Comments / Notes
Backed by a 3 piece band??? The hits that made him like "Panic," "Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others" or "Sheila Take a Bow." Not even "The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get."Oh yeah I forgot...these placed #1, 2, 3, and 4 on the greatist Rock hits of all time. This guy needs to write about something he knows about, but then how does one make a living writing about nothing?
80's pop icon
- Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 10:12:16 (PST) | #1
I totally agree with this guy. I am a avid Morrissey fan going to every concert in the L.A., San Diego, and surrounding areas since The Smiths days. I was however very disappointed with Morrissey's recent shows. The reporter is right, he looks bored! To me it seems as though Morrrissey is purposely playing the songs that we don't want to hear. Yes, Meat is Murder, Half A person, Someone on your side, and a few others, are great songs, but be realistic Who really wants to hear Roy's Keen, and Alma Matter again? The other thing that is wrong with Morrissey shows is the lack of any variety. Is it really that hard to change up the setlist from night to night? I went to a Morrissey concert in August and then again in Dec. and heard the exact same setlist! If Morrissey wants to show people that he still has a place in present music then he need to prove it! A new album and more inspired live performances would be a good start!
A concerned fan!
- Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 10:49:23 (PST) | #2
Morrissey is proving that a dead hero is a good hero...The more I visit this site and check on what Morrissey is doing the more disillusioned I become with him..If all you Morrissey fans can sit back and eat this @#!!! up...more power to you...I'll pretend that he went to prison or something. Hell with these shows he's putting on... he should go. Morrissey your ass should go straight to STARNGEWAYS...
javi <[email protected]>
- Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 12:14:53 (PST) | #3
gee.... i'm worried now... all this talk about moz doing "half-a-show" is making me wonder if my first moz concert is going to leave a bad impression on him... you guys are scaring me!!! but then again all these people are complaining about him singing the same songs as in previous concerts... ha-ha, like i said: this is my first concert of moz!!! i know moz is going to be wonderful!!!!
dean2000 <[email protected]>
calif, arse o' the world - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 12:15:45 (PST) | #4
i agree with you, dave2000. i saw moz for the first time last dec. in san diego and la and i really didn't care about the setlist...that part is irrelevant when you're flying all the way to finally see him. i don't care if he comes to mexico and sing the same songs....i'll be in the 3 concerts, no matter what. maybe next tour i'll be bored, who knows? but not yet.....
gabriel <[email protected]>
- Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 12:55:35 (PST) | #5
dean200: don't worry, seeing moz for the first time is extremely exciting, so the songs he sings are irrelevant. maybe all that lucky fans who have followed him in so many tours can get bored. there's a lot more besides enjoying the concert: knowing people, seeing people, being for hours in the queue, getting crushed and soaked in the first row, bringing him flowers, being ejected after you reach the stage....
gabriel <[email protected]>
- Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 13:02:12 (PST) | #6
I agree with the concerned fan! I have seen at least 15 Morrissey/Smiths shows and I got to say that this tour is the worst by far. I understand the trill of seeing Morrissey for the first time. You will have a good time if you have never seen him because you won't see how much the show quality has gone down. It is just sad to see, because I know Morrissey could do alot better!"I would much rather give the people what they don't want" -Morrissey- He said it himself!
Nobody's Nothing <[email protected]>
- Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 14:01:36 (PST) | #7
You have to keep in mind that if you're not familiar with morrissey's b-side stuff then you may not enjoy the concert. I saw Moz in Miami in '97 and at the time had very ambivalent feelings about the concert, however, now that I've seen on this site and how a Morrissey concert is, I have a greater appreciation for his tour. Morrissey as a symbolic representation of pop goes against all that commercial hupla. I guess most people don't see that anymore, even with the Smiths he never really played "the hits" and as for one very avid morrissey fan I say, GOOD SHOW MOz. If you want to hear Everyday Is like Sunday then go listen to VIVA HATE!!!! I do wish he would play some songs off of kill uncle from time to time....
Skin Storm <[email protected]>
Miami, Florida - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 14:11:19 (PST) | #8
Mozboy <[email protected]>
Miami, Florida - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 14:14:06 (PST) | #9
ARE YOU GUYS NUTS? This is Morrissey we're talking about, here...if you want a pop icon who's easy to love, try Ricky Martin.
Watt White <[email protected]>
NYC - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 14:17:25 (PST) | #10
well, anyone getting excited about this tour must be a bit desperate to say the least. The man should have called it a day when it comes to live shows and remained the God of all poets forever. Turning up in claret and blue West Ham shirts will never be trendy and neither will american crowds make the man inspired, quite the opposite.
Bogey Man
- Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 14:21:10 (PST) | #11
It sounds as if those bored with the show were bored before they even began. The better an audience the better a show. Go into these shows with some enthusiasm rather than indifference. Get up into the crowds and don't hang back in the rafters. I agree that there are some songs I wish he wouldn't play every night...however...I choose to go to every show. Maybe you should go to the one show and if you want a new setlist then wait for the next tour. I have seen Morrissey over 20 times, less than some and more than others, and I am still enjoying the man and his music. Maybe the music doesn't inspire you anymore? Maybe if Moz whipped out some brilliant lyrics with a catchy tune that appeals to the MTV generation you folks will be happy again. No wonder Moz moved to the states and Brit pop is dead.
80's pop icon
- Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 14:34:06 (PST) | #12
Bah, humbug! Morrissey could stand on stage and tell jokes the entire night and I'd be just as happy.
maribel <[email protected]>
riverside, ca - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 14:37:39 (PST) | #13
If Moz looked bored at a concert then he's a hypocrite because in London he chastised someone in the front row for looking bored. I got it on tape.
bored now
- Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 14:41:57 (PST) | #14
This writer (Mark Rahner) is an idiot! A 3-piece? Can you not count (let's see, there's Boz, Alain, Gary, Spike?)? And what is it about most if not all of the dumb ass reviewers complaining that Morrissey isn't playing enough of his Smiths tunes or even his solo hits? First of all, I believe that The Smiths are no longer. We should be even so lucky that he's still even playing those songs. And lastly, I personally would not want to go to a "Morrissey's Greatest Hits" show. I'm glad he's playing stuff that he rarely if almost never plays. It's a good mix (the more familiar stuff with the less familiar). I'm totally enjoying this leg of his tour, as well as all of his past tours. I look forward to hearing "Break Up the Family," "Lost," "Half A Person," "Teachers," and all the other songs he's been playing. For those of you who are seeing him for the first time and are worried, don't be. He still puts on a great show even though he throws in a few b-sides. Unpredictability is good.
ray <[email protected]>
- Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 14:49:00 (PST) | #15
I tottaly agree with Ray here. I read this article when it came out and my first impression was, "well, this guy knows asbolutely nothing about morrissey". I agree that the crowd seemed bored, but that's not morrissey's fault! And like ray said, a crowd like that will effect how morrissey performs, which i found to be exciting and wonderful, but i'm sure he's been more excited, but that's the crowds fault, how would you feel if half the crowd was just sitting and starring? I was really into it so i had a good time. Another thing, The Smiths are dead! not that i dont have a problem with them, i love them to death like morrissey's solo work, but they broke up in 1987, it's 2000 now! Where have you been mr seattle sad excuse of a loser reviewer? just cos he's not playing songs YOUR not familar with, doesn't mean you have to act so pissy. Hell i like alma matters and teachers are afraid..i can understand if youve seen it many times before, but i loved it! why should you expect him to play nothing but smiths song, this isnt the smiths, this is MORRISSEY. hes not going to play "how soon is now?" so can it! it seems the only "hit" he's familar with is the more you ignore me..thats a great song, but nobody cares, you whiny brat! im glad to have my mozzer around and i hope he stays around and in the end, your going to be nothing. what the hell kind of artist are you? you could never write half as good as morrissey does, or be as witty, so in conclusion, this man is obviously full of s$@t, and this goes for all the journalists like him, know something about your subject before you start drawing silly conclusions.Moz Gurlie
Moz Gurlie <Moz [email protected]>
in the hearts of all lovers - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 15:27:21 (PST) | #16
well, i put in my comment earlier... i'm the guy who is going to his first moz concert... and i'm not afraid of it being "boring" anymore... i've talked to alot of concert vetrans and it sounds like fun... it sounds like the people who think it's boring are just bored yourselves... you're no-true-fan! it's going to be a blast and i'm so excited... i just think to myself, "wow, i'm going to see the person who spent those early teen day dreams in my bedroom with me! i'm going to see my hero in the flesh..." its gonna rock... i can't wait! i'm so excited! oh yeah.. the cure sucks!
dean2000 <[email protected]>
calif, arse o' the world - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 15:48:49 (PST) | #17
WHAT A BUNCH OF DEVOTED FANS... man, i dont know why people have to come on this site to put Morrissey down, does it make you people feel good or something? who are you whiners anyway? if thats all you can say about Morrissey's concert you shouldnt of gone, next time stay home and watch 90210, youll probably enjoy that better. anyways, back to the show at seattle, boy if that wasnt a show i dont know what was. i was able to see Morrissey and hear him play four Smiths songs, how rare is that? one thing that i noticed that he was very talkative this show. after a couple of the songs he says "hello, were the goo goo dolls" and then repeats it after another song. he also said after the crowd was hollering and screaming "i dont know what that means, we dont do that in london, cause were boring". i thought the mix of songs were great, again, when will you hear Morrissey sing those certain b-sides, probably never. plus i thought that Morrissey looked real cool when he came on wearing a all black plastic motorcycle outfit , it fit the song perfect, which the song was "boyracer". well anyways, the show was worth going and the setlist was great, so to all those people that havent seen Morrissey yet, you need to go and see him, trust me, you wont be disapointed.
JVC <[email protected]>
Atlanta - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 15:57:01 (PST) | #18
GOD DAMNIT YA BUNCH OF ARSES! who asked for your friggin life stories and paragraphs of verbal diarrhea??? KEEP THE @#!!! SHORT so i do not get BORED.by the by, why do ANY of you excpect GOLD from Morrissey? Fools, it's MORRISSEY.
DeBbie <[email protected]>
Canada, baby, yeah! - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 17:11:54 (PST) | #19
I saw him at Coachella and he was FAR from looking bored... Prolly best act there, if not the best.. Tool is a close second :PI agree with the person(sorry forgot name already) who said you need to go in with excitment and not indifference, how come something be fun if you're not even excited about it?
Colorado - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 19:06:54 (PST) | #20
Once again.. Slagged! If he plays this, he is riding on the past..If he plays that, he is playing what a local reporter does not know!(and that isn't recieved well).The Funny thing is that,This guy probably got in the show For Free!And Probably went up to Moz after the show & told him how much this show "Ment To Him"!& Asked for his Autograph! & If the "Smiths would ever reunite"! This is the kinda reporter that Moz has battled all along! I am SOOO HAPPY!! That Moz is on tour!My $$$$ will be spent on Quality!!!!
[email protected] <[email protected]>
Hollywood,Ca. - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 20:26:39 (PST) | #21
I thought the show was wonderful. I've never heard the b-sides live and thats exactly what I wanted. He seemed lively to me (whats with all the complaining here, he was more vocal and lively than the last show in Seattle!?) The Seattle Times guy obviously just didn't like Morrissey, if you don't like Moz your not gonna like the show.
PrinceZilla the Jake
- Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 20:42:51 (PST) | #22
i was fortunate enough to fly to vegas to catch morrissey's last show in 99. it was excellent! to read this "writer" complaining about moz not doing smiths classics is insane. don't get me wrong i love the smiths, but this is morrissey-SOLO! this is who were going to go see and listen to, not the smiths. to get smiths songs played at these shows are added BONUSES!!! i'm going to the universal show 3/3 and i really hope moz does different smiths songs (other than the ones at coachella and vegas) but if not, that's ok. i'll take what i can get. and yes "a concerned fan," even 'ROY'S KEEN'!
a man of slender means
los angeles (moz angeles) - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 21:31:40 (PST) | #23
Opinions truly are like a$$holes.
Jeffrey <[email protected]>
openville - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 21:51:17 (PST) | #24
I am not saying that morrissey is terrible or anything. Some of you have seen other Morrissey tours and you have to admit that this tour lacks the luster. I went to Choachella , also San Diego, Santa Barbara, and The Pallidium. Choachella was his only inspired performance! Yes, and at every show he played the exact same concert. No variety! I don't expect the world from Morrissey, just alittle variety and enthusiasm. No one said that he should play a greatest hits show or anything, but he could include other albums beside Malajusted! Skin Storm said that we have to understand that this is a cocert of b-sides. She wasn't far from the truth. This concert defenitaly contains b-material. The reason everyone is so happy with the setlist is because everyone has come to expect the least from Morrissey! SHORT SETS, CANCELLED CONCERTS, POOR SONG SELECTION, AND NO VARIETY OR ABILITY TO TAILOR THE SHOW TO HIS AUDIENCES Everyone doesn't have to complain because I will do it for you!Yes you will have a good time because it is "Morrissey", but wouldn't you rather have a great time. Variety is the key to life!"
A concerned fan!
- Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 22:34:50 (PST) | #25
I think the bottom line is that we will take whatever we can get from Morrissey. Something is better than nothing...even if it could be better.
Atlanta - Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 06:09:21 (PST) | #26
It seems there's a lot of people undecided about the setlist and whether or not Morrissey should be playing his "greatest hits" every night. The expectation of going to a concert to see your "80's icon" in the year 2000 is almost ludicrious. If you want to hear the Smiths greatest hits from the 1980's performed, go down to your local CD shop and buy a copy of Rank. If you want to hear Suedehead and Every Day Is like Sunday, they can be found quite nicely on Beethoven was Deaf.Moz is touring and singing the music that he feels would be appreciated by his Fans. Not the fairweather fans who are looking to relive 1984 all over again, but the ones who have followed his career and wanted to hear something different - for example Break Up the Family, Hairdresser on Fire, Last Night I Dream, Half a Person...etc...none of which have ever been played on a previous tour. The man's been playing in front of live audiences for 18 years, why should he trot out all of the old songs from 15 years ago? He's fighting to stay current and avoid being tied down to his past, yet every time someone writes a review, they expect him to pay homage to the old "greatest hits" that were played so many times before in those days. Just face it - you didn't give a rat's ass about the Smiths in 1984 or 1986 when you had the opportunity to hear those songs performed live in all their glory, why should you expect him to give the same concert in 2000 - 6 studio albums, a live album, and 2 compilations later? Morrissey has moved on, but the press acts as if the Morrissey story ends shortly after '87. He must have done something since then - his fanbase hasn't dried up completely (or else you wouldn't be here) Another pet peeve - Morrissey's being tarnished with the "morose...miserablist...depressing" brush for all of these years. Grow up people. Have you even HEARD the lyrics to Boy Racer? The man is a comic genius. Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now - the song that gave everybody that false impression...was a work of pure comedy and irony. You know what depresses me...listening to boring, tuneless, depressing crap like "Bloody Black Backpack"
Burlington Budd
- Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 06:12:02 (PST) | #27
The Seattle Times is by far the worst newspaper on the West Coast. They do not speak for the city of Seattle in any way..
Seattle, WA - Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 12:33:40 (PST) | #28
whoever wrote this article is just another sad thirty-something smiths devotee who still doesn't understand that Moz is solo now! and solo artists sing solo material, most likely from rather new albums... so why the hell is he so surprised with Morrissey playing stuff from southpaw and maladjusted? those were great albums and i would have been surprised if he only played smiths songs and just 2 or 3 solo songs. luckily it's the other way around - you don't see other great bands and artists playing 20 old hits and 3 new songs, do you (that's more like for Cher, Whitney Houston, etc...)
sunny jim
- Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 12:39:04 (PST) | #29
To Seasick: Hooray! Another one who understands...
Watt White <[email protected]>
- Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 14:26:42 (PST) | #30
JVC <[email protected]>
Atlanta - Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 15:16:17 (PST) | #31
i'm looking forward to the upcoming akron show, i can't wait. i am confident that he'll NOT be "lackluster", i've seen him only three times before and each one was wonderful....i'm sure this will be great too. i think that if you are a true fan and know the songs, you won't be bored. i look at this tour as a prelude to an upcoming and expectedly wonderful cd. no matter how you slice it, the man is a genious lyricist and performer. if this idiot reviewer was bored perhaps he never should've seen morrissey in the first place. i imagine many of us would feel britney spears perfomance is lackluster....when the rest of the world thinks she's magnetic. i guess its just the flipside for the reviewer, as he is apparantly of a britney-type mentality.i'm done raving now. thanks for allowing me to vent!!
devil's advocate
hell on earth - Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 17:36:52 (PST) | #32
hey, i wasn't even expecting any smiths songs and i was still disappointed. i paid the same amount of money for GOOD shows like pet shop boys, erasure, they might be giants, c'mon! truely sad, but maybe that's how he wanted us to leave the concert...hopefully peter murphy and the cure won't be as useless, disappointing, and generally washed-up as morrissey apparently is.
JENHUMMEL <[email protected]>
madison, wi - Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 21:55:43 (PST) | #33
NYC,USA - Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 00:32:38 (PST) | #34
i think we all have to accept that morrissey is older now. believe it or not, kiddies, when you hit 30 yrs of age, your metabolism grinds to a halt. morrissey is a ripe old 40 and this may explain his lackluster performances.but if critics want to slander him in the press, i don't see the harm. morrissey isn't above reproach, people. if he gives a dull performance, he should be called on it. if he can't pull off a show that fans paid hard cash for, if he can't put together a cd worth half a listen, why should i defend him? but a fan understands the breaks and can assume anything. and as one fan stated above, if you want an artist who is easy to love, it isn't morrissey. i think one aspect of being a morrissey fan is the special ownership of that title. i won't share it w/ just anyone....
kizmiaz - Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 07:14:22 (PST) | #35
To Texaho:Thanks for agreeing about the special "conditions" of being a Morrissey fan, but I must disagree with the age issue... Lest we not forget Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Elton John and of course KISS, all rockers 10 years (or more!)Mozz's senior who effectively kick ass nightly.
Watt White <[email protected]>
- Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 08:17:37 (PST) | #36
I saw Moz at Coachella and at the Palladium and I enjoyed the set list. Half A Person, Speedway, and Last Night are my favortie songs even if they weren't the most commercially successful. He did play Tommorrow, Hairdresser on Fire, and November Spawned a Monster which any casual fan would know. I did notice that while I was enjoying most of what was being played, the people around me were a bit lethargic. Maybe that is what the author was refering to. I won't be going to the LA shows however because I'm pretty sure it will be the same setlist that I've already seen twice this year and even I'm not that diehard. These are the songs that Morrissey ejoys performing and that's why he chooses them. If Moz looked bored doing these songs, imagine what he might look like doing songs he would prefer not to perform. The crowd might be more excited but would this energy be enough to make Moz more enthusiastic about performing songs that he might be sick of at this point? I for one would have liked to see him perform, "Ouiga Board, Asleep, and What Difference Does It Make" but I understand that he can't satisfy everyone. I think after touring the US a bit, he's finding out that his real fan base is in the southwestern region of the United States and it can be a bit disheartening to deal with such uninspired "fans" elsewhere.
Shea <[email protected]>
LA - Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 10:26:16 (PST) | #37
texawhore must be some old bag.
- Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 12:51:22 (PST) | #38
Hello fellow MOZ fanz.I atteneded 5 MORRISSEY showz last year- Santa Babara, Cochella, San Diego, L.A., & Ventura-& none of those shows were boring. For all of you who say that his shows are boring...well really I think you all were @ the wrong concert!!! p.s. are you all sure that you weren't @ a backstreet boys concert!!!???????
1/4 of a person-Dario R <[email protected]>
MOZ ANGELEZ aka Los Angeles - Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 14:33:18 (PST) | #39
journalists who lie... just wanted to say the show was rather great(barring the bargain basement opening act of course!) and this writer is full of crap! once again why attend a morrissey show if you're not a fan? too much idle money? send it to me.
eric reidar
tacoma, washington - Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 14:48:57 (PST) | #40
People complain about the set list being the same all the time, but remember He is not putting the list together counting on the fact that we fanatics are going to every show. It's not his fault that 75%(estimate)of his fan base is groupies that don't miss a show
Niko <[email protected]>
Buffalo, New York - Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 16:46:54 (PST) | #41
Aye Esteban 2000: Have you ever felt had?
- Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 21:10:49 (PST) | #42
Anything Morrissey wants to play is ok with me. I would like too hear some from Kill Uncle. I must say its easy for me to understand why a real fan would not want to hear some of the less popular stuff.
David <[email protected]>
Redondo Beach - Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 09:18:43 (PST) | #43
What I meant to say above, was that its easy to understand how someone who is NOT a serious fan would not want to hear the less popular songs.
David <[email protected]>
Redondo Beach - Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 09:27:09 (PST) | #44
OK. At least all you guys can talk about his shows, if bored or not... whatever... But please remember: there could be others like who would never see him live unless pigs fly and the only wishing question is if they could see him ever while he is alive! (Being a fan from... well, like Korea... is absolutely unrecommendable.) "BORED?" God Bless you all in America. That joke isn't funny...... at all!
- Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 09:57:39 (PST) | #45
I was at this show - the review writer is clearly an idiot. Morrissey was very animated and was clearly connected to the audience - the cheers as each song finished were deafening. I don't know why someone would go to a Morrissey show expecting him to "blow the roof off" as if it were a Ricky Martin or Backstreet Boys concert - Morrissey's vocals were amazing at the Seattle show and the (as it has already been pointed out) FOUR piece band sounded excellent. He was't simply belting out his latest hits, he was performing some of his favorite songs and it really showed in his performance. It was a great show!
Peter Taylor <[email protected]>
Seattle, WA - Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 13:06:58 (PST) | #46
All this unfavourable speculating is unfair to Morrissey...how many of you out there go into work when you are not feeling well? I am just wondering if maybe he was fighting a cold bug, or anything relating to just not feeling physically 100%...if Morrissey's fans claim to love him un-conditionally this should be taken into consideration.NEW POLL: Do all of us perform 100% on a daily basis?
J. Razor
San Francisco - Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 15:03:14 (PST) | #47
to: PUNK i'll agree to the "whore" part, but i am far from being old. btw, i'll gladly relieve YOU from the possibility of aging.and to watt, i agree that older acts may have energy, but what applies to one doesn't necessarily apply to all. morrissey is older and has commented numerous times on this--- especially how he naps the day away.
kizmiaz - Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 11:02:45 (PST) | #48
one slightly droopy show (in your opinion)and you spew all that? come on, he could've had a 24hr. bug.....oh skrew it,just piss-off!!!! THANK YOU STEVEN,I STILL APPRECIATE ALL THAT YOU GIVE US.
- Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 13:54:21 (PST) | #49
I would have loved being at that concert looking at a sweaty Morrissey. Bored or nonbored it does'nt matter.
Remote fan <[email protected]>
Sweden - Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 15:37:15 (PST) | #50
YOUR ALL A BUNCH OF ASSES IF YOU BASH THE MOZ !!! Let's face it, you all may like the MOZ, BUT I KNOW THE MOZ !!! If y'all are fans like you say you are, then there shouldn't be one song that you dislike let alone all the songs that are being bashed here. Every set list that I've personally reviewed are KICK-ASS !! Y'all need to wake the F*? up or follow that INGELIAS (sp?) or MARTIN arshole !!!
DISAPPOINTED and distraght
- Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 06:34:54 (PST) | #51