"Paddy English man", interview in The Irish Times (Nov. 20) by Brian Boyd
The interview mentioned previously is online
at The Irish Times site:
English Man
With The Smiths, he was a member of the best pop band since
The Beatles. As a solo artist, he continues to inspire
extreme dedication - and extreme criticism. In a rare
interview, Morrissey talks for the first time, to Brian
Boyd, about his brutal education, how his Irishness shaped
him, his brutal education and why he's not leaving the pop
Comments / Notes (36)
"The Boy With The Throng On His Side" - NME (Nov. 20) article by Victoria Segal
Thanks to Sophia for
transcribing the article and for the following:
article appears in the 20 November issue of NME.
Again he is on one of the top panels on the cover, with a
little picture on the cover as well... There were also 7 fan
photos, 1 big Moz concert photo and 1 small Moz concert
photo which I am not able to scan because I do not have
access to a scanner at the moment (boo-hoo-hoo!).
I am sure this article will rouse even more lively debate
about Moz’s continued relevance, etc… Although I don’t
know what the NME is on about anyhow, I mean if he is so
passe why is this the second huge story they’ve done on
the tour?
"The Boy With The
Throng On His Side", NME Nov. 20
Comments / Notes (56)
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