Comments / Notes
Well, a somewhat balanced and dare I say 'fair' effort it be...and yet, can it possibly be by sheer coincidence that 87% of all Morrissey-related articles, both British and American (though more often British), follow a startlingly similar outline? The same quotes are quoted ("England for the English," et al), the same scenes are restaged (the Union Flag), the seem Myseterious Mexian Connection cited.In fact, it's high time someone formalized the hithertofore scrambled, grassroots efforts of journalistic hacks and mouchers everywhere, with the Official Guide To How To Write A Morrissey Article. 1) Decide if you like the man (if from NME, simply check past issues / weekly office memos for your opinion); 2) If you like him, stop reading; otheriwise, write article as follows: -- Morrissey on stage; quick vignette of most recent performance / appearance. -- Transition paragraph, ala "but it wasn't always this way..." -- Flashback: Those four loveable British lads take the world by storm, etc etc. -- Transition paragraph, ala "but now..." (optional: rub Johnny Marr's nose in it...) -- The meat (and we do mean "meat") of the matter; six or seven sentences ending in question marks, along the lines of "But how can the kids fall for this...?" "But he has no manager, right...?" "But this is sheer nostalgia, no?" etc -- Conclusion, ala "you fools seem to persist in your folly, so good luck..we're done with you..." etc etc etc. Of course, being the sort of person who would've stopped reading at number 2, perhaps I'm not the most qualified to speak on the matter...
hung or artist? - Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 10:35:43 (PST) | #1
This joins the ranks as one of the stupidest and most poorly researched major publication review of Morrissey in existence.
Jake The Tripper
Windy City--home of Vienna Hot Dogs - Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 10:36:32 (PST) | #2
Jeremy, my friend, you are a funny one. "Those four loveable British lads take the world by storm..."Suggested addenda to the Guide: -2nd paragraph: something along the lines of "He moved from the UK to LA because everybody in the UK hates him. I write this despite the fact that I am reviewing one of the four packed shows he played in London." (REQUIRED) -hackneyed, obsolete reference to asexuality (OPTIONAL)
ecce <[email protected]>
- Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 11:32:12 (PST) | #3
Did anyone else notice that "Meat Is Murder" is always referred to as a "rare live happening" (which it isn't, he plays it everynight now!)?
Henrik Rydéhn <[email protected]>
- Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 12:05:56 (PST) | #4
Dudes,Just deal with! We like Morrissey! Most of the world's population doesn't! I mean, nobody really likes funerals!
TD SALES - Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 12:38:25 (PST) | #5
Hey Fiona, your the biggest YAM around! Whats this about the band being a "bunch of brickies in fancy dress"? I'm sure that when the long time passed, never should have existed, Cure comes around your first in line. Talk about a bunch of washed up losers...nobody's worse. And a "humstrung attempt" at playing Smiths songs, well do you really think that Moz would allow his band to play these songs if they werent to his liking? Why dont you do something worth your while (and certainly mine). Find your way towards a cliff and carry through with it... please! Cause I'm sick and SICK of people who think that they know so much when in reality, the know nothing more than their pretty little lives where thinking twice about anything is never an option. Hope that cliff finds you soon. Mozz's band couldnt be better...and I would watch your back if I were you. Because those "brickies" have fans too.
PORTLAND, OREGON - Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 13:00:25 (PST) | #6
And another thing...One of these band members who you are so quick to discredit, is simply one of the hardest working and most talented musicians in the business. Boz Boorer not only plays several different styles of music (from country to glam) he also writes songs, produces albums, owns his own recording studio, spends most of the year traveling around the world with Rock-a-billy bands who know what a talent he is. Are you insinuating that Moz is better off with a heroin addict in his band? I think not! Your just another to be added to the increasingly long list of "devout" Moz fans who has no idea what he is about, or represents. He, nor his band, are what you want them to be. They are what they are, and I'm pleased that they are not what you want them to be. If they were I would not like them. I'm also pleased to see that you made such an arse of yourself in front of the whole world with your half witted comments.
PORTLAND, OREGON - Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 15:57:49 (PST) | #7
Good Work DODGY! You tell 'em!
Raquel <[email protected]>
The Deprived East Coast - Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 06:01:14 (PST) | #8
Also, when writing an article about Morrissey:- be sure to refer to him by his full name, although nobody else does, just to show that you know what it is (and be sure to spell his first name "Stephen") - describe Morrissey as "increasingly irrelevant to today's music scene" and go on about his "dwindling popularity," despite the fact that he just sold out a lot of concerts with no album to promote and very little publicity - keep saying how "English" Morrissey is, as if that should be a surprise (most people who have grown up in England are pretty "English") - describe Morrissey as "miserable" or "morose," despite the fact that he makes jokes all the time in interviews and on stage - etc. .............elbowless
Elbowless <[email protected]>
- Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 08:23:50 (PST) | #9