"The Return Of Linderland" opens in Manchester
Posted on Tue, Mar 28 2000 at 10:36 a.m. PST
by David T. <[email protected]>
From R.A. Allen:

The Return of Linderland officially opened on Friday at the Cornerhouse in Manchester. As reported previously it is a film and photographic representation of not so distant similarities between the people of Manchester and those depicted in spaghetti Westerns. Linder pulls of a fantastic Clint Eastwood impression in a few photos!

Incidentally, the camera work was credited to one Aaron Starkie who could have been seen in the car park behind Salisbury City Hall after the Morrissey show travelling at speed in a shopping trolley, while entertaining all with heartfelt renditions of many a Smiths classic. A bright future for the boy!

The exhibition is on until May and the Cornerhouse can be found on the corner of Oxford road and Whitworth Street.

From Esteban:

The Linder Sterling exhibition is running until early May and I suggest that any one in the North west of England visits it...

The images juxtapose gun-slinging cowboys against modern day gun-slinging gangsters, with Linder herself in the photos, dressed as Clint Eastwood, puffing on a cigarello... a book may well follow soon.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

i've always been into linder sterling & her uncle michael bracewell, but when i saw him clip-clopping around cornerhouse gallery 2 in a pair of leather chaps asking people to give him a lump of sugar i lost all respect. that isn't art!

Billy Chorlton
- Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 12:43:59 (PDT) | #1

Perhaps she is responsible for the cowboy style morrissey as seen in her book Morrissey Shot. He looks a right sad bugger in a cowboy hat.

MANCHESTER - Sat, Apr 22, 2000 at 15:49:11 (PDT) | #2

Lola darling...that cowboy hat your refering to is rock-a-billy.

Moz cowboy <[email protected]>
Long Beach - Sat, Apr 22, 2000 at 20:20:42 (PDT) | #3

* return to Morrissey-solo