Comments / Notes
gotta love that picture, hahaha
elsberry <[email protected]>
at the bottom of my heart - Mon, May 29, 2000 at 11:25:26 (PDT) | #1
Maybe you could sell some advertising space to cover the costs.
Dean Mozzer <[email protected]>
South Gate, Ca - Mon, May 29, 2000 at 14:31:40 (PDT) | #2
Looks good! Naturally, advertising on the net annoys me, but for this site, I'd happily be your Atlanta-based ad rep.
Lon <[email protected]>
Atlanta - Mon, May 29, 2000 at 15:12:27 (PDT) | #3
WOW !!!!! what a server geeks all over must be drooling over this pic.......hehehe anyways David do what you have to do to get some extra cash for yourself, it must be hard doing all this out of your pocket. Put those annoying banners if you wish or if you like we could start some kind of donation thing going or maybe a party. Yeah a party would be good maybe I'm just trying to find an excuse to throw a good Moz party, anyway David if you like my ideas about the party give me the word and I'll arrange it. you got my addy
Los Angeles (Bell) - Mon, May 29, 2000 at 16:20:17 (PDT) | #4
you could start doing those affiliate links to places like cdnow, amazon, buy.com, vstore etc... they don't cost anything. Or start burning off CDR bootlegs :-)
- Mon, May 29, 2000 at 17:12:38 (PDT) | #5
You could ask Morrissey! ;-)
Rediffusion <[email protected]>
- Mon, May 29, 2000 at 19:01:40 (PDT) | #6
Im glad to see someone is using Red Hat. perhaps the stock could have some favorable momentum.
Gooey Discharge
- Mon, May 29, 2000 at 23:08:59 (PDT) | #7
David...you could sell CLASSIFIED space. Sections would include: 1. Band wanted...musicians looking for members can post an ad looking for the next Morrissey. 2. Sell & Trade section...it seems at certain conventions they sell items for an arm and a leg. Maybe people would love to trade Smiths bootlegs or sell some. 3. Banners liked mentioned before. 4. An annual benefit Morrissey-solo bash. 5. Sell Morrissey's home address to e-mailers. .... more to come as they come in -moz cowboy
Moz cowboy <[email protected]>
beach long, ca - Mon, May 29, 2000 at 23:36:19 (PDT) | #8
oh..regarding #2, its been brought to my attention you have the MARKETPLACE....you learn something new everyday.
Moz cowboy <[email protected]>
beach long, ca - Mon, May 29, 2000 at 23:49:12 (PDT) | #9
I*m with Rediffusion (#6) on this one! Come on, he could never get someone better!
elsberry <[email protected]>
at the bottom of my heart - Tue, May 30, 2000 at 01:48:58 (PDT) | #10
May be you could "host" some other sites (for instance 100 MB) ? I would be interested !Cheers !
jb <[email protected]>
Paris - Tue, May 30, 2000 at 02:38:51 (PDT) | #11
Whatever - sell your body, sell lemonade, steal, get a second job (or maybe a first one), just please NO BANNERS. Don't sell yourself to amazon and the like. Booooo banner ads boooooo.
Kruzifixia Avenue <[email protected]>
- Tue, May 30, 2000 at 05:16:25 (PDT) | #12
Kruzifixia: easy to say when you are not the one being finacially harmed, eh? Thanks David for everything that you have been doing! And yes, we will understand banners, links etc. After all we are your friends, aren't we?
Porto - Tue, May 30, 2000 at 08:10:12 (PDT) | #13
I think a few of us have mentioned this before, but I will bring it to attention once more! Morrissey-Solo.com T-SHIRTS! Perhaps, something sassy...maybe more artwork from the fans and a logo contest of some sort? I dunno. I think alot of the fans that visit this site wouldn't mind buying a tee for the sake of helping out. But please no banners! They are so bothersome.
lisa <[email protected]>
- Tue, May 30, 2000 at 08:23:49 (PDT) | #14
Hey David - I would be very happy to pay a subscription fee of say �5 per month - this is not too much to ask for all your dedication.I would much rather pay money to view than have to see you sell your soul to the commercial world, as the great man did say - "do not go to them, let them come to you".... Even if not everybody paid (maybe you could have an honary members club (but spelt properly!)) there must be thousands of people who would contribute to this excellent site. Checking out the morrissey-solo site is like brushing your teeth - you shouldn't go a day without it and it's good for you! (How corny?)
Martin <[email protected]>
Birkenhead - Tue, May 30, 2000 at 08:31:04 (PDT) | #15
Martin: not every person in the world has, or would use, credit cards in the web though.
Porto - Tue, May 30, 2000 at 09:03:40 (PDT) | #16
A benefit party would be great. I think we all need to thank David a little anyhow... he's given us a lot of his time and effort, and for very little-- well I guess nothing. I bet most of us would miss this place if it wasn't here. How do you arrange a benefit party for a web site that has people all over the world visiting it? I don't quite know honestly. Maybe it is something that can be done in a different city each year? I think that would be a hell of a lot of fun anyhow.. hahahaha... OR, I don't mind sending a check. I don't know how many others do. But donations are a great idea. Afterall, I have a job, and I know there are plenty of other proffessional people who are morrissey fans looking at this site. If donations do not pay for everything, maybe they can take a bit of the burden off.But as for banners.. please please no. ==EA
EAlvin <[email protected]>
Philadelphia PA - Tue, May 30, 2000 at 10:20:13 (PDT) | #17
Continuing on...6. win a date with David T 7. win a date with Morrissey 8. Morrissey-solo t-shirts sound like fun...Design contest would be nice, then fans can judge which one on this site. Maybe even more than one option can be done for the shirt. But that also sounds like investing more money with the HOPE of making a small profit. Any t-shirt companies out there. Give David a brake and donate some of your fruit-a-looms.
Moz cowboy <[email protected]>
beach long, ca - Tue, May 30, 2000 at 12:03:21 (PDT) | #18
Like I said on my previous post a prty would be the best thing, and of course we would have it here in Moz Angeles where else if it is a succes then the idea of an annual bash in diffrent cities would be great but we would need dedicated people to put their time and efforts for it in their respective city's, well if anyone is interested in a Morrissey-Solo. bash email me and hopefully we could get this going
BoyRacerX <[email protected]>
Los Angeles (Bell) - Tue, May 30, 2000 at 14:49:10 (PDT) | #19
Great job David! Morrissey-Solo is exceptional thanks to you and all your love and dedication - we are all united by the written word...ours and Morrissey's.As Havfine said: we are all your friends.
J. Razor
San Francisco - Tue, May 30, 2000 at 16:15:50 (PDT) | #20
well, since i am not a big fan of banner ads, i would rather give a flat yearly fee.for those who have the money, give it. for those who do not, don't. if 500 people gave $10 a year, the $5000 would cover the costs of hardware and isp service. it would be far too expensive for us to actually pay for david's time but this is his favorite hobby, so he is having a GREAT time making our Moz world a safer place :) Thanks for all the work David. You have given us all a lot, its time for you to be selfish for a change and let us make a contribution.
jimmy <[email protected]>
boston - Wed, May 31, 2000 at 15:05:07 (PDT) | #21
What makes me worried about individual donations is the level of commitment: how to makes sure that they will be given every month, year after year? That would be somewhat risky for David. The problem is not too differente from cultural channels on tv where advertisings from corporations are not allowed: I don't know much about the situation in other countries, but in Brazil the cultural channel was close to go bankrupt and in Portugal we are always afraid that this might happen as well. The governments, I believe, are the main responsible for supporting the cultural channels, what can cause another sort of problems, depending on the current government's policy. Anyway, perhaps one could select the sort of advertisement that might be placed here. There are lots of alternative cultural activities that need advertising all over the world, not just corporations need to be known and sell. Another idea would be, for instance, that the visitors of this site could advertise their business here, what would grant a stronger commitment than sporadic donations would.
Porto - Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 03:10:59 (PDT) | #22
c:\> format c:
FORMAT C: <[email protected]>
- Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 12:22:12 (PDT) | #23
I say we make t-shirts and sell Morrissey-solo shirts..Thats sounds like the best so far..
LUKE SKYWALKER <[email protected]>
Mars - Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 16:33:08 (PDT) | #24
All you have to do, David, is say the word. The day you announce that Morrissey-solo will close because of the financial burden, the checks will come flowing in. I certainly would be willing to make a yearly donation. I come here every day, even if I don't post that often, so that's the least I could do.This isn't just the best spot to find out about our hero, it's one of the nicest sites on the web, beautiful to look at and easy to navigate. You do an incredible job!
- Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 23:48:53 (PDT) | #25
Well said Bertrund
Martin <[email protected]>
Birkenhead - Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 00:48:34 (PDT) | #26
your picture is now my new background I think it is really ghinchy ;-P
David Tibet
- Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 08:46:57 (PDT) | #27
I would buy Morrissey-Solo.com T-SHIRT! Thanks, David.
Marko loves us <[email protected]>
Slovenia, Maribor - Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 13:41:19 (PDT) | #28
That piccy of the pentium made my heart go all warm, soft, and squishy -- just like a piece of fudge left in the car! Heh heh! : )David, you're duh bomb! Thank you for running Morrissey-solo. You've given us much, so you can be sure of support from all us grateful fans online. I just wanna weigh in against banners and selling advert space. Because this beautiful and pristine site has done without, it would be hard to countenance banners and the like now. I would pay good money to avoid seeing ad banners pock this lovely site! I know I'm not alone. I like the idea of holding a benefit bash, selling Morrissey-solo.com t-shirts (watch out for those Mexican bootleggers! : ), and selling disk space on your server. Ever consider becoming an ISP yourself? You could sell dial-up and dsl access to fans in Moz Angeles. Wouldn't it be cool to have your e-mail domain be something like whalleyrange.net or some such Moz-inspired domain? I've already registered whalleyrange.net for myself, but I would transfer it to David for free if it helped support this great site! I don't have much money myself, but whatever services (design, event organizing, cake baking etc.) I can contribute to the cause, you can count on me.
Mel <[email protected]>
- Tue, Jun 06, 2000 at 00:41:02 (PDT) | #29
Yes Mel, precisely: selling space in the server sounds like a very good idea, as the one about ISPs. So far, the best.
Porto - Tue, Jun 06, 2000 at 02:46:26 (PDT) | #30