Comments / Notes
this must be a mistake. 10 disc to comprise of only 4 years of morrissey songs (1988-1991). Then there must be some unreleased songs i haven't heard then. WOW 10 disc covering 4 years. I would like to see how they stretch that into 10 disc.or am i missing something. Does disc mean cd. cause 33 songs for 10 disc means 3.3 songs on each disc. i'm confused.
Moz cowboy <[email protected]>
long beach ca - Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 17:18:59 (PST) | #1
The text on Siren's site that says "from Suedehead to Interesting Drug" is wrong. The number of singles Morrissey produced from 88-91 happens to be exactly 10, and the "extra" three tracks that make it 33 tracks total will be from Suedehead, Everyday is Like Sunday and Pregnant for the Last Time which all had four tracks apeice.
GurgleJerk <[email protected]>
- Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 19:26:19 (PST) | #2
Hello, Here is something I posted on Deja.com no more than 5 minutes ago. I haven't done much research on this lately so some of you might like to see this: Hey there, I have "The Singles Collection 1986-1992 Limited Edition 13 CD Box" which I got for Xmas back in 92. I haven't been able to find anything out about it on the web. When I got it, there was room for 2 more singles which I filled when "Your Arsenal" came out ("Tomorrow" and "Certain People I Know") Does anyone else out there have this box set? As I said earlier, I haven't been able to find any info on the web and record stores don't know anything about it. It's pretty cool. I have #1321 so I assume that at least a few thousand of these were produced. In case anyone is curious, here are the singles in the set (don't have time now to list all the B-sides, there's about 3-4 per disc, sorry) Suedehead Everyday is like Sunday The Last Of the International Playboys Interesting Drug Ouija Board, Ouija Board, November Spawned a Monster Piccadilly Palare Our Frank Sing Your Life Pregnant for the Last Time My Love Life We Hate it When Our Friends Become Successful You're the One For Me Fatty (plus the 2 I added) I'm kind of curious if it's worth anything. I doubt it. I know it cost over $120 when it came out in 92, tho. Here is the quote from the back of the insert card:Singing songs to no particular gender, Morrissey has always championed the winners as well as the underdog. This collection of songs from 1986 to the present day are as much about being in love as it is a hopeful reminder to the kid who always got picked last in gym class, that there really is a light that never goes out. The little girls understand, the little boys understand, and most importantly Steven Patrick Morrissey understands..." Richard Elioff So, if anyone has any input, let me know. Best Wishes from Austin, TX K.
Austin - Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 19:59:19 (PST) | #3
As far as I know there were 5000 of the boxes made. I'm not sure on that though. I saw one on the net selling for $300 and a record store here in Salt Lake has one that they are asking $450 for. They're a good thing to have. Speaking of rare singles...anyone know what the etched 7" of Hairdresser is going for these days?
Jeremy Harmon <[email protected]>
SLC - Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 22:03:39 (PST) | #4
Hey Kevin, I have that box set too but I don't that much about it either. I got mine about six months ago and I paid $300 for it but it's autographed on the top so I'm not sure how much it would be without it. I heard that there were 5000 released as well a while back. I'm sure that it's worth a good chunk of cash anyhow. Cheers, Katie
- Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 14:11:38 (PDT) | #5
*cool*.....i'll have to go out and buy it soon. *MOZ* Rocks!!!!!!
MorrisseyGirl <[email protected]>
- Fri, Apr 07, 2000 at 08:39:56 (PDT) | #6
Kevin(and others),I'm waiting for that box set coming in the mail, the 86-92 set that is. I'm wondering about the difference between it and the one mentioned here. 10 cd's for those years? seems a bit odd, but i could just be tired. i paid a little over 140$ for the 86-92 set. Is there just "tomorrow" and "certain people..." excluded?
Aaron T <[email protected]>
- Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 00:38:02 (PDT) | #7
Do you know a supplier who sale this box in England? because Siren disc sale it only in USA and CanadaThank to help me Pascal
pascal <[email protected]>
- Fri, Apr 14, 2000 at 12:03:05 (PDT) | #8