Comments / Notes
I love Big Country! That is so cool when a cool band mentions Moz as someone they would like to work with. Does BC ever tour the states?? Maybe they could open up for Moz....IF HE EVER TOURS THE EAST COAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am sick of hearing tickets are going on sale everywhere but here. Where next China???
Chespaw - Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 09:45:11 (PDT) | #1
Morrissey is a lyrical Genius.
Los Angeles - Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 15:13:52 (PDT) | #2
Time for intelligent commentary...Yeah, that's pretty cool that Stuart Adamson admires Morrissey. I was never a "fan" of Big Country. I really only ever liked one song of theirs. But still, it was nice of Adamson to say that. :) Warren, give it up. I probably shouldn't even waste my time, but I need to say something. Morrissey will tour wherever the hell he pleases. And if he's not gonna be in the east coast of the United States, he's not gonna be there. Too bad for you, I guess. Quit whining. I would absolutely LOVE it if Moz came back to Canada for a few dates, but do you hear me complaining? No. If he doesn't come here, maybe he will another time. He'll never come to my city anyway. I think maybe 15 people might show up. I'm not in a real Moz-friendly city, sadly. (But if there are any other fans out there in this little sh*thole, please show your faces! I wanna meet you!) :) Anyway...Warren, I'll be nice. Keep your hopes up. Maybe he'll play there next year or something. Until then, don't be so bloody self-centred and keep in mind that there are many more countries out there and that the United States Of America is NOT the "centre of the Universe." Javier...tell us something we don't know. :)
Tara <[email protected]>
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 15:30:23 (PDT) | #3
Now was this actually a Big Country convention or just talk at the car wash that the band now works at?
Frankie Shankly(not Franc or Frank) <[email protected]>
Southern California - Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 17:10:32 (PDT) | #4
Tara, are you a big fat lesbian?
Paul Nightingale <[email protected]>
Channel Islands - Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 08:54:52 (PDT) | #5
What is wrong with being a big fat lesbian?
May Sarton
- Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 09:13:03 (PDT) | #6
Hmmm, Big Country, such a profound band....with their profound album, "Big Country" and lest we forget, their one-hit wonder song, "Big Country." How original and creative. Is it any remote wonder that the guy was impressed by Morrissey's lyrics?
devil's advocate
hell on earth - Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 18:04:43 (PDT) | #7
Oh, and is anyone surprised in the least by Warren's self-confessed adoration of Big Country? Somehow, I think not.
devil's advocate
hell on earth - Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 18:06:57 (PDT) | #8
"Hmmmm Big Country is such a profound band......... Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah." DA, I have a gift, I play good music (my band) and I recogonize good music. Just because you stumbled on this page while looking for the Btittany Spears web site don't take your curse of liking sucky music out on me. Advice for you, don't let your children play around the microwave like your parents allowed you to do!!! HhhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, don't even try to come back!!!!!!!! OUTTTTTTTTT
Chespaw - Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 07:42:53 (PDT) | #9
Finally a decent come back from Warren - Well said!
San Jose, CA - Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 08:02:41 (PDT) | #10
What is the deal - Big Country is AWESOME - I don't know how I like being on Warren's side but lighten up people!
Altanta, GA - Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 08:44:10 (PDT) | #11
Hey Rhett I'm confused! thanks (I think) what the heck are you saying????
Chespaw - Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 13:27:58 (PDT) | #12
Funny how few moz-fans that also are addicted to BC - I have only met one before (besides myself).
Thomas <[email protected]>
Denmark - Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 07:26:48 (PDT) | #13
Ouh, I like both, BC and Morrissey/Smiths. Especially live Big Country is great.
Wuppertal, Germany - Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 07:11:25 (PDT) | #14