The end of the Mark Harris debate
Posted on Mon, Dec 6 1999 at 9:46 a.m. PST
by David T. <[email protected]>
Thanks to Tom for the explanation:

Allow me to put these Mark Harris rumors to rest. First and foremost Mark Harris WILL NOT be opening for Morrissey at the Palladium, or in Vegas or anywhere else Moz happens to be playing.

Let me explain. I am semi-friendly with Mark Harris after meeting him at one of Howard Stern's birthday shows. He may very well be the gayest man in America, but he's a nice guy although a bit eccentric. We exchange e-mails from time to time, and that's about it. Anyway, anytime he goes on Howard's show he always asks if I want him to mention anything on the air. My reply is always no, but I thought it would be funny if Mark could mention the upcoming US Moz dates on the air. So I called his voice mail and told him about the Palladium and Vegas dates. I also wanted him to mention the band members names on the air with the plug since they never get the recognition they deserve. I thought it would be cool to have Moz shows promoted on Howard Stern, that's all.

Of course Mark didn't exactly say what I told him to say. He made it seem like he was opening for Morrissey, when all I asked him to do was simply read the dates. He went on the air and said things like "I don't know why this Morrissey band keeps calling me" referring to the call I made. He had emailed me the day before he went on the show and asked me if there was a way he could get in touch with Morrissey's people so he could sing his new song "Dear Senator McCain" live at one of the shows. I told him I had no idea how to contact "Morrissey's People" and that it would be very unlikely that Morrissey would be interested.

You can imagine my amazement when I saw that there was a big Mark Harris debate on your site. I had no idea it would turn into what it did. So I'm writing this to put the whole thing to rest.

So rest assured that Morrissey has no interest in getting Mark Harris to perform with him (although it would be a riot). Actually Mark Harris didn't even know who Morrissey was until I told him. So I hope this puts the whole thing to rest. I won't have Mark mention Moz anymore on the air, you can be sure of that. So I think that covers all the bases. All I wanted to do was promote the Moz shows... had no idea it would turn into what it did. Sorry for the confusion everybody!

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

Thanks for making my morning extra interesting.
Keep up the good work!

- Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 11:07:42 (PST) | #1


CA - Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 12:11:10 (PST) | #2

Now I'll have to refund my tix. No point in going if Mark isn't performing. Keep up the Morrissey mentions on Howard though. It was fun.

Dagenham Dave
Chicago - Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 12:41:42 (PST) | #3

I think the Morrissey mention on the radio was way cool. Especially since it was orcestrated by a Moz fan. Keep up the good work Tom.!!

- Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 18:32:53 (PST) | #4

A little confusion is a good thing once a while...especially when
the "boys in the band" get a mention out of it!

Are you also responsible for that unflattering
Q-magazine photo of Moz??


Jason G. <[email protected]>
- Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 21:49:44 (PST) | #5

"Melrose Tom?" ;)

Lifeguard Commenting
Nowhere You'd Like To Be - Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 23:10:31 (PST) | #6

who's the sexiest:
moz, howard or bababooey?

tatooed boy from birkenhead
- Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 11:33:05 (PST) | #7

I am by far da sexiest boss...Does anyone have a bannana? Time to nap in my office and eat my boogers..

Bob A. Booey
- Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 11:37:45 (PST) | #8

Personally I think Morrissey would be quite offended about being mentioned on a show as vulgar and common as Howard Stern's. Unlike Mr. Stern, Morrissey has taste

- Fri, Dec 10, 1999 at 18:47:17 (PST) | #9

Anon, you are an idiot of the highest order. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about regarding Howard Stern. What does Howard's lack of taste in your opinion have to do with anything? Howard happens to be very clever and quick-witted just like Mozer. Next time you want to knock someone, try and be a bit more educated on the subject..

- Sat, Dec 11, 1999 at 20:04:57 (PST) | #10

* return to Morrissey-solo