wrong person". Drummer Spike T. Smith said he was unaware of the set list for the show. "We don't want to reveal it, so Moz will tell us shortly before the show". On the other hand, Debbie, Moz's blonde assistant, assured the show would be identical to Mexico's except in a different venue. They eventually departed in a van towards the Victor Jara Stadium for a soundcheck. Jorge Espinoza, producer for La Gargola (spanish for The Gargoyle, probably a chilean singer, and this is funny because thats actually my knickname), and in charge of this tour leg said he cuaght a glimpse of Morrissey only when he rescued him form a group of frenzied fans at the airport. "This is incredible", he said,"ever since February 14 all I've heard from all sorts of people is how important it is for them that Morrissey is coming, given the influence he's been to their lives. It is really strange." Well, is it really so strange? MORRISSEY'S WALK AROUND CERRO SAN CRISTOBAL (SAINT CHRISTOPHER's HILL) On his second day in Chile, the english singer, who debuts tonite in the Estadio de Chile, took a look at Santiago from the heights of the Virgin (a famous monument of Virgin Mary on top of the hill that resembles the famous Rio de Janeiro open-armed Jesus monument) and showed upset about the stalking of the press. Less than 800 tickets out of a total of five thousand were left yesterday for tonight's show With 90 percent of the venue now sold out, the organizers wait to soon run out of tickets for the show in which the singer, popular from his beginnings as a frontman for the Smiths, will perform songs mostly from his solo career, such as "The More You Ignore Me", "Boxers" or "Alma Matters" . In the meantime, the singer continued his tour around the city and shortly before 17 hrs. he was spotted around the Cerro San Cristobal onboard a truck. Wearing a t-shirt of the argentinan soccer club Boca Junior under his shirt, he took a view of the city from the top of the hill and after 15 mts he left notoriously upset about the paparazzi hovering around. Meanwhile, a huge crowd has barricaded the entrance of the hotel Carrera, where he moved after staying the first night (sunday) in the Hotel Plaza San Francisco. According to Ed Mendoza, in charge of security for the tour, he moved because of constant harrassment from the press, plus the fact that he had a restless night. "It is very important for him to rest before the show. He's not quite used to the heat in these countries, plus the height of Mexico city wore him out", said Mendoza. A lot more unnoticed has the rest of the band been, they had a nice dinner out the night of their arrival in a restaurant in Barrio Bellavista. Spike Smith (drums) said the fact that it's his first visit to Chile contributed to the special entusiasm lingering around, and confirmed the lack of hits in the show like Suedehead or Everyday Is Like Sunday. "It's a show of non obvious songs", and also said he has no clue about a new album release: "I'll probably find out one hour before the press", he said.
Stoned Around Sloane Square <[email protected]>
Costa Rica - Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 15:55:30 (PST) | #6
The photo is not very clear, but is HIM doing a walk in a mountain called "Cerro de San Cristóbal",wich is a beautiful place to see the city.The journalists are persecuting MOZ and it´s not to admire that HE is getting annoyed with all this @#!!!. MORRISSEY,you´re more famous then what you think! There´s only 800 tickets on sale from five thousand.This is incredible!This is MORRISSEY!...
The girl of your dreams
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 16:00:25 (PST) | #7
oh yes, Mr. "I am now a was"Well, if nothing else, at least he is finally getting to see it for himself. England is much smaller than the entire south american continet....
suzanne <[email protected]>
you hit me with a flower - Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 16:28:32 (PST) | #8
Hehehe...that "wilderness" photo looks like one of those "I spotted Bigfoot" pics in the Examiner.
Lifeguard Posting
In The Arse of the World (aka CT) - Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 17:46:46 (PST) | #9
okay, now...there is no way in hell that the picture of the old geezer walking in the woods is actually morrissey. ha, ha, ha!!! hmmmm...perhaps there is some comfirming evidence in the article. i'll have to read it. but, that's just too funny! that looks nothing like him! looks like the "press" is, OG perpetratin' a fraud!love,
felipe messina guzman <[email protected]>
s.f. bay area, san mateo-califaztlan - Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 18:01:06 (PST) | #10
Here is a thought and I know this is off topic, but I wanted someone to see this (Maybe even Moz himself). I would love to hear Morrissey do a duet song with Peter Murphy. Haha I know most of you are laughing, but think about it. If you follow both of their careers they have a lot in common. I know that their style is different, but both are touring right now after no new material has been recorded. You can find a lot of similarities in these two and I think there voices could compliment each others fantastically.
Michael <[email protected]>
Texas - Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 20:38:45 (PST) | #11
maybe hitler /w/ ted knight's hair don't!
tony th' pony
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 20:47:10 (PST) | #12
I can't believe that's Steven Morrissey in those bushes. It looks more like Steve Austin a.k.a. "the 6 Million Dollar Man" to me. Ha Ha Ha!
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 21:29:22 (PST) | #13
Being famous is the best thing in the world, isn't it, Morrissey? You @#!!!!
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 22:21:02 (PST) | #14
Oh, that isn't Rod Staiger behind the bushes?
- Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 09:38:23 (PST) | #15
Morrissey in Chile was AMAZING !!!! I was on the first row near the stage and I got a piece of his shirt and a flower he threw to the audience. NOW MY HEART IS FULL...
Nina Simone <[email protected]>
Santiago de Chile - Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 09:59:19 (PST) | #16
Anoche fue demasiado bueno el estadio Victor Jara estaba repleto yo en cancha trataba de avanzar en el tumulto para ubicarme mas próximo se veían los ramos de flores en las primeras filas un gran telon de raso rojo en el fondo del escenario se encienden las luces y comienzan los gritos y la turba empuja hacia adelante yo aprovecho de avanzar aparece Morrissey y la banda comienza a tocar creo que parte con "Hairdresser on fire" La turba salta y grita yo salto con ellos, no puedo ceerlo, tengo a Morrissey frente a mis ojos por primera vez El está de muy buen animo y juguetea con los espectadores hace gestos dice con voz de extrañado pero gustoso "Morrissey" "Morrissey", al parecer le sorprende que lo llamen Morrissey con "e""y" y no "Morrisí" como pronuncian los ingleses. Siguen las canciones, parece que "The More You Ignore Me.." o otra no recuerdo bien. Morrissey grita "Perú" "Mexico" buscando la reacción del publico que son abucheos y pifias Morrissey sonríe, le divierte. dice que cantará canciones de The Smith ya que es su debut en Chile canta "Half a Person" yo me emociono Me doy cuenta que he avanzado bastante hacia el escenario siguen las canciones (no sé en que orden)"Meat is Murder" "Shoplifters of the Wordl United" "Break out your family" y otras Morrissey se saca la camisa y la lanza hacia mi sector, la turba en el instante se lanza tras la camisa , yo logro tocarla y despues la tengo, tironeo, todos tironean la camisa que no se rompe,empujo y tiro con fuerza con mucha mucha fuerza, varios muerden para que se rompa, finalmente se rompe y yo logro obtener un pedazo de 10 por 5 centimetros, estoy feliz Agoté demasiado energía y me siento afixiado, tengo un arañazo en mi brazo que sangra un poco pero es superficial. sigo cantando las canciones, "Boy Racer""Alma Matter""Speedway""Tomorrow" Morrissey cambia las letras de varias canciones, se refiere a la "Lonely Hight Court Judges" como la "Very Stupid British Judges" supongo que por el caso Pinochet, espero que sea porque al maldito lo dejaron libre. pregunta al público "Do you wana go Home?" y obtiene un rotundo "Nooooo", El porfía "Sííí" en español Canta "Billy Bud " y tal ves otra canción y se retira todos piden que vuelva, vuelve vestido con camisa de marinero y canta dulcemente "Last Nigth I dream" yo me estremezco nuevamente y como se dice en buen chileno "quedo pa'dentro" Morrissey se depide nuevamente con toda su banda y se marcha, aparece de fondo la grabación de Frank Sinatra todos entienden que se acabó yo veo la hora ha pasado una hora treinta y cinco minutos y no lo he sentido poco a poco empiezo a bajar en mi euforia veo que la gente se abraza dichosa y satisfecha yo busco en mis bolsillos al trozo de camisa y no la encuentro, sigo revisando y ahí está, la evidencia que todo esto fué real.P.S amigos gringos, ahora a ustedes les va a tocar la tarea de traducir así como lo hago yo con todo lo que está en vuestro idioma, Já
Miguel from Santiago Chile <[email protected]>
- Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 11:55:53 (PST) | #17
I think that Tomorrow in Argentina one his costume changes should be that Boca shirt. That would be so Morrissey ( I love controversy Morrissey). Well at least, that’s what I can conclude from all the fuzz the Argentineans I know make about the Boca vs. River rivalry. They talk with such passion about it even the non Boca/River fans.I can’t believe he was chanting "Peru, Peru" in Chile. He’s got to read this site somewhat.
rob <[email protected]>
- Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 22:15:53 (PST) | #18
I think that picture of Morrissey in the bushes was taken 20 years from now and sent back through time via the internet or whatever. What the hell was that? I am sure they have more flattering pics of him but god forbid they choose to use one. South America sounds pretty chaotic. Do they even have police there?
Frankie Shankly(not Franc or Frank) <[email protected]>
Southern California - Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 22:19:40 (PST) | #19
Frankie Shankly(not Franc or Frank): You sound pretty idiot... do you even have a brain? U know, the world doesn´t end in CA.
Charles Byron <[email protected]>
Buenos Aires - Argentina - Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 05:57:18 (PST) | #20
Please don't think that all of us in Southern California are that idiotic. "Frankie" is one of those imbesils who Morrissey sings about in his songs like Ordinary Boys.No polcie in South America........come on man! are you really that stupid?????!!!!!!!! Stop typing before you think you neanderthal. Stop making the US look bad.
California - Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 08:01:17 (PST) | #21
So cal - Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 08:02:36 (PST) | #22
Well, it was the first time, you know, Morrissey in Chile, and it was PRETTY CHAOTIC. Of course, real fans seen him for the first time. 8 years waiting for this, I was absolutely crazy that night. Use your brain Frankie or don't sign here anymore.
Nina Simone <[email protected]>
Santiago de Chile - Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 08:55:08 (PST) | #23
toda info y la "unica" sobre la llegada a argentina de moz, esta en http://i.am/morrissey-siempre
diego <[email protected]>
argentina - Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 10:49:46 (PST) | #24
Thank you Adrian.....I was beginning to wonder about Californians....but it must be Frankie...Lane perhaps?
- Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 22:34:11 (PST) | #25
De Peru me vine para Santiago,para ver a Moz y estuvo genial el concierto, se que lo veo de una forma subjetiva pero eso es lo importante porque es lo que uno siente. Despues de 10 años de escucharlo finalmente lo vi. Fue demasiado emocionante,increible!. Y si grito Peru,Peru esperando una rechifla total pero la realidad fue muy poca la respuesta por eso lo repitio dos veces y luego digo Mexico, la verdad que los chilenos que he conocido me han tratado bien. Yo grite PERU fuerte. En el aeropuerto llegue hablar con Allain Whyte y resulto ser muy amable,conversamos como cinco minutos, sabia muy poco sobre SudAmerica y lo que mas le sorprendio fue que la pobreza que vio en Mexico. Me dijo WHY?... Este recuerdo de este concierto va a ser lo mas grande que he vivido. Gracias Chile,gracias MOZ,gracias Allain, y que viva el PERU.
Otto Luna <[email protected]>
LIMA PERU - Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 05:59:13 (PST) | #26
Leí con gran desagrado en "MORRISSEYTOUR.COM" un reportaje llamado "MORRISSEY IN THE CHILEAN´S TOILET" o algo así. Este reportaje fué escrito por un "Señor X" (lo llamo así porque no aparece su nombre) y se refiere a la presentación de Morrissey en Chile como un evento desagradable, principalmente porque el lugar de la presentación era a su parecer "horroroso", "hediondo", en resumen como un baño. Con la típica actitud del turista ignorante y despectivo, seguramente el "Señor X" deseaba que el lugar fuera un recinto nuevo, recién pintado y alfombrado, tal vez al mas puro estilo "HighTech" de Calatrava o de un blanco Posmodernismo tipo Richard Meier. Quizás el "Señor X" gusta del estilo "MALL" con decorados plásticos, luminosos y acépticos. Quizás el "Señor X" debería viajar a DisneyLand para poder liberarse de la impresión de pobreza que tiene que haber recibido. El "Señor X" tiene que haber estado horrorizado con la caratula "B" del álbum BONA DRAG donde Morrissey aparece junto a un viejo poste en un sucio barrio con muros sin pintura y sin estuco, lo mismo tiene que haber sentido con varios videos y fotos. El estadio Victor Jara efectivamente no es el lugar mas lindo y aseado de Santiago, es un lugar viejo y mal mantenido. Pero para algunas personas los lugares oscuros, sin decoros y con aparente abandono permiten muchas cosas, por ejemplo que aparezca con mayor fuerza y belleza lo verdadero y dulce de Morrissey, la profundidad y simplicidad de The Smith´s en un espectáculo que está muy lejos de toda la parafernalia de esplosiones, luces y lujuria del que se afanan otros cantantes. Francamente "Señor X" usted no debería venir a Sudamérica con Morrissey usted debería estar en un tour de RICKY MARTIN por Cancún. I DID´NT MEAN TO BE SO DELICATE, BUT I MUST SPEAK : F U C K Y O U "MR.X"!!
Miguel <[email protected]>
santiago - Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 12:56:10 (PST) | #27
FRANKLY "MR. X" I thus read with great displeasure in " MORRISSEYTOUR.COM " a called news article " MORRISSEY IN THE CHILEAN´S TOILET " or something. This news article was written by " Mr. X " (I call it thus because it does not appear his name) and upon presentment talks about of Morrissey in Chile like a disagreeable event, mainly because the place of the presentation was to his to seem " horrible", " stinky ", in summary as a bath. With the typical attitude of the ignorante and contemptuous tourist, surely " Mr. X " wished that the place was a new enclosure, just painted and carpeted, perhaps to but the pure style " HighTech " of Calatrava or a White Posmodernism of Richard Meier. Perhaps " Mr. X " pleases of style " MALL " with plastic, luminous and aseptic scenery. Perhaps " Mr. X " would have to travel to DisneyLand to be able to free itself of the poverty printing that he has to have received. " Mr. X " must been have horrified with caratula " B " of album BONA DRAG where Morrissey appears next to an old post in a dirty district with walls without painting and stucco, the same he must have felt with several videos and photos. The stage Victor Jara indeed is not the most pretty and cleaned up place of Santiago, it is an old and bad maintained place. But for some people the dark places, without decoration and with apparent abandonment allow many interesting things, for example that appear with greater force and true beauty the sweet thing of Morrissey, the depth and simplicity of The Smith´s in a spectacle that is very far from all the equipment of explosions, lights and lujuria of which other singers vainglori. Frankly " Mr. X " you would not have to come to South America with Morrissey you would have to be in tour of RICKY MARTIN by Cancún. I DID´NT MEAN TO BE SO DELICATE, BUT I MUST SPEAK: F U C K Y O U " MR.X "!
Miguel from Santiago Chile <[email protected]>
- Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 17:30:24 (PST) | #28
???that's what people got with their charitable donation to moztour.com girls? damnit, when you go into areas typically exploited by the west, you are not going to find a very high standard of living. ...tourists....
suzanne <[email protected]>
remember Allende - Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 00:06:45 (PST) | #29
Well if there were any cops we sure as hell did not see any. Chaotic indeed!!
Alain, Spike and Boz
- Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 22:57:04 (PST) | #30
That is George Best in the second picture
MANCHESTER - Sat, Apr 22, 2000 at 15:55:44 (PDT) | #31