Opening acts
Posted on Fri, Feb 4 2000 at 9:22 a.m. PST
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Alexandrea:

Everyone keeps wondering why Moz doesn't have a specific support act for this leg yet. something of interest that I did not know (and maybe others don't as well) is that it is expensive to be Moz's opener. I talked with Sack a lot during the shows in Germany, and LV and Martin said they had to pay Moz $10,000 to open. They also have to pay for their own transportation (airfare and city to city) and accommodations (hence why they rarely stay at the ritzy joints). For their $10,000 they get to use Moz's roadies and they eat the veggie catered food. Without a label Sack were really scraping by on this tour, so it is no wonder that they couldn't join this leg (I don't know if they were asked or not).

Just a tidbit I never knew before.

* Update (Feb. 5) from Alexandrea:

...I should have also written that Sack said that they were very grateful for the opportunity and thought that it was WELL worth their money. They were honored to do it... I wasn't putting judgment on Morrissey (all the comments afterward did that)... most bands probably do have to pay, I just never knew that and found it interesting.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

I guess this just proves that la Moz is as cheap as he is rumoured to be! LOL! Even WORSE than Bowie!

Mike Head <[email protected]>
Denver Colorado - Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 09:34:51 (PST) | #1

What was it again? Devious, Truculent & Unreliable? Add "Miserly" to that and you're set!

- Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 09:56:12 (PST) | #2 that $10,000 per show or per tour? That's a lot of money for a group with no label. How much do you think they got from ticket sales for each show? Or does Morrissey pay them with his good looks?

Buck toothed girl from Luxembourg
- Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 09:57:57 (PST) | #3

oh this pretty sad! i didn't know the part about the $10,000 but it's true they had to pay their own transportation and accommodations. they NEVER stayed at ritzy places. i hear the ritziest place they stayed at was in vegas at Mandalay Bay.

also, what is sad is that morrissey didn't pay them a dime for any of the shows they did in europe!

for the US shows they were paid a mere $500 per show. $500 ?!? i mean come on i know they weren't headlining but it seems as if they deserved more than that.

i'm sure if you ask the west ham girls who i heard traveled with them for a bit they could give you more insight into the struggels of sack. i met them after the leipzig show and they were way cool. (Sack, that is).

even though moz said some nice things about them in some newspaper he should PUT HIS MONEY WHERE HIS MOUTH IS.

i hear that sack was asked to open on the new tour but it interfered with their schedule.

no wonder moz doesn't have an opening group yet. it is just too expensive to tour with him.

i wonder how much these local acts are getting paid.

- Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 10:21:24 (PST) | #4

Morrissey is the cheapest bastard ever! Sack deserved so much better than that. They were definitely the best band Moz has ever had open for him. The only reason Moz is touring is to make money--that's why he's playing so many dates in So Cal, because he knows it'll sell out. And with no record company or promoter or anything all the money goes straight to his bank account. But of course, he can have all my money. What else will I do with it?

julia O.O.
- Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 11:19:30 (PST) | #5

Excuse me, but you people are morons. Sack doesn't have a label? Well, duh, Moz doesn't either! Is he supposed to pay for everything while Sack just gets a free ride and all the benfits that exposure to Moz's audience and the merchandise sales the tour gives them? If a band doesn't want to pay to open for him, they are not being forced to. This is a CHOICE. whatever arrangement they had, they accepted freely because they WANTED TO. Sack is perfectly capable of playing elsewhere if they'd prefer. Obviously a band paying that much must feel they have something to benefit from it, making it worth the price.

LoafingOaf <[email protected]>
- Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 11:50:30 (PST) | #6

Once again, I was fortunate enough to see the
Grand One live. Unfortunately, he played at a
cheaper venue that was full of psychotics and I
feel I barely made it out of there alive.
Violence at a Morrissey concert? I really hope
next time he decides to play at a decent venue
like he used to...otherwise I may have to stay
home...and I think im depressed now....
And the opening act? Sounded like Spice Girls...eeewww...whatever they payed him to open for him wasn't was painful.

melaise <[email protected]>
Portland, OR - Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 12:05:21 (PST) | #7


Santiago LUIS <[email protected]>
LIMA , PERU - Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 13:11:16 (PST) | #8

Morrissey is a user. He is making money off of Sack and not rembursing them. Plus, he is obligated to have an opening act and found Sack as some chumps to exploit. Wow! I'll never see Morrissey in the same light. You think Moz would lend a hand to another unsigned band, but he is only looking out for number one. Morrissey is no saint.

No one, nowhere
Los Angeles - Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 13:31:48 (PST) | #9

oh boy, I was gonna volunteer to open for Moz, but nevermind now. he'd have to pay *me*, not the other way around. but it doesn't matter anyway 'cos Moz doesn't book bands that will possibly overshadow him. let me tell you a little story about the great composer Tschaikowsy. he had a special friend and supporter, a wealthy noblewoman. they never met, but she believed in his music and therefore Tschaikowsky didn't have to worry about where his next meal came from unlike most of the great composers.P

a charming senorita
- Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 15:26:18 (PST) | #10

i liked sack well enough. but when i go to see a morrissey concert i go to see morrissey, and therefore would personally prefer there be no opening act at all.

so......does this mean there's no opening act at all this go around? goodie goodie gumdrops!

devil's advocate
hell on earth - Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 15:40:15 (PST) | #11

well, sad but true that labels/artists have to sponsor their own tour...usually with the thought in mind that part of what comes in through the door will go to them.

here's my suggestion: Billy Bragg! This dude travelled all over the world with only his guitar for a long time. He's even been to South America. He doesn't need roadies or catered food and could probably forego the $10,000.

He should at least have someone who knows what they are doing. I would hate to be booed off stage like that opening act everyone was talking about.

i am the living ron asheton - Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 17:56:32 (PST) | #12

Sack, could have said NO, but they didn,t and
please stop bitching about MORRISSEY.
What was the poll this month?

the netherlands - Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 18:17:56 (PST) | #13

I can't believe it!
And he complaints about Bowie!
how ironic!

you don't have to tell me ....
- Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 19:00:55 (PST) | #14

Morrissey is Helping this band,Not Hurting Them! trying to finance a tour of that size, with No record company helping out with funds? Come On!! And if he went out & got corprate sponcers,PLEASE-- there would be a whole new topic to complain about! What About- if this band got a record deal with a huge advance ,because of this tour.Believe this,They Wouldn't Be Complaining & Morrssrey wouldn't get any of that $$$ ,When it was HE who brought them in the public eye! They probably wouldn't have even thanked him on there release?

[email protected] <[email protected]>
Hollywood,Ca. - Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 19:16:19 (PST) | #15

I agree with loafing oaf.In fact he/she said what I would have after reading everyone's comments. I never really understand why some people get so nuts about what morrissey does involving his business decisions. Are you all musicians yourself? Have any of you toured with a well known artist before? Who knows what is the norm in this situation. I didn't really think before that Morrissey (without a label) would be able to pay for another band to tour with him. I can see how a small band would do almost anything to tour with him though. exposure. advertisement. sales. Maybe it is the same as paying for a personal relations group to advert you.

e <[email protected]>
- Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 00:34:18 (PST) | #16

I can tell you as someone who knows that, firstly that nearly all bands buy on to a tour, secondly Morrissey paid for all Sack's airfreight to and from the US. He also paid for the crew to work for them, that is load and unload their equipment, provide out front sound, lights and on stage sound and transportation of their equipment around the US.They were treated very well and were offered the chance to support on this second leg of the tour. They seemed very happy to be on the tour and especially and have the chance to play to an American audience.I do wish that people would refrain from making unsubstantiated remarks on subjects they do not fully understand.
...cheers ...john

- Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 00:56:38 (PST) | #17

come on, this is absolutely normal! And if you concider he doesn*t have a record company behind him himself to pay for everything, it*s even more understandable. These are absolutely common things in this business and not related to his admittedly weird behaviour when it comes to money-issues at all! No nead to be horrified...

elsberry <[email protected]>
too far away - Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 05:11:09 (PST) | #18

Moz earned the right to charge Sack whatever he wanted way back in the early 80's when his old band busted their arses to gain the exposure that he now so graciously provides.
One thing distinctly apparent about the more petulant Moz fans is how little they are familiar with the music industry. Most bands wallow in poverty for the majority of their career. "That's just the way it goes."

Jeff <[email protected]>
- Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 06:56:55 (PST) | #19

i was the one that initially posted this info. i should have also written that sack said that they were very grateful for the opportunity and thought that it was WELL worth their money. we all know that moz is rich, so we think it is unfair of him to charge-but that is pretty ridiculous. Sack said that not only was it the chance of a lifetime, but that their $ also got them into every moz show for free, and since they (martin esp.) are such big fans that made it all the more worthwhile. i didnt think everyone would come down on moz so hard- he is in the music BUSINESS. i am sure most bands have to pay to support a major tour.

alexandrea <[email protected]>
- Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 08:10:59 (PST) | #20

I'm starting to think that Alexadrea is one of Sacks girlfriends.To Be Honest,I don't remember much of them.What About OTHER PAST OPENNING ACTS?? What about Phranc??(Kill Uncle Tour)- Moz even put her in the tour program! & this was Moz at his post Smiths peek (tour wise)? Talent Always Wins in the End! Lets See if we ever hear from Sack again?

[email protected] <[email protected]>
Hollywood,Ca. - Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 14:36:54 (PST) | #21

alexandrea *is* one of Sack's girlfriends. remember on there was a pic of her flashing her boobs to sack? heheh.

rebell yell
- Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 15:06:43 (PST) | #22

alexandrea's married ! from morrisseytour, they have denounced this as "wholly untrue".

vu sleeper
- Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 18:20:57 (PST) | #23

me again. no, i was not in the sack with sack. the photo looked incriminating, but was innocent. really.

alexandrea <[email protected]>
- Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 18:28:52 (PST) | #24


I feel that I must comment on this whole ordeal. I was directly beside Alexandrea when Martin from Sack explained how costly it was to open for Morrissey. There is not a single word that she wrote that was untrue. In fact, if you read the response to her post from Morrissey's management (see the response from "John", above) and compare it to what Alex wrote, you'll notice that the only difference is that Alex neglected to mention that Morrissey paid freight charges. Morrisseytour's assertion that her statement is "wholly untrue" is, itself, wholly untrue, unless Martin misled us, which seems rather unlikely. Alex stated some facts of which we were unaware. Others used these facts to pass judgement on Morrissey.

Scott <[email protected]>
- Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 23:25:17 (PST) | #25

None of you know what really went on. Nobody forced anyone to go on tour with anyone, ( Does that make sense? ). Why don't you reserve all of your precious judgements until you know all the facts ( and you never will! ). The only difference between some of you Morrissey fans and a baby is that a baby eventually stops crying! You are much too personally involved in something that does not concern you.

chuck wang
- Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 02:02:38 (PST) | #26

OH, ALEXANDREA! What have you done, girlie? Money is a topic one just doesn't discuss in polite society.

And somebody mentioned Tchaikovsky and I want to tell you that Tchaikovsky was an openly gay musical genius who married a crazed groupie because he thought it would give him inspiration for an opera.

- Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 09:29:03 (PST) | #27

$10 000 is a pretty good deal for a road crew and food, considering the length of the tour. If they hadn't paid Morrissey they would have had to pay more for their own crew and food. They could have refused to pay the fee and get their own stuff done separately. Morrissey did them a favour and it's only proper that they paid part of the expenses.

Calvin <in the back of your car>
- Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 18:32:06 (PST) | #28

I saw Moz this past week in Spokane, Portland, Seattle and Boise and the opening support was horrendous, especially Portland and Seattle. Just read some of the reviews on the tour page. I would have much rather preferred Sack or El Vez again. Lets see... we had the Cranberries in Spokane, the strippers in Portland and Seattle and The Cure in Boise. I agree with the previous post, I go to Morrissey gigs to see Morrissey (and the band). Viva Moz!

Shawn <[email protected]>
AZ - Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 22:03:58 (PST) | #29

Sorry to get embroiled in semantics, but I find this whole thing to be really annoying. The Morrisseytour site has now altered its description of Alexandrea's original post from "wholly untrue" to "wholly inaccurate". In fact, neither description is correct. The only thing that the quote suffered from was being incomplete. There's not a single inaccuracy in the original post.

Scott <[email protected]>
- Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 08:22:34 (PST) | #30

" is it really so strange?????
oh' is it really sooooooooo strange?????
I say no, you say yes, but you will change your mind.............."

lalo <lalo71>
Carson, CA - Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 08:23:10 (PST) | #31

Just a few words....
When I go to see Morrissey, I go for him, and not the openers. More often than not, his opening act has been horrendous, from NY, to SF...just awful. I do remember one that stuck out though. Melissa Ferrick opened for him on the eastern spur of the Your Arsenal tour. She was good then, but she's grown a lot now, and is amazing.
As for the Billy Bragg suggestion...A good one, but like another post said, Moz doesn't like his openers to upstage him, and after seeing Mr. Bragg and his Blokes perform recently in NYC. Morrissey might be out done by a long, well done performance lasting more than two hours with three encores (not that he'd get that time as an opener, but lets face it, Moz doesn't really do long shows.) In the end, we'll all pay the money to go to the shows wealthy or cheap Morrissey may be is not the question to be asking.


- Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 12:36:23 (PST) | #32

Morrissey doesn't even need the opening act. Sack was good but the whole time they were performing I was just hoping they would get off! (So Moz would come on)

JIME ROME <[email protected]>
The Jungle - Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 14:25:45 (PST) | #33

There is only 2 opening acts that would cause curiosity & might draw intersest(as far as opening acts go).--- If Johnny Marr (w/his new project) opened,enough said! Review Mania! & (Maybe I'm Wrong Here!!!!) But I Think if GENE opened.Eyebrows would raise!

[email protected] <[email protected]>
Hollywood,Ca. - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 00:55:39 (PST) | #34

so, you are basically saying that we need a band that is not great enough to wow anyone, good enough not to be booed off the stage, and not mediocre enough so people won't forget them.

personally, i think he might be having a harder time getting an opener because there is a trip to South America involved. Not that it is a bad place, but most European bands really want to spend their money trying to make it big in the states, which in turn would lead to world wide domination if the right label picks them up.

dust bunny - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 16:36:27 (PST) | #35

just as a footnote, has any band who opened for Morrissey actually gone on to do something?

Being an opener for the man is not exactly a charm because everyone already hates you before you play a note.

in the post office box of the world - Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 16:43:54 (PST) | #36

James opened for the Smiths, and they have lasted in the semi-obsured spotlight for a decent amount of time.

miserable lie
- Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 15:29:09 (PST) | #37

i have the answer for all your problems:


do i need to say more

Moz cowboy <[email protected]>
Long Beach - Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 00:10:46 (PST) | #38

opening bands...well, of course any and all obsessively determined and rabid fans aren't going to pay any attention to opening bands. i would dare say, they don't even pay attention to the headlining band! the band they're supposedly there to hear. hear, listen, escuchar, etc. not see. music involves ears, not eyes. sadly, the people who crush one another and are, thus, forced to smell some big fat-ass' armpits and/or stand on some poor waif-rather than focus on the music-for the duration of the show are far, far, far more interested in merely making eye and/or physical contact with the singer they're obsessing over, than they are in actually shutting the hell up and listening to the music. all this of course, having nothing whatsoever to do with true appreciation of music, or with focused listening of wonderfully composed and performed music, definitely magnifies when considering an unknown band. the narrow and biased opinions and politics of morrissey fans high-light for all to see the very ugliness and shallowness of idolisation and worship of a pop-star. not to mention the tragic absence of an objective view. one can not truly make a substantial observation or assessment of music without repeated listenings. repeated listenings produce a growing intimacy with a work.

sack were good. i saw them in december, on the two s.f. dates and the fresno date. over the course of the three shows i had the opportunity to meet some of the boys and found them to be straight up down vatos, good peoples. fine getlemen, indeed. after, the fresno gig at the rainbow ballroom my cousin, my brother, my room-mate and i all went down to the local after-party, at a billiard/bar&grill place, in the tower district of fresno to meet up with the band. all but martin and ken showed up. we had loads of fun, drinks and shot some games of pool. darrel schooled me. anyway, the point being-afterwards they asked me if i could show them a place to eat some good mexican food. being late as hell, we went to denny's. whilst we were eating i asked john, the guitarist, about the oye esteban tour experience and they had nothing, but good things to say. thus, i whole-heartedly second the previous comments by john, e and danny dangerous above. sack mentioned they would very likely be recording after the last of the california shows.


felipe messina guzman <[email protected]>
s.f. bay area, san mateo-aztlan - Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 18:50:23 (PST) | #39

* return to Morrissey-solo