Comments / Notes
Poor Morrissey :(~Cheers~
Eileen <[email protected]>
Miami, Fl - Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 16:42:56 (PST) | #1
He will come back to us, I know he will.
- Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 17:01:18 (PST) | #2
Wow...I feel sorry for you guys. Isn't that 2 in a row for pittsburgh? Hmm...I hope he reschedules and makes it up to you guys. Stretch Out and Wait...
Javier Obregon <[email protected]>
Montclair, CA - Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 17:42:55 (PST) | #3
Morrissey, from the bottom of my heart, I truly hope you feel better, you've just been on tour non-stop, you needed a break.I'm sure everyone from Pittsburgh understands.With nothing more to say but; WE ALL ADORE YOU, AND WE HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON! QUE VIVA ESTEBAN !!!
ambar <[email protected]>
- Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 17:45:05 (PST) | #4
Looks like back spasms are contagious. They're brought on by little germs known as Morrissey fans.I've had a headache for the past 4 days, so I know a bit how ya feel. Get to bed, you.
TV hurt eyes - Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 18:04:46 (PST) | #5
PGH - Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 19:19:31 (PST) | #6
Is this for real? He really cancelled the show? I'm coming all the way from CA for the shows on Sat. & Sun. and if he cancels I will die!
- Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 19:59:25 (PST) | #7
I couldn't believe when the guy made that announcement after I stood outside for about 40 min in the supid cold. I've waited so long for this moment Morrissey. I worked a 20 hour shift at work Sunday/Monday just so I was able to go to the show. I'm not exaggerating either. Morrissey please tell us you'll be back here. Hope you feel better soon.
shaye smith
truly disappointed in Midland, PA - Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 20:05:27 (PST) | #8
I couldn't believe it when the guy made the announcement after I stood for about 40 minutes in the stupid cold. I even worked a 20 hour shift Sunday/Monday just so I could make the show tonight. I'm not exaggerating either. Morrissey PLEASE tell us your're coming back for us. Hope you feel better soon.
shaye smith
Truly disappointed in Midland, PA - Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 20:10:56 (PST) | #9
watching with a grin
loose angeleez - Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 20:31:38 (PST) | #10
hey guys, calm down! I was as pissed as you when they announced it, but Moz couldn't help it...he wanted to play and it's not like he's trying to screw us over. he'll be back.
Corey <[email protected]>
- Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 20:41:35 (PST) | #11
awwww! poor baby...I hope you get better, suzzz ~ah~ Morrissey :)
- Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 20:47:24 (PST) | #12
Lie still, lie still, O passionate heart, lie still!-Oscar Wilde- "The Burden of Itys" Rest up Morrissey and Feel Better Soon!! He knows we'd love to see him! Take Care Of Yourself!
- Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 20:47:54 (PST) | #13
Morrissey............AGAIN cancels Pittsburgh "theres gonna be some trouble.......a whole town will need rebuilding......and everyone I don't love in the town will recline on an analyst's couch quite soon" maybe it was just easier to go to Boston(and the big money) from Hamilton, ON.,than stop in "steelmill town that the forgot to close down"
- Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 20:53:36 (PST) | #14
truly disappointed....truly, truly, truly, awwwwwwww......Get better soon, there Mr. Moz ! I have tix for a date later this month and hope for a quick recovery !! You are truly AWESOME live !!! Hopefully for Pittsburgh's sake, he'll reschedule. And if he does, I'll be there !!!!
DISAPPOINTED and distraght
- Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 03:42:10 (PST) | #15
this is the 2nd time this tour i have flown to see a show that was cancelled at the last minute..all i got was to barely hear a soundcheck...dont you hate it when you catch a back spasm from someone??morrissey hasnt played pittsburgh since the smiths (ii think)...i should have known not to come here..but i will see you in boston etc...
@#!!!tsburgh pa - Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 04:26:21 (PST) | #16
I understand these things happen, but why the hell did it go to the last minute. They must have known he wasn't gonna go on long before show time. I left for the concert at 5:30 PM and they were still promoting it on the radio.
Pittsburgh, PA - Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 08:12:41 (PST) | #17
The only thing that upsets me about this cancellation is that it wasn't until 1/2 hour before the start time. Lots of time wasted, lots of money wasted, then we hit the Southside and got wasted... Many friend drove in from up to 4 hours away for this show. Aggghhhh... I won't be holding my breath for a re-schedule anytime soon, but I hope he does. Take some Aleve, the wonder drug, and buck up little camper.
- Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 09:08:08 (PST) | #18
Morrissey is the BIGGEST BABY in the world. First his career is in the dumps. No record label wants him, his output as late has been crap at best and laughable at worst. Now a backache and headache. He better get it together or maybe his last bit of income, from touring, will dry-up too. Boo-Hoo
- Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 10:23:26 (PST) | #19
That Gary Lanning person, what an arshole ! You needed to stay home and listen to your backstreet boys / 'nsync / 98 degrees / britney spears cd's anyways !! You probably have everyone of their cd's ever made !!! GO PLAY WITH YOURSELF, YOUR PROBABLY GAY ANYWAYS !!!!
- Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 10:49:14 (PST) | #20
Hey Papa Jackoff you seem to know the names of those bands quite well.
Gary Lanning
- Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 12:06:40 (PST) | #21
Aww, Grandpa threw his back out and has a headache. Take some Flexeril and get back on that stage!
Rubber Ring
USA - Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 13:10:13 (PST) | #22
I'm writing a new screenplay about a porthole to Morrissey's brain- the headache he so suddenly got makes it a tight fit in here, but you get to see/hear him laughing as he cancels show after show!
- Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 13:53:15 (PST) | #23
It really seems like "nobody loves us," especially Morrissey! :~( Please, please, please let us get what we want (like a date between ME and NJ or before CA!)
- Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 14:31:07 (PST) | #24
I hope you�re alright, Morrissey! We know that you been working hardly, but I must see you VERY SOON!PLEASE MORRISSEY!!!
- Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 14:49:19 (PST) | #25
I too suffer from migraines, and you can't plan on getting them...and once you do you can't do anything...especially perform in front of tons of people.Lets all just hope for a fast recovery, texas shows, and get on with it.
TexASS (arse) - Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 14:52:50 (PST) | #26
I think when journalists make snide comments about the age of his audience, they forget to figure in their mental age.
and it pretty much evens out - Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 16:48:51 (PST) | #27
huh?Posting in the wrong page again, Suzanne? :-)
- Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 17:10:01 (PST) | #28
Morrissey with back pains? First it was Alain.... now Morrissey; first it was Las Vegas, now this. This can't be happening. Hmmm.... maybe it's Alain again. Maybe they got the two mixed up. Mistakes do happen, just like when they thought one time that Morrissey was a fan/stage rusher and he got thrown out during the encore. Hmmm.... I wonder. In any case, I hope you get better. Looking forward to the rest of the tour.
rays_keen <"Now My Heart Is Empty...">
- Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 17:14:48 (PST) | #29
i too get migraines and they are horrendous. it is IMPOSSIBLE to do anything. i hope our little mozzy feels better soon:) XOXOXO TO MOZZY
orange county - Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 17:37:41 (PST) | #30
Morrissey, these long tours are obviously unhealthy, I recommend you pack your bags and head back home to Los Angeles where we miss you dearly. I have been feeding your cat but it's not the same without your bright smile around here. Cancel the tour, let's have a cup of tea and talk about music or books.
Los Angeles - Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 18:00:39 (PST) | #31
"you can't always get what you want..."shame on those of you that are so quick to talk s*%!t. musicians and singers are humans, too. and can't be expected to perform like trained animals until they drop dead in ill-health plagued misery. "...don't lose faith." love,
felipe messina guzman <[email protected]>
s.f. bay area, san mateo-aztlan - Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 18:11:00 (PST) | #32
Morrissey doesn't need to play for your helpless souls in Pitsburgh! And as for Garry Lanning you are a twat! Mozzer belongs in Manchester England and I will forever be a Salford Lad unlike you Yanks!!!
MANCHESTER - Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 18:17:23 (PST) | #33
Dan,#19Whats your deal man? If Morrissey's Career was in the Dumps He wouldn't have any fans! At least he is doing something! I feel you are just a bitter a**hole and I think you suck! Morrissey is the Best! No record label doesn't want Morrissey cos he is probally one of the very few people in the record Industry with Talent and Emotion! Dan I bet you like MTV music don't you? Gary, Why are you soo damn hostile towards Morrissey? Huh are you mad cos he cancelled? Well I would be a bit angry too but give some respect to the MAN! Please! Nick, Yanks is a very racist comment! I don't appriciate that! England hates Morrissey thats why he lives in America! Americans appriciate Morrissey unlike your country treating him like an outsider or like Trash! So I suggest shut your cake hole! I surely do hope Morrissey gets better! I would really love to see him do a Texas Show!
Anna! <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 19:03:33 (PST) | #34
i'm saying something about the childishness of many people.....
and it pretty much evens out - Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 00:17:31 (PST) | #35
You know I wish I could see all your sad puffy faces. There's nothing funnier than a whole crowd of monkeyjacks with sullen pouty pouts or angry scowls. I especially think it is funny so many travelled many miles and hours only to be met with Cancell-la-la-la-elation-shun shun. Hah ahahahhhhaaa..Morrisey, you go dawggie diggity dawgie cat! You are a man after my own heart, to incite a large crowd is just too damn funny. I wish Moozy Moz would have photocopied his ass and handed them out to you jackmutts with the words: I cancelled thanks for understanding. Man, if I travelled 20 hours to get there and he cancelled on me, sure I'd be higgy hoggy pissed but guess what? didn't happen to me..man am i laughing and giggling as I choke my hamsters to the tune of Interlude..hoo hoo
Greasetea <[email protected]>
In NeoPittsburg - Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 01:52:34 (PST) | #36
Apologies to all the American citizens! Although I have no offence to our national stereotype of "Limeys" I am sorry to any offence called. We LOVE MOZ In England only the press don't! "England For The English!"
MANCHESTER - Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 05:25:08 (PST) | #37
Poor Morrissey? He has suckered all of you in to believing he has any worth in the music industry. Aren't any of you sick of the "poor me" routine that has been going on for 15+ years? I have been a listening to Morrissey since '84 and I have to admit that he is getting old, tiring, and lacks anything useful to say...
- Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 08:02:58 (PST) | #38
Dan,There you go again! How dare you speak one of my idols that way! In your opinion Morrissey's music has turned into crap! But your opinion means jackity shmack to me! Morrissey has something that no Artist has ( Talent and Emotion)! Who cares if he doesn't have a record company, at least he is not being controlled like a puppet by some buisness freak that doesn't know jack sh*t about music! Morrissey has never been boring its just his soo called fans are a**holes and don't realize that the times are changing! But oh well how would I know anything Im stupid and young! But give some thought in what you say? Ok! Suzanne, Are you refering to me being Childish! Well if you are, LET ME inform you, THAT I AM A CHILD! Okkie Dokkie! Peace Love and Morrissey and Geri POWER! hehehehe AnNa lalalalala
Anna! <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 09:05:13 (PST) | #39
Blimmin' 'eck! Hasn't America made Morrissey soft! Give him a Nurofen and bung him on the stage!Stop whinging, yer big jessie!
A mind consumed by brass (money)
The North Of you-know-where.... - Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 09:31:26 (PST) | #40
Anna honey. Obviously my opinion does mean "jackity shmack" to you or why would you carry on like you do? Oh yes, you already said it about yourself, "oh well how would I know anything I'm stupid and young!" and also, "THAT I AM A CHILD! Okkie Dokkie"Anna, put your efforts towards something productive. If only Anna used her energy for good, instead of evil�
- Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 12:42:03 (PST) | #41
you know, Anna, i find a certain pattern about you. You always think I'm out to get you for some reason. I don't know why. What I said wasn't even for you, ya big doofus.It's starting to resemble that case of the guy who got a seizure every time he heard Leeza Gibbon's voice.
and it pretty much evens out - Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 14:47:35 (PST) | #42
I am not above begging and pleading. Morrissey, Please,please,please, please, please come back to Pittsburgh! We do love you and hope you feel better soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 16:14:38 (PST) | #43
Suzanne,Maybe you should address your Comment to who ever its supposed to go to ok! Dan, Im really begining to not like you! I first off want to get my P.O.V. across! I really don't care what you think! About the whole Im stupid and young thing, it was sarcasm ya know! Cos its seems to me you are like one of Morrissey middle aged fans that treat younger fans (such as myself) like Garbage! Okkie Dokkie! Oh thanks for your comments Dan and Suzanne, I apprieciate other people's opinions about me! They boost my self esteem or it doesn't affect it at all! PEACE LOVE Morrissey and Geri POWER! AnNa
Anna! <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 17:30:37 (PST) | #44
We understand, Moz, please come back to us when you get well.
Dane McGowan <[email protected]>
- Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 17:37:16 (PST) | #45
I was very disappointed that Moz had to cancel last-minute like that. I skipped a day of classes and drove 6 hours to be greeted with that kind of news. I guess it could be legit, but it would be quite understandable if it was not. I think Morrissey has forgotten that his fans have made it possible for him to still live the rockstar lifestyle long after his true rockstar status has left him. Pittsburgh is not exactly the pinnacle of american civilization, and I can say this after spending the last 3 days there, but a commitment is a commitment. Morrissey, please take the cock out of your ass and come back to Pittsburgh. Maybe you could make it on a weekend. That would be much better. Thanks a lot. p.s. Good luck getting a record deal when you can't even show up to your shows. Bye!
- Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 17:55:24 (PST) | #46
Anna- Sweetness, oh sweetness, I was only joking when I said I'd like to smash every tooth in your head�
- Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 17:56:18 (PST) | #47
I have to go with Anna.
Lon <[email protected]>
Van Horn, TX - Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 19:00:55 (PST) | #48
Morrissey is alive and well in reality and in our hearts... He is human and he needs to be loved...especially when he has back spasms and migraines...so calm down and listen to a cd for while..
Kittyjean2 <[email protected]>
Pittsburgh - Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 21:03:04 (PST) | #49
Suzanne,you should talk about being childish! Sitting there at home (or whereever) and continually writing on this website is somewhat childish to me...and to top it off, trying to write a response to sound so intelligent...your an ass like that gary lanning person....quit being a hypocrite!! GO AWAY !!! or should i make it sound intelligent like you....PLEASE VACATE THE PREMISES !!! hahahaha
- Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 03:52:28 (PST) | #50
For someone who has such a loyal fan base, it's really unbelievable how much he can screw them. Back spasms, Migraines ... they're just an excuse. If he didn't want to play Pittsburgh, fine then don't schedule it. The show had to be moved to a bigger venue due to support and then he cancels 1/2 hour before. He can go to hell I hope he doesn't reschedule. (I can't wait to read the backlash) I'm a fan and will continue to listen to and buy Morrissey CDs. But people must separate the work from the man. The work is very good, the man is an @#!!! who deserves niether thinking or talking about. (I realize the contradiction of writing this on a Morrissey site)
- Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 08:38:54 (PST) | #51
obviously, if you have been keeping tabs on how often I write, then you have less of a life than I do.
I'm giving you bronchitis as we speak - Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 10:06:28 (PST) | #52
Has anyone heard anything about a potential reschedule date? Ticketmaster was supposed to be giving refunds to everyone who gave up on him this morning... Anyone, anyone?
Pittsburgh - Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 18:29:28 (PST) | #53
i dont know if it was legit or not. i dont know if it was back spasms or the venue or the promoter being a dick or if that dress i wore realy is cursed. all i know is that my ex-boyfriend looked so sad with that boquet of roses. he always did love you more than he did me.
pittsburgh - Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 19:09:17 (PST) | #54
feb. 17 was a really sad night for a lot of people, i knew a lot of people that came a LONG way for the show.. but none of the people i know would bash morrissey the way some of you are.. i hope he comes back too, but really don't think it is going to happen. morrissey i love you very much, and if you just hate pittsburgh than so be it, i don't think it's the most incredible place on earth, to say the least, myself.
not to shake your hands
pittsburgh - Tue, Feb 22, 2000 at 13:51:58 (PST) | #55
To Mr. Gary Lanning (and I use that term loosely!) : That "DIE" comment was wrong ! DO NOT attend his rescheduled concert. We know who you are and it won't be pretty. Morrissey is awesome LIVE, too bad YOU won't get the chance to witness it !!!
Come to wish you an unhappy birthday!!
Dravosburg - Wed, Feb 23, 2000 at 04:41:22 (PST) | #56
the hysteria has yet to die down! we are reduced to insulting and namecalling -eachother, cities, venues, and the Moz himself...ohh well, we'll never learn...screw you, yes you! you self-righteous, holier-than-thou, Wilde reading, tea sippin', meat eatin', cow rustlin', f'ing fakes...this includes the aforementioned God...er...Morrissey. I hope you read this site and bathe in the vitrol the fans have to offer- open up- wide to receive- take it straight up the arse! responses welcome -even idiotic ones-thanks for making me feel important.
- Wed, Feb 23, 2000 at 18:09:06 (PST) | #57
I was crushed, absolutely crushed. This was going to be my first time seeing him, and now, I'm totally not optimistic about the chances of him coming back, it's been since when, 1986? And recently, I heard someone draw the paralell of Moz to "Haley's Comet." Not Good. I cried. I stood there, jaw dropped. It was all I talked about for days, and then...postponed??? I was a bit late getting there due to circumstances beyond my control, but that was okay, I wasn't too concerned with the opening act, anyway. I didn't hear it announced on the radio, because of course I had in a Moz CD! (Southpaw, at the time) So when we pull into the parking lot right across from the AJ Palumbo, there's many vacant spaces. Why didn't I think anything of that? It wasn't until I got out and saw that big, horrible, dreaded, god-forsaken electronic sign thing flashing the glum announcement, and depressed looking crowds of mostly males ages 25 to 35 wearing black head to toe standing around outside (which I still though nothing of) that I knew. It hit hard. Please come back, Morrissey, I really can't fly to Argentina this summer...
J.B. <[email protected]>
Pittsburgh, PA - Thu, Feb 24, 2000 at 10:44:02 (PST) | #58