Comments / Notes
Helllloooooo Moz are you listening??? I said No more Dates in Euorpe , they have more than they need. East Coast Baby, East Coast!!!! The more you ignore us the more pissed off we get your wasting your time........OUT
Warren The Grudge Holder
Chespaw - Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 09:02:02 (PDT) | #1
Good day Warren, you wacky bloke. Please stop begging Morrissey to come see you. All the pissing and whining isn't going to make him change his mind to please you. Buy a ticket and go overseas or West Coast if it is killing you that much. Buy "Beethoven Was Deaf", "Introducing Morrissey", and "Live in Dallas" and hush down.
Dagenham Dave
Chicago - Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 09:37:09 (PDT) | #2
Of course Ticketmaster say that there are still tickets going . . .
David T (a different one)
- Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 09:37:46 (PDT) | #3
amen dagenham dave. i live on the east cost and i'm flying out for 2 of the west cost dates. i also might be going to ireland for a few shows. stop whining warren.
- Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 10:22:33 (PDT) | #4
To the "other" David T., You are adorable!!! Could you, Samantha and your dog be any cuter??? What a very cool site, thanks for sharing your link with us at solo.com!
Ronnie L.
66th and Bryan - Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 10:54:59 (PDT) | #5
Yeah Warren. C'mon man, spend your entire retirement to go see Morrissey. It's OK if your kids (present or future) don't eat, just spend, spend, spend! It's alright if you don't pay your bills, as long as you blow the cash on seeing Morrissey. Visa will understand. Are you guys crazy? Morrissey is a great performer, and I've seen him twice in my hometown of Minneapolis, MN, but I wouldn't travel overseas or even across the country to see him perform.
Daddy Warbuck
- Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 11:02:59 (PDT) | #6
Aw - bless . .. you can meet Sammy and me (but sadly not my dog) if you make it to London on 14 November (and perhaps 12th too) . . .
David T (a different one)
- Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 11:10:04 (PDT) | #7
I am so excited!!! I am there and Warren I am sorry that you are upset - but hey chin up little camper!
Candy Apple <[email protected]>
Mobile, AL - Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 11:11:19 (PDT) | #8
Actually November 14 could work for me! I would love to meet you and Sam! I have some info on a great flight offer from the States to London - I can update you guys on the status of my trip via your web site. Cheers!
Ronnie L.
66th and Bryan (Dairy) - Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 11:14:39 (PDT) | #9
huh? if I would've known I would've planned my flight to leave Thurs. 'cos the tix are cheaper anyway. So I'm getting to London on the 13th.
weird person
- Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 12:37:45 (PDT) | #10
I wish I could blow money on Morrissey...I'm only 15 though...don't have a job or money. ugh...
soldado <[email protected]>
- Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 12:46:27 (PDT) | #11
Sure - it would great to see anybody from this site on 14th (a sad obssessive lot that we are)
David T (a different one)
London - Sun, Sep 26, 1999 at 09:47:23 (PDT) | #12
Hello... Hello... I have set up an email address ([email protected]) for those of us who are going to the Forum to see Moz on any (or all) three (or four -- yes, please!)days. We can then answer questions for people who come from other places and talk about the whole thing and arrange meet-ups and stuff like that. Since I'm not an internet wiz, the idea is that you send me a message or just your email address and you're put in the list --- and then I post all messages to everyone who's on the list. Please don't make your subjects too complicated. Write soon! x
Moz in London <[email protected]>
London - Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 07:10:36 (PDT) | #13