"Stars In Their Eyes" reports
Posted on Tue, Oct 12 1999 at 8:48 a.m. PDT
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Steven:

The dreadful British Saturday night spectacle `Stars In Their Eyes' featured British comedian Harry Hill impersonating Morrissey. Hill sang `This Charming Man' and talked back stage about his admiration for `the underrated genius' Morrissey. It may not have been the best attempt in the world, but at least it was a change from the usual rubbish such as Cher, Sting and Tina Turner.

A brave attempt and exposure to the masses.

From Grant:

On the ITV tv station in the UK last saturday night (9th) there was 'Celebrity Stars In Their Eyes'. As mentioned previously on these pages, the comedian Harry Hill 'became' Morrissey and sung a version of "This Charming Man". Basically, he dressed up with a quiff and hearing aid, waving a bunch of flowers and singing over a bad popped-up version of the song. It was a bit cringy and embarrassing to watch (as this programme always is) but he didn't ridicule the Moz. Before the song, he mentioned how much of a Moz fan he was and how much he enjoyed his music.

I videotaped the performance, so if anyone wants a copy (can't think why they would) they can contact me.

From punkrockchar:

Scroll down past the Coronation Street update to get to screen shots from the aforementioned "Celebrity Stars In Their Eyes" Oct. 9 featuring Harry Hill as Morrissey.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

I didn't think that it was "popped up". Harry played it straight (well, straight that is apart from giving in to the temptation to mug to the camera at the beginning), and did a passable impersonation.

David T (a different one)
- Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 09:19:11 (PDT) | #1

I hate to admit this, but Harry Hill looks strangely attractive with a wig....

- Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 09:55:04 (PDT) | #2

The most strange thing was how the audience clapped at the beginning as if in recognition, and it was on of their favourites - I doubt any of them knew who Morrissey was. Mathew Kelley's a nice boy though.

Consumer Monkey <[email protected]>
Manchester - Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 10:56:49 (PDT) | #3

I agree with Different David. No 'popping up' of the music took place. In fact, I was impressed with the accuracy of some session geezers replication of Johnnys riffage.

It was a great 5 minutes of television. Well done Harry I say!


The Green Dome - Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 17:18:48 (PDT) | #4

I thought the song sounded like one of those tracks you get on a K-Tel compilation by different musicians. I suppose Moz & Marr must have authorised the playing of the song, why oh why oh why!!


Michael <[email protected]>
UK - Wed, Oct 13, 1999 at 01:37:05 (PDT) | #5

Yes I saw it and was not overly empressed. I knew he'd do This Charming Man - shame really. Ask would have been better or Panic but I guess the idiotic producers felt TCM was the most well kwown of his songs?? Anyway did anyone see someone taking off Neil Tennant on Stars as that would have been a site worth seeing.......

Scott <[email protected]>
The Great Colonial Master - Sun, Oct 17, 1999 at 13:16:48 (PDT) | #6

* return to Morrissey-solo