"Shyness is nice" - L.A. Times |
Posted on Wed, Mar 15 2000 at 9:17 a.m. PST by
David T.
<[email protected]>
From DJJonLenin:
minor, but some editor at the L.A. Times if
obviously a Smiths fan. Check out the sub-head of
this article...
the Pain Out of Painfully Shy
- A research finds that shyness doesn't have to stop
you from doing all the things in life you'd like to.
At the core of our existence lies a powerful drive
to be with other people. There is much evidence that
in the absence of human contact, people fall apart
physically and mentally; they experience more
sickness, stress and suicide than well-connected
individuals. For all too many people, however,
shyness is the primary barrier to meeting that basic
For more than two decades, I have been studying
shyness. And in 1995, shyness pioneer Philip
Zimbardo, PhD, and I summed up 20 years of research,
concluding that the incidence of shyness is
increasing. I also ran a small survey that included
five open-ended questions asking the shy about their
* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.
Comments / Notes
That's lovely.
Unruly girl
- Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 12:09:32 (PST) | #1
Shyness is the Devil's creation
Mr. Seriousface
- Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 16:51:52 (PST) | #2
This artical is the best way of describing shyness ever. I would like to thank the doc myself. Morrissey has a lot of secrets that make him irisitable.
AJA <[email protected]>
SB - Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 14:40:19 (PST) | #3
* return to Morrissey-solo |