"Shyness is nice" - L.A. Times
Posted on Wed, Mar 15 2000 at 9:17 a.m. PST
by David T. <[email protected]>
From DJJonLenin:

It's minor, but some editor at the L.A. Times if obviously a Smiths fan. Check out the sub-head of this article...

Taking the Pain Out of Painfully Shy
- A research finds that shyness doesn't have to stop you from doing all the things in life you'd like to.

By BERNARDO CARDUCCI, Psychology Today

At the core of our existence lies a powerful drive to be with other people. There is much evidence that in the absence of human contact, people fall apart physically and mentally; they experience more sickness, stress and suicide than well-connected individuals. For all too many people, however, shyness is the primary barrier to meeting that basic need.

For more than two decades, I have been studying shyness. And in 1995, shyness pioneer Philip Zimbardo, PhD, and I summed up 20 years of research, concluding that the incidence of shyness is increasing. I also ran a small survey that included five open-ended questions asking the shy about their experiences.


* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

That's lovely.

Unruly girl
- Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 12:09:32 (PST) | #1

Shyness is the Devil's creation

Mr. Seriousface
- Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 16:51:52 (PST) | #2

This artical is the best way of describing shyness ever. I would like to thank the doc myself. Morrissey has a lot of secrets that make him irisitable.

AJA <[email protected]>
SB - Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 14:40:19 (PST) | #3

* return to Morrissey-solo