Comments / Notes
There we are! At last, an honest, balanced and intelligent account of a Moz experience. The reviewer admits that he is not a Moz fan, but at least can still acknowledge that the fans are responding to him well. Actually it is obvious he is not a fan otherwise he would know all about the exploits of the fans getting up onstage. And it is good to see Moz not just playing the big cities and venues and going to places like Galway, as the writer says.
Mike Rice <[email protected]>
UK - Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 11:42:27 (PST) | #1
That was a fair assessment of what happened that night and the reveiwer has killed the myth that Morrissey can only be loved or hated. He is obviously not a fan but could appreciate what Morrissey means to people. The stage invasion at the end was fantastic considering how unforgiving the security was but anybody that has been to these gigs will realise that the show ends after just one encore, so the reveiwer should not have worried about the crowd spoiling any chance of a second one. I went to four of the irish dates. My greatest memory of Galway is throwing a condom still in it's wrapper on stage. Morrissey put it in his mouth, kept it there for a while and then spat it back out into the audience and I managed to catch it again. I don't think I'll ever be using it now. Then again, there was a pretty good chance I was never going to be using it anyway.
Michael Ferry <[email protected]>
- Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 02:58:24 (PST) | #2