Comments / Notes
thank you for the morrissey frustration page! i was so looking forward to the philadelphia show which, although quite early on, he canceled!!!!! does he think everyone is just gonna be fine w/it?? some of us wait several years just to see you again and enjoy your performance live! COME BACK TO PHILLY!!!!!
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 12:11:38 (PST) | #1
Oh get over it. The show was cancelled.
Johnny Marr
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 13:11:24 (PST) | #2
Boy, what whiners! I'm glad all the problems of the world have been solved, which must be the case if the one thing which inspires them to create a web page to vent anger is a cancelled rock concert.
LoafingOaf <[email protected]>
%00 - Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 15:01:31 (PST) | #3
Nothing better to do with your time than create a whine-a-thon page? You're giving Moz fans a bad name... not doing anything to refute the stereotype.
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 16:05:19 (PST) | #4
ohh! get over it! you should have driven to akron! if you were truly a fan, my boys drove all the way from atlanta in a day!
vivamoz <[email protected]>
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 16:27:14 (PST) | #5
We think you should use your talents to design a web site so that fans can stretch your face into a more pleasing picture
Andre & Mike
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 16:27:28 (PST) | #6
oh god! some of us here in the Pittsburgh area still want to see him you know?! This was totally unecessary and I guess you just can't understand that he's not playing cruel tricks on us.
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 18:14:06 (PST) | #7
if you really wanted to see him, you could just give up your job and fly to south america to see him. people have more control over your life than they realize.
- Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 21:46:08 (PST) | #8
Can I ask you people something? WERE YOUR SHOWS CANCELLED???? you'd be moaning and groaning too and lying if you say you wouldn't.
shaye smith
Midland, PA - Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 05:39:04 (PST) | #9
yes people do have the right to moan, but this is a bit much I'd say. it isn't helping at all...that is for sure.and some of us can't just up and fly to south america you know....I mean I just turned 16...so I don't have a job, can't drive, and I would do that if I could but we don't all have the means.
PA - Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 12:39:15 (PST) | #10
Can we also moan about how poor Morrissey's last two albums have been? About how short his concerts are? About how he skips every song that most fans want to hear?I will visit that page often! Cheers, good work!
Morrissey Sucks
- Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 14:16:43 (PST) | #11
I too was planning on seeing Moz in Pittsburgh, however, I also went to see him in New York at Roseland two days before the Pitt show so it was not terribly hard on me. Nevertheless, I was "truly dissapointed."
Steve <[email protected]>
- Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 18:00:35 (PST) | #12
I for one think the page is great! To the rest of you please don't tell anyone what to do or how to feel. If people want to be upset for the rest of their lives, so what? To Crimson: I think it is really pathetic for anyone to give up their job and follow Morrissey to South America or anywhere else for that matter. Thoes people are the ones who give Moz fans a bad name as patheic losers who do nothing but sit around the house and wait for Moz to tour to leave the house!
blah blah
- Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 19:30:30 (PST) | #13
How do you know when an aeroplane has landed in the U.S.A.?Well,the engines have been switched off,but you can still hear whining.For fex sake my leetle yankee friends,where would you be if OUR Steven had decided never to take his thoughts beyond his bedroom?Kill yourself or get over it--the choice is yours.
London,oh London. - Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 19:39:24 (PST) | #14
Well, I must come across as soft following the posting of a hardcore woman like Patricia, but I'll give it my best. Well, I do not live in America or Europe or South America, so I have never got to see Morrissey live.....except on Live at Dallas video.And, I guess if you're 16 it's hard to elope by yourself to South America....but I'm sure the women there would make it more than worthwhile.
- Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 19:43:17 (PST) | #15
Patricia, are you sure you're not greastea? If not, I suggest the two of you get married! Telling people to kill themselves. You two are a match made in heaven!
blah blah
- Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 22:00:47 (PST) | #16
blah blah- Finally, someone with some sense. That is refreshing here, that is.
Morrissey Sucks
- Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 12:53:20 (PST) | #17
Oh my beautiful lad My StevenWhen will you return to me? I can keep a tidy house... and grow geraniums, too. Stay handsome, Steven. I know you hate the name Steven... but that's the name I scream in the deep dark of the night...when I am so lonely. You have the body of a soccer player-cop. Carousel... in the sand dunes... in the grotto... Come back soon!!! Love, Bosie.
Bosie <[email protected]>
Coming soon to a theatre near you... - Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 19:34:46 (PST) | #18
Great poem Bosie! :) I want to see Morrissey back in Pittsburgh more than anything! Doesn't he love us? :(
Penny Penguin
PA - Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 19:41:46 (PST) | #19
I have sense.
- Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 16:48:22 (PDT) | #20
Patricia - those were quality comments you made , and it is significant that Moz's best work was produced while living and working in Manchester .
Eamon Hanka <[email protected]>
ENGLAND - Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 10:11:19 (PDT) | #21
we here in rochdale have been waiting for moz to return since he last played here, in 1983. i met him that day, and he said to me, "what rochdale does today, chorlton-on-medwick does tomorrow." i've never washed my ears since. come back to rochdale, morrissey, please!!!
Billy Chorlton
Rochdale - Tue, Apr 11, 2000 at 14:30:32 (PDT) | #22