Comments / Notes
I think it looks really good for a Rage or Tool show but its a little much for Morrissey.
Selena <[email protected]>
Long Beach, California - Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 14:06:32 (PST) | #1
I love it! Are there any internet/mail order channels through which I might get one? I don't imagine I'll be seeing any up for grabs around here.
JohnnyM <[email protected]>
New Jersey - Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 14:59:36 (PST) | #2
Gosh, how awful!
- Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 17:50:55 (PST) | #3
it looks like a korn advert ohhhh the horror
chemical sis
- Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 01:31:14 (PST) | #4
What a god awful poster. UGH!!! What has the world come to and does Morrissey know about this awful poster with his name on it?
Robert Smith
Moz Angeles, California - Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 02:10:59 (PST) | #5
At last something more than just a photo! Yes, it's ugly, but at least creative! I want one!
Mike Head <[email protected]>
Denver Colorado - Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 07:57:32 (PST) | #6
- Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 09:08:48 (PST) | #7
AWESOME! You people who dont like this one are CRAZY! Finally, a poster with as much BITE as Morrissey's lyrics! EXCELLENT artwork- where can I get one??
Danny Treckles
- Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 14:01:47 (PST) | #8
- Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 14:02:53 (PST) | #9
The idea is GREAT! Ive seen this artists posters before, at a poster shop here in Hollywood. WHY couldnt the L.A. shows get this kind of poster?? The colors and the art are very striking!
Jay in L.A.
- Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 14:05:46 (PST) | #10
Um mommy!...a lil to harsh for Morrissey!...
Brenda <[email protected]>
Cali...909 - Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 16:13:13 (PST) | #11
I agree that the poster is a bit too cartoonish for a Moz advert. It is certainly more fitting for a "harder" band like Korn or Tool. To me, Morrissey has always been well represented by either pictures of himself or pop icons. The Smiths and Morrissey imagery is classic and this poster is not. Nice effort though, just misplaced.
- Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 16:14:58 (PST) | #12
I think that it is kind of cool...
- Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 18:42:57 (PST) | #13
I remember Jermaine Rogers--he used to be part of the Moz Malitia. The poster kicks ass! I hate Jack and I think everyone should kidnap those lame-ass antanea balls.
X-Moz Malitia Member
- Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 20:07:09 (PST) | #14
This poster is sweet. It is about time that we see something with alittle hardness and originality. Morrissey needs to quiet all of this i'm so gay crap and be a man or at least sing some good songs in concert. How can I get one of these posters?Viva a new song every once in awhile!!!
- Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 00:30:02 (PST) | #15
Cubitt <[email protected]>
NYC - Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 07:17:19 (PST) | #16
What are you people thinking?! This piece of crap does not deserve to bear the name of Morrissey! This "poster art" stuff does not fit Moz's image whatsoever. It looks like a poster from the 70's or something for a classic rock band. I've seen posters from this person before and they all look the same. Same fingers in all of them. The one for Bauhaus looks like a rip-off of a Seal album cover (no I do not like Seal, just an observation). But at least the other posters I've seen by this person are more fitting for the bands, like RATM and such. I doubt Morrissey would approve of having his name associated with such a mediocre ad.
- Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 08:17:25 (PST) | #17
That poster is stupid and doesn't even make sense. Why does some clown looking freak with a dunce cap on, and tied to a post with X's through the eyes and umpteen ghouly looking Morrissey's in the background have to do with Meat being murder or Morrissey? It is so far away from the image Morrissey's material typically projects that it must be unauthorized. Unless Morrissey is into Korn nowadays.
Buck toothed girl from Luxembourg
- Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 08:20:33 (PST) | #18
Buck toothed girl from Luxembourg - I can assure you that this poster was not authorized by Morrissey. Most of these one-off posters for concerts are not sponsored in any way by the band themselves. It's usually just someone trying to sell their "art". I would not take this one for free.
- Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 09:41:03 (PST) | #19
Well Buck toothed girl,the clown looking freak is the mascot for a fast food burger chain called Jack In The Box. That is what it has to do with Meat Is Murder.
It's Great!
- Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 14:59:09 (PST) | #20
Kate, youre CRAZY! This poster is simply amazing. Its a rough edged look for Morrissey's new 'rougher' persona. The image, for those who are from the USA, is self-evident: I LOVE the 'Jack' thing. And if the artist is a MOZZY fan, thats all the better. I want one!
Devin <%00>
%00 - Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 21:17:12 (PST) | #21
I, too, collect concert poster art, and am familiar with J. Rogers' work. Contrary to one of the above posts, hes one of the coolest artists in that field today. Ive never seen the BAUHAUS poster, but I have seen the CURE one and the SIOUXIE one, and they are masterfully done. Ive got a copy of the CURE one framed and hanging on my den wall, and Ive GOT to find out where I can get this Morrissey one. Does ANYONE know?
Carol Crater in Boise <%00>
%00 - Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 21:20:09 (PST) | #22
For anyone looking for that Morrissey concert poster, I saw a copy of it for auction on EBAY a couple of weeks ago. I dont know what it finally went for, but the bidding was already up to $60 U.S. Looks like the chances of getting one may be pretty slim. Anythings better than the 'old photo' stuff. Pretty tired of that!
%00 - Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 21:25:12 (PST) | #23
THAT is supposed to be Jack in the Box?? I never would have guessed it. Why not Ronald McDonald on the guillotine or the Carl's Jr. Star bursting into a supernova? The poster is stupid.
you know who
- Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 16:18:06 (PST) | #24
What a great poster! The image rocks. I got the 'Jack' thing right away. It seems so in line with Mozzy's rough-edged wit. You moaners need to wake up: Moz isnt the slack-jawed, sad singer he was 10 years ago! Havent you been listening? Hes grown up and turned that introspective loathing into intellectual jabs of wit...and this poster fits him perfectly! Well drawn, Mr. Artist!
- Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 12:02:01 (PST) | #25
look, just because the artist and friends of the artist make posts under assumed names telling everyone it's a cool poster does not make it a cool poster. Give it up already.
spiral stairs (yes, thats my real name)
- Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 12:44:41 (PST) | #26
I personally like this poster a lot. Yes, it IS different, for Morrissey, I mean. But attractively so. I dont understand why someone liking this poster makes them obviously a 'friend of the artist'. Grow up: it's a big world. Everyone has different tastes.
GraviTON <[email protected]>
- Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 01:22:54 (PST) | #27
Yes, that may be true that everyone has different likes and dislikes, but Morrissey does seem to have a higher standard than most for this image, artwork, and music. He does not just throw something together that so obviously portrays the message he is trying to send. That is what was always so classic about the Smiths and now with Morrissey. The imagery has always been beautiful and nostalgic, and the music delivers the message for him. I'm sorry, but this poster is so blatantly out of place even on this site that it's funny. If you want to lower your own artistic standards, then please do it at the expense of another band or musician. Morrissey does not deserve such poor efforts.
spiral stairs (yes, thats my real name)
- Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 07:04:51 (PST) | #28
By the way, do not mistake my dislike of this poster as an attack on the artist himself. I have no idea who this person is or what his other work is about. I'm simply commenting on this one piece in particular. I sure this art is relevant to bands like Metallica or the Offspring.
spiral stairs (yes, thats my real name)
- Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 07:08:25 (PST) | #29
Spiral, I think the point youre not getting is that everyone has an opinion. Many of the posts here said they liked the poster. Because you dislike the poster doesn't make it 'officially' inappropriate. Still, you have a right to your opinion. I personally like the older style of Moz/Smiths sheets with BxW images of stars. But, I can understand some of the others opinions. I only speak up because, as an art student, I know that what one hates, another loves. Many folks thought Andy Warhol's 'art' was a joke. Still, many spend thousands on his prints. Just my observation.
- Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 15:10:52 (PST) | #30
This poster is very cool. Caught me off guard, at first...but after looking at it, the wit came through. Its also a very in-your-face image, and I think that fits Morrissey. Its good to see new faces on an old package. Please give the 'KORN' references a rest!Thats such a weak and boring argument.
Usher-BOY <[email protected]>
- Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 15:15:28 (PST) | #31
What? How can you say that an "in-your-face" image is fitting to Morrissey? Moz has always been subtle and sly. Think about all the debates as to the meaning of his lyrics. If he were really "in-your-face" he wouldn't say "He drew a swallow on my neck", he'd say "I took it in the ass last night, cowboy!"
looking for a new identity
- Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 16:10:31 (PST) | #32
Look, we've all heard Morrissey sing, "the year 2000 won't change anyone here"...So let's not try to change his image now from the brilliant art he is known for to this poor attempt to identify him with a "harder" or "rougher" crowd. All of the Moz fans who are real teenage toughs and grown up bruisers do not need silly posters of Jack being burned at the stake.
angelic upstart
- Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 06:24:48 (PST) | #33
Oh well....hearing everybody's opinions and all the 'fors' and 'againsts' on this poster...heres my opinion. I like it, I want to buy one, and I dont think it misrepresents Mozzer in any way. Thats my opinion, so there!
- Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 20:27:45 (PST) | #34
If you live in San Francisco and want to buy a copy of this poster, there's a place on Haight street that has a few of them. They were pretty affordable: mine costs $25. Speaking of concert posters, does anyone know where I can get the poster for the Los Angeles show? I think it was pictured on the site.
Carly Price
- Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 20:31:34 (PST) | #35
Hmmm, Carly Price, you over-paid $25.00 for such a poster. Everyone: would it not be better to make a donation to the SPCA, or an animal sanctuary? A much better use than buying the poster, I would think. Well, don't just stand there...make your money REALLY useful!
J. Razor
San Francisco - Tue, Jan 11, 2000 at 12:39:26 (PST) | #36
I think it is very colourful, but what is the meaning of that poster
Fari <[email protected]>
- Wed, Jan 12, 2000 at 05:50:25 (PST) | #37
I must confess to having never seen such ridicule. Itīs nothing but misinterpretation. Pure slapstick. I hated the poster.Morrissey
- Thu, Jan 13, 2000 at 18:06:47 (PST) | #38
Yeah, right 'Morrissey'... ANYWAYS... I thought the poster was pretty cool. Its about time someone had the guts to do something original. If anyone does know the artist, I hope they contact him and tell him to look at this page, and see how much he's stirred up with his poster. Id say, 'KUDOS' on a great razor-witted poster and keep it up: artists need to keep pushing the envelope, even with such subjects as Morrissey. Im sure the REAL Morrissey would applaud the guts...and get the 'joke'. Heres hoping Morrissey comes to MIAMI!
Lazy SUNbather
- Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 21:35:52 (PST) | #39
I think whether Morrissey would like this poster is irrelevant. The fact that half of the posts here like the poster shows that not everyone is 'comfortable' with the constant 'black-and-white-photos-of-actors' thing weve been seeing for the last 15 years. Anyways...is Marr touring with anyone?
Teresa Lockhart
COOOLD Minneapolis!!!! - Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 21:40:04 (PST) | #40
the poster sucks. period.
- Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 09:48:11 (PST) | #41
Fari, in America, that clown figure is a trademark for a burger place called 'Jack In The Box'. Its the whole 'Meat Is Murder' thing. Has anyone found out where ths poster is available?
Team Stratford
Bowling Green - Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 17:07:21 (PST) | #42
First of all, i want to thanked Team for letting me know the meaning of that poster. anyway, when can that poster get in stores, and when will MORRISSEY rocks in my country Indonesia ?.
Fari <[email protected]>
- Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at 04:39:45 (PST) | #43