Comments / Notes
I like men who have a future and women who have a past. -- The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890)
- Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 12:29:41 (PDT) | #1
"The first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible. What the second is, no one has yet discovered."
Tes Ven
Enniskellen, Ireland - Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 13:20:00 (PDT) | #2
Oh dear old Oscar"Of course the music is a great difficulty. You see, if one plays good music, people don't listen, and if one plays bad music people don't talk."
Corey <[email protected]>
- Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 14:54:50 (PDT) | #3
"the public have an insatiable curiousity to know everything, except what is worth knowing."-wilde
adrien <[email protected]>
- Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 20:36:24 (PDT) | #4
The only artists I have ever known who are personally delightful are bad artists. Good artists exist simply in what they make, and consequently are perfectly uninteresting in what they are. A great poet, a really great poet is the most unpoetical of all creatures.OW
ca - Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 23:39:27 (PDT) | #5
"His detractors . . . an imperfectly warm-blooded race, apparently conceive him as a great white caterpiller" - Joyce on Wilde's detractors
Chaz Kendrick
Pere Lachaise - Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 06:45:33 (PDT) | #6
Star,Tes,Corey,Adrien and Chaz. Your intellect is astounding!!! The 5 of you may be the best quoters in the whole Wilde world!!! Thanks so much for sharing with the rest of us. I am a changed person
Well Read
New York City - Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 07:12:12 (PDT) | #7
Well Read, well said! You are a clever one. So what, there is a social on O.W.? We can read kids. If help is required, we know where we can obtain your services. Thanks. : )!!
Jules Wilde (ha) <[email protected]>
OZ - Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 07:39:15 (PDT) | #8
tsk tsk, dear friends, Has anybody seen my mommy?
lying atop a grassy knoll - Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 12:49:57 (PDT) | #9
I am not sure if I am reading into your posts but I am feeling a little offended by you Well Read and you too Jules. I thought being able to share with others your favorite Oscar quote is quite appropriate on the Oscar Wilde page. If you too feel like you should only see these quotes by picking up the reading and reading it yourself - then why don't you A) post something relevant to this site instead of picking on someone else's post or B) Hop over to the robbie williams' topic and talk about your idol George Michael. Jules why don't you and Toto go back to Kansas.
Tes Ven
Enniskellen, Ireland - Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 13:20:15 (PDT) | #10
Long live Oscar Wilde and all of us that are dedicated to his cause! Words are a form of action, capable of influencing change. Their articulation represents a complete, lived experience therefor I will pass them on, regardless of those not worthy to appreciate them - a quote, a poem, a short story or a book they are ours to share.
- Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 13:44:04 (PDT) | #11
"An unreasonable moment may be one's finest moment." - Oscar Wilde ("De Profundis")
- Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 20:37:16 (PDT) | #12
Please no more enlightening quotes!!! I can pick up a book if I need to read anymore thank you. What are you clowns in a book club or something or did you spend all you parents hard earned money majoring in English?
Well Read
New York City - Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 13:17:24 (PDT) | #13
Well, well, Well-Read, I think I hear a poor undergraduate with some anxiety over major selection. Words of wisdom, choose any major of use and beware of the artsy advertising majors, it may be like a thorn in your side, ugh!!!
go gators <[email protected]>
Florida - Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 13:22:35 (PDT) | #14
I don't know about you guys, I haven't read any of his stuff and I don't think I want to. He looks like a big gay guy in a fur coat? Why did Moz pick this nutjob as one of his hereos???
Chespaw - Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 13:45:35 (PDT) | #15
"Any preoccupation with ideas of what is right or wrong in conduct shows an arrested intellectual development." - Wilde
Tony Focaracci
- Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 14:43:26 (PDT) | #16
Tony - I think you are overestimating Warren if you think he will understand that quote - his intellect is a little lacking I am afraid - Well what can we all expect seeing as how he is in the 5th grade.
Mike Otwell
Los Angelos, CA - Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 14:54:00 (PDT) | #17
"A True Friend Stabs You In The Front"Oscar Wilde [email protected]
Kathleen <[email protected]>
L.A. - Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 16:59:38 (PDT) | #18