Momus namechecks Morrissey in Onion interview
Posted on Fri, Sep 10 1999 at 9:30 a.m. PDT
by David T. <[email protected]>
First to spot this is John tha... well, you know:

The latest edition of the Onion online has a Momus interview in their A/V section where Momus talks about Moz a bit:

O: What about "Maf"? What took you to make that particular person a killer?
M: Um, because he suggested it to me. We exchanged quite a few e-mails about how we should present the song. He was really involved. You know, he's obviously a creative guy, and he wanted to become this larger-than-life character. I think he's a bit of a Morrissey fan, so... Morrissey has always struck me as being a bit of a latter-day vaudeville star, so I kind of allowed him to live out his Morrissey fantasies. He almost becomes Morrissey in this song. There's a line about how I'd hoped to kill Morrissey but Maf was my second choice. I just made it so very vaudeville.

O: Is Morrissey someone you admire?
M: He is, yeah. I think I admire his interviews more than his music, because he's very witty and funny. He's got a very dry and bitter humor, which I find hilarious. I think it's terrible that he doesn't get interviewed as much as he used to.

O: It's always struck me that there are two sorts of Morrissey fans: those who are in on the joke and those who aren't.
M: Well, I don't see how you couldn't think that he was funny. I mean, yes, I guess a lot of people must still believe to this day that he was celibate, which was one of his funniest jokes, this thing of being so wildly sexual and claiming that you're not interested in sex.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

is it not possible to be interested in sex and abstain from it?

Corey <[email protected]>
- Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 14:40:20 (PDT) | #1

I agree. Momus has it backwards. While Moz insisted his sexlife was nonexistent, he frequently litters his songs with sexual references--though never immaturely, I might add, like most every song presently in heavy rotation on MTV. On the otherhand, I do still agree with Momus and suppose that Moz, while maybe not having an entirely satisfying sexlife by modern american male standards, has had his share, I'm sure.

Jeff <[email protected]>
- Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 14:46:28 (PDT) | #2

If Jeff is sure, than most certainly he must of been involved on some level. That deserves it's own posting doesn't it?
Please submit your story to David A.S.A.P. we are waiting.

Frankie Shankly(not Frank) <[email protected]>
Southern California - Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 16:44:41 (PDT) | #3

I have always thought that Moz's claimed celibacy was the greatest slight of hand in history. We've all spent 15 years debating whether "he does or he doesn't" as opposed to obsessing over the more obvious question "is he or isn't he".

- Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 20:14:42 (PDT) | #4

Very true - Moz is funny. There is a line to be drawn. His humor is dark, self-effacing and often social commentary. But Vaudeville? No.

Joe <[email protected]>
Delaware - Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 21:19:41 (PDT) | #5

See, now this is a topic that is hilarious. I agree with Lost Boy about the question "Is He or Isn't He?" as opposed to the topic of "has he recently?". As far as that question was concerned though, I thought it had been answered by him stating that he had written love letters to both genders in the past. But again, we will never know unless he comes out and claims it himself...which frankly would ruin the fun of wondering. Maybe we should have a poll to see what popular opinion is...that would be hilarious. (David-your website rules beyond belief! Thanks for keeping me interconnected with the others.)

Javier Obregon <[email protected]>
Montclair, CA - Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 06:34:55 (PDT) | #6

no no, no poll. I agree with Jeff...I like Momus. I just think it was a bit odd to be so sure about his celibacy...he said he was celibate...I believe it; however he says he isn't any more...there you go.

Corey <[email protected]>
- Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 17:18:17 (PDT) | #7

(please sing along)

Frankly Frankie Shankly I'm a sickening wreck
I've got your imagination breathing down my neck
I must move fast
You'll understand me...
I have no place in Moz's sexual history.

Who wants to vote me the most retarded person ever?

Jeff <[email protected]>
- Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 21:03:15 (PDT) | #8

Almost certainly, Morrissey himself is bemused by the seemingly endless, if not mindless speculation regarding his sexual orientation, and activity. When I hear people sitting around wondering aloud, "Does he, or doesn't he?" and "Is he, or isn't he?" I can barely supress the urge to laugh. Short of soliciting sex,what could Morrissey do, or say to make the answers to those questions any clearer? Are the lyric sheets just for decoration, or what?

Stalwart Lover <[email protected]>
Illinois - Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 01:08:20 (PDT) | #9

* return to Morrissey-solo