Portland, ME (Feb. 21), Providence, RI (Feb. 23), Red Bank, NJ (Feb. 24), Atlanta postponed
Posted on Thu, Jan 20 2000 at 8:33 a.m. PST
by David T. <[email protected]>
Thanks to everyone who sent in the announcements. First with the Providence, RI date is Emily (link from Marc Duquet):

Ticketmaster is listing Morrissey at the Lupos Heartbreak Hotel in Providence Rhode Island on Feb 23, tickets go on sale Friday, Jan 21.

First with the Portland, ME date is Nancy:

According to the Ticketmaster site Morrissey will play at State Theater in Portland Maine February 21. Tickets on sale 1/22 at 12:00 pm.

First with the Red Bank, NJ date and link is Marc Duquet:
February 24, Red Bank, NJ - Count Basie Theatre

Additionally regarding the Red Bank date, from Mikey: go on sale this Friday (Jan. 21) at 11:00 AM... Not happy about the choice of venue, for it's not a General Admission place. Oh well.

Atlanta, GA - after some confusion, it's been postponed to late April. From Kristen:

I just heard on the radio at 12:55pm, 01/19/00, that the show has been pushed back to late April due to the fact that they were going to tour from East to West but now have decided to tour from West to East. I also called the Tabernacle and they confirmed that the date has been pushed back and that tickets would not go on sale on Friday, January 21.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

ATLANTA, GA - Just confirmed with the Tabernacle. Apparently, the postponement was announced yesterday.

- Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 08:39:33 (PST) | #1

First, i couldn't get out to Las Vegas when we tried to fly out there. Now he is not coming here and i'm sad. Please I need support. :(

allyson wonderland <[email protected]>
atlanta - Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 09:03:15 (PST) | #2

I can't believe he's going to Jersey and not stopping here. What is he thinking?

NYC - Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 10:23:49 (PST) | #3

Please don't forget about the beautiful fans of St. Louis, Missouri. Viva el Moz!

adrie <[email protected]>
st. louis, missery - Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 10:53:38 (PST) | #4

Don't fret Susie. There's still an open two day gap between the NJ and DC shows. Perhaps a NYC gig will slip inbetween. I hate that he's playing Red Bank instead of a general admission place like Convention Hall in Asbury Park, but what can ya do? I saw him in New Brunswick at the State Theatre on the Maladjusted tour and it was literally the most boring Moz show I'd ever seen. No life whatsoever. I don't expect the Red Banks show to be any different. The theatres are near identical, and only twenty minutes apart from each other.

mikey <[email protected]>
New Jersey - Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 11:06:19 (PST) | #5

let see.
2 shows in boston, 5 minutes away
1 show in providence, 45 minutes away
1 show in portland, 1 hour, 45 minutes away

Its going to be COLD standing out there 4 days.

Lupo's is general admission, so you don't need
to get on the phones terribly early to for tickets.

Lupo's has a low stage, close to the audience.
Lousy venue, but there is nothing else in Providence. I guess his show at "the dump"
aka The Strand (now closed) in 1997 went
over well enough for him to play PVD again.

I talked to Boz about Providence when I was
in Ireland, he wasn't overly impressed. I
don't blame him.

sugar <[email protected]>
- Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 11:49:17 (PST) | #6

MOZ....lemme spell it out for you... N E W Y O R K C I T Y!!!!!!!!!!! NOW COME!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRGGGHH!!!!

Mauricio <[email protected]>
New York City - Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 12:48:19 (PST) | #7

Morrissey, you have to come to Florida, even if it is for only one show! Please, please, please, let me get what I want!

Loving Him....
- Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 18:05:14 (PST) | #8

sugar two questions, how in the world are you getting to portland in 1 hour and 45 minutes from just outside of boston? and second can I hitch a ride in your private jet?

e <[email protected]>
- Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 18:32:36 (PST) | #9

I cannot express any more excitement...

I nearly died when the announcements came today, though i felt they were going to be coming... at any rate--- ill be at nearly all the east coast shows... Portland is 2 hours from boston--- NJ is, well I dont know-- but im there, and i dont mind climbing over seats.
Providence--- god what a @#!!! town. My band played at Lupos once with Rancid (hah) in 98. Security is TIGHT AS @#!!!, the people who work there are all huge meatheads who wont think twice about beating your ass. It sucks.
When we played there was a barrier, with a sort of stage level bench that all of the bouncers sat on, about 5 all together, spaced out across the length of the stage... gorillas.
There's also OBNOXIOUS pillars that run straight down in the middle of the audience (a la Paradise for you bostonians)
I hate this place.
see you outside, bring some hot cider.
love gibby.

gibby <[email protected]>
Tied down into boston, is it too late to have you? - Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 20:16:00 (PST) | #10

morrissey played 5 shows in florida and 2 in new york on his last tour. let someone else have a shot

watching with a grin
loose angeleez - Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 21:23:33 (PST) | #11

Hey hey, I'm going to both Boston shows and both DC shows. I'm a little nervous about buying tickets for the NJ show. I don't have a car, and I don't want to miss the last train out of Jersey. And Providence is also up in the air, cuz I won't have anywhere to stay and it's in the middle of the week--I have work. Help! What should I do? Especially about the NJ show? Will I catch the last train out? (11:41pm is the last train, show "starts" at 8:00pm. Do I have a chance?) HELP!

Joe Bonomo

Joe Bonomo <[email protected]>
NYC, NY - Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 23:02:10 (PST) | #12

Joe... Depending if he has a opening act, the shows on the west coast usually ended around 11:30. Hey, atleast it's not this Maladjusted 45 minutes crap! Enjoy the show! Viva Moz!


Chandler, AZ - Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 04:18:12 (PST) | #13


hey gib.. when did you guys play lupos?
its been changed a bit but i don't know

to those who have never been there, lupo's
used to be a mall.

they have a balcony in the back and there are
posts that hold it up that one might get stuck

they used to have a giant pillar in the middle
of the stage right next to where the drum riser
was usually put up. to the left of the stage
there used to be an escalator that went to the top
floor. those 2 oddities are now gone.

providence really is a @#!!! town.
they do have a pretty good college radio
station and a bunch of colleges so it does
make for a decent place to stop off for a gig
but there isn't much to do there, especially
during the winter. so do bring some cider and
while you are at it, bring a book!

sugar <[email protected]>
- Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 06:21:29 (PST) | #14

Am I the only one living up in Maine who fell over with joy when they heard the news?

- Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 08:16:51 (PST) | #15

is morrissey coming to atlanta? if so how do i get tickets

mississippi - Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 09:09:09 (PST) | #16


- Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 17:16:49 (PST) | #17

I've got tickets...woohoo!

Greg <[email protected]>
- Sat, Jan 22, 2000 at 08:44:36 (PST) | #18

i'm saying though, i'm getting kind of psyched.

john <[email protected]>
new jersey - Sat, Jan 22, 2000 at 09:32:39 (PST) | #19

It looks strange to me that the Atanta show was pushed to April. The last date in the US so far is in Washington DC on the 28th OF Feb then nearly a month later he heads onto Mexico on the 23rd of March. The last latin American date is in San Salvador on the 6th of April. It just doesnt make sens he'd come to Atlanta then instead of before going to Mexico. Unless he's planning on doing some southeastern dates, which offcoarse for me and the rest of us down here would be great.

miami - Sat, Jan 22, 2000 at 18:43:42 (PST) | #20

hey northern new england SUEDEHEADS this concert in portland is going to be TINY! where exactly in portland is this place though? anyone wanna send me some specific directions..?? and does anyone know if moz is spending the night in portland or the night before? i must track him down. anyone wanna help? EverYours, KEITH email me at [email protected] ;)) xoxoxoVIVA STOMP!

TERRACE STOMP <[email protected]>
EATS COATS, USA - Tue, Jan 25, 2000 at 16:38:48 (PST) | #21

* return to Morrissey-solo