Morrissey Party in Oporto, Portugal (Mar. 3)
Posted on Fri, Feb 4 2000 at 9:18 a.m. PST
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Pedro:

I'm so pleased to say to you that the Moz party is definitely on 3rd March, 2000, Friday at 22h 30m here in Oporto/Portugal.

We also have live bands that they'll going to make some Smiths or Moz song covers, I think that this will be the real beginning for a Portuguese fan club...


* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

Cool flyer. What's with the head injury?

Buck toothed girl from Luxembourg
- Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 09:46:40 (PST) | #1

I'll be there. :) Definitely!!!!

Helena Figueiredo <[email protected]>
Lisbon, Portugal - Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 11:54:07 (PST) | #2

REAL Morrissey fans will not go to this party - well, I wouldn't be suprised... most people keep their brains in their pockets.

The boy...
- Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 05:31:01 (PST) | #3


L�ngua activa
- Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 10:51:00 (PST) | #4

To the boy...
PLEASE LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

maladjusted number two
- Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 13:41:10 (PST) | #5

Well, maladjusted number two, you can go, as long as you give me your brain when you arrive.

The boy...
- Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 11:36:32 (PST) | #6

You can have anything you want!

maladjusted number two
- Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 15:54:19 (PST) | #7

I wish I could attend. I have never met another portuguese morrissey fan. I should just fly out, give me a chance to see the relatives

Oscar Wilde <[email protected]>
MA - Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 07:53:14 (PST) | #8

Why is there no pics of his royal gorgeous ness

- Wed, Feb 23, 2000 at 15:46:35 (PST) | #9

My Dear Friends,you can come to the party if you want,but don�t forget that the party will be next 3rd March.For those who are far from Portugal,well,you have to catch a flight to Oporto city/Portugal.And then you have to stay in a Hotel.Then at the day of the party,you should take a taxi to Avenue Fern�o de Magalh�es,n�120,the name of the disco is "Heaven�s".Ok that�s what you have to do for now.Thank you for your attention.

Pedro <[email protected]>
- Thu, Feb 24, 2000 at 13:36:30 (PST) | #10

* return to Morrissey-solo