Tour updates
Posted on Mon, Sep 27 1999 at 10:09 a.m. PDT
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Fabio D'Antonio:

Only today it seems to be true after 14 years that Morrissey will come back in Italy touring...

The club for Modena (3 Nov) is the Palasport (I think about 5000 people capacity). For Milano I don't know...

As soon as possible I'll put on my web site all the details for the Italian gigs, how to get tickets, telephone numbers and all...

From Mark Deveney:

There is a lot of crap going around, re: Moz in London, NONE OF THE SHOWS ARE SOLD OUT!!

I literally bought 2 tickets this morning through 'firstcall' booking agency for the Sun 14th Show...

PS: Its not got an @Isle of Dogs' title here and uses the Southpaw cover as the backdrop.

strange eh!!

From Luis M. Graça:

As you can imagine it was nice when I first found out about the Porto-Portugal gig but there´s something wrong. At your site the show is on Oct. 31 but, at the Coliseum site it´s placed for Oct. 29.

Who´s right?

I would definitely say the venue's site is correct. That means the date for Madrid (originally the 29th) must have changed also. Apart from the original tour date announcements, I have not received any updates from any sources close to the tour, so keep letting me know if you find out anything new.

Regarding coverage of the tour on this site -- my plan is that info for each show can be submitted via the tour page in the discussion board format (right now it's set up for the first four shows). I will then compile what is submitted there into summaries. In 1997 I compiled tour info from e-mail each night which worked ok, but I could not keep up in some cases. Following the tour through the internet is not quite the same thing as following it in person, but for most the latter is impossible so I hope you'll be able to contribute to the former when you can.

Adding to some of my frustrations are the site's downtimes (the last one lasted from Sun. night til Mon. morning)  - problems with the ISP since their equipment upgrade last month have not ended. I will continue switching ISPs but at the moment I have been assured they are trying their best to fix the problems.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

yip, London is not sold out 'cos last night I did a test on the UK Ticketmaster site. I tried to see if I could buy another ticket for the 14th. Yes, I could (but didn't.) The site is the one that said they were sold out. So whoever said that another London show has been added for the 12th, I hope you were BSing.

here is London, giddy London.
- Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 12:09:45 (PDT) | #1

Dear MOZ,

Why haven't you sceduled any Canadian dates??? After all, you DID start the last tour here in Toronto.

"Don't leave us in the dark..."


MICHAEL <[email protected]>
Toronto, CANADA - Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 19:45:43 (PDT) | #2

I too ordered a ticket for the Sunday Nov 14th show.
I'll be in the upstairs balcony part.
The Forum is my favourite venue.
I've seen some great gigs there, including two by The Sundays.
Plus a great CND gig (1989?) featuring The La's, Sandie Shaw and the Darling Buds.
Anyone else here at that one?

Jimbo <[email protected]>
London - Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 21:03:05 (PDT) | #3

How about Montreal (Canada) ??? The Maladjusted tour went really well in 1997...Hands across the ocean !!!

steve brisebois <[email protected]>
Montreal - Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 05:38:05 (PDT) | #4

Why not Paris - France ????

- Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 06:12:18 (PDT) | #5

Moz will play in Berlin, Germany on Oct.19th. The location is called COLUMBIAHALLE. And I'll enjoy it!!! Sorry, Canadians, but he didn't play in Berlin with "Maladjusted" or "Southpaw..."

berlin, germany - Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 07:41:29 (PDT) | #6

Hey, is it true that the London shows are no minors? AKA no under 18's? If so then i think that is retarded coz I was once an under age morrissey fan...humph!

Ronny Marr
- Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 11:33:14 (PDT) | #7

Sorry if this is not about our Man, I'm just
wondering: Is anyone here from Wales? Or been to Wales? What is Northern Wales like - - Snowdonia, Bangor, etc? I'd like to have an opinion I can

veering cliffhuxtableward
- Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 21:57:28 (PDT) | #8

Could anyone tell me if the Barecelona gig is
definitely on and if so, are tickets on sale yet?
Did anyone in Spain call Zeleste? Or does anyone know the phone number?

bas ten bokum <[email protected]>
Amsterdam, NL - Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 03:30:08 (PDT) | #9

Hello... Hello...
I have set up an email address [email protected] for those of us who are going to the Forum to see Moz on any (or all) three (or four -- yes, please!)days. We can then answer questions for people who come from other places and talk about the whole thing and arrange meet-ups and stuff like that. Since I'm not an internet wiz, the idea is that you send me a message or just your email address and you're put in the list --- and then I post all messages to everyone who's on the list. Please don't make your subjects too complicated. Write soon!

Moz in London <[email protected]>
London - Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 07:05:33 (PDT) | #10

* return to Morrissey-solo