Comments / Notes
wow, Moz & Marr are recording and touring together? whoa! I'm so glad I ordered some concert tix before all the bandwagoners jump on.
- Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 11:58:08 (PDT) | #1
This is so kick ass. I told all you non believers it was going to happen (someday) Any news if Andy and Mike are in the band? I'll bet you this is why Moz fired Spencer. So Mike could play again. What do you guys think? How close is Coachella to Corona Del Mar. out....
Chespaw - Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 12:17:18 (PDT) | #2
This is all rumor, remember. I seriously doubt that Morrissey and Marr are in the studio together. I want to know where they got there info. If I was everyone(and I am) I wouldn't get my hopes up to high on the reunion at Coachella. Just be satisfied to see Morrissey.Use your strenght to be gently and kind. Even though this isn't related (Support B3- Bring Back Barry Sanders.)
jdog <jbmdog @aol.com>
- Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 12:43:12 (PDT) | #3
There is no way Johnny will ever play with Moz again, it sucks but it is true. Bring back Barry, he is a great running back but with or without him you will loose to the Bucs twice this year...
Tony Zarra
Tampa Bay Florida - Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 13:05:09 (PDT) | #4
Ahem, Ok, Hi I'm Johnny Marr, and I just thank all of you for your support.and want to tell all of you that, yes the rumors are true, the reunion is on. I will be playing with Morrissey begining in October. Thank you again. Johnny Marr, p.s I am really johnny marr, In fact morrissey is here too. ahhhh hello, see all of you on the frontlines, I'll be there with Johnny. Moz
Johnny Marr
- Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 15:26:33 (PDT) | #5
Hello all, It is really terrible that people write such nonsense using my name. Of course the rumours are NOT true--I won't have anything at all to do with that wimpering old bag Morrissey. Sorry to disappoint, but I have my own projects to work on now. I hope you will all support me in my efforts and stop trying to induce a reunion, because it simply won't happen. I have seen Morrissey about in Los Angeles recently and while I harbour no incredibly ill feelings toward the man, we just don't have anything in common anymore. Our musical styles have become greatly different and as such, no collaboration is possible. Besides, he's an impossible bloke to get along with! Once again, thank you for your support. Buy my solo album!
Johnny Marr-no, really
- Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 15:58:37 (PDT) | #6
Doesn't Warren remind you of that annoying gnat that keeps buzzing in your ear? And you try to swat it away, and just when you think you've swatted it away forever, it comes back to pester and annoy you? That's what he reminds me of.It's nice to try to put merit into such reunions taking place, isn't it? Particularly when they're taken from websites whose next story is about "The Young and The Restless(For those of you not in the US, a soap opera)." Gee, It's Got To Be True Now!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Not Only That, But Susan Lucci Is Having A Sex Operation!!! IT MUST BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!
Mikey <[email protected]>
New Effin Jersey - Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 16:15:47 (PDT) | #7
I would have to agree that these are probably just extended rumours about the two artists. Didn't we just read that Johnny was not going to play in Coachella? Wishful thinking maybe but extremely doubtful. Warren don't get mad when the smiths do not reunite and start slagging Marr about lying to the world again. p.s. the next person who uses my name will be tied to the tracks.
Johnny Marr <[email protected]>
Southern California - Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 18:10:15 (PDT) | #8
I want to hear it straight from the horses' mouths themselves, Morrissey and Johnny Marr to confirm this "lie," not from showbiz.com. It's not going to happen! Damn! I wish I was in California for that show, anyway. You lucky Southern Cally bastards (no offense intended). Well, enjoy the show while us east coasters rot.
Maryland - Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 23:40:24 (PDT) | #9
Wow, Johnny Marr actually writes to us! We even got a few words from Moz too! This is so cool. I love what the internet has done. I think Johnny has split personalities though since he wrote us a few times with contradictory statements. Oh well, I'm just glad he wrote!!!
Violent Beeatch
- Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 00:19:23 (PDT) | #10
Actually, Marr didn't say that he wasn't going to play at Coachella. All he said, or rather denied, was that he and Morrissey are not going to reunite at Coachella. For all we know, he could reunite with him before the show. He never said anything about not working with Moz either, so it may be possible that the 2 are working together on a project. They just won't be playing live together, that's all!
ray c
- Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 00:31:46 (PDT) | #11
What about me?!? It's always about those two wankers! WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEE!!!!
Andy Rourke
- Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 02:00:32 (PDT) | #12
Personally I couldn't care less. I'm gonna sit at home and count my wedge of cash supplied by M&M, who needs Coachella!!Mike
Mike Joyce
Manchester, England - Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 02:28:55 (PDT) | #13
yer all mad.....dont stress...enjoy the show(s)
- Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 08:49:28 (PDT) | #14
Contrary to what some people may believe, I would love to see Marr and Moz working together. As long as they donīt call theirselves "the Smiths". Maybe "the Smith & Jones". Just kidding, folks.
Loretta Scars
Deadham, Mass. - Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 09:37:09 (PDT) | #15
come on guys, let's try to keep this somewhat real.....
John in NJ <[email protected]>
Trenton, NJ - Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 10:31:42 (PDT) | #16
John I can see how you have your doubts but if you think about it logically everything really is falling into place. A bunch of people have commented on the reunion and Moz got rid of Spence it just makes sense. Dont you think? "There she goes again racing through my brain...." out...
Chespaw - Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 11:13:13 (PDT) | #17
warren, for god's sake, would you just tell us who you really are? it's very frustrating.
John in NJ <[email protected]>
Trenton, NJ - Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 12:49:32 (PDT) | #18
Kristen McCarthy
Boston - Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 14:13:34 (PDT) | #19
I'm with Warren! I am glad that Marr will be playing with Morrissey. I, for one, was beginning to get sick of listening to Morrissey play with himself. I bet Warren plays with himself....
crunkyville - Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 17:51:55 (PDT) | #20
Morrissey and Johnny? Maybe. But they will never play again with and Andy or Mike. Those 2 @#!!!s!!! Remember what they did to Moz.
Nina Simone <[email protected]>
Santiago de Chile - Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 18:18:07 (PDT) | #21
They are making this up. They are making this up. They are making this up. They are making this up. They are making this up. They are just feeding off the rumours they've found on this site.Boz & Co. are definitely going on the tour (they are planning to, anyway). Moz is not going to fire them and rehire all his old bandmates. We've heard stuff from Morrissey's people and none of them have mentioned Marr. I won't believe any reunion stuff till I hear it straight from Morrissey's loving mouth. It would be great if it were true, but it's so easy to blow things out of proportion ...
mysterious eel
- Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 20:09:46 (PDT) | #22
I can't believe anyone listens to those festering piles of carpet hair.
No, buy my video - Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 22:29:33 (PDT) | #23
hello dumb americans, you are pathetic pieces of horse manure. smiths are dead, johnny hates mozz, saw him a few days agoheard the new album, almost as good as queen is dead p.s. if i get any mails about the bicycle chain, i will seriously murder you
Nick Kent <[email protected]>
- Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 03:29:46 (PDT) | #24
Hey, guys.Erm, if you fellas are really thinking of getting the old group back together, I don't mind filling in, at any time at all. Really, you know, if like one of you gets addicted to narcotics or something and can't make a gig, I'll help out, no probs. That's all. Bye.
Craig Gannon
- Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 06:16:20 (PDT) | #25
Just thought I'd add my tuppence worth here, as everybody else is chiming in.What I wanted to say was that, were it not for being dead, I'd be quite happy to produce any album the reformed Smiths put out.
Mick Ronson
- Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 06:31:08 (PDT) | #26
what if that actually was craig gannon? that would be outrageously funny, him sitting at his computer, so far out of the proverbial loop that he gives commentary to a fan site instead of an interview in some big magazine.
John in NJ <[email protected]>
Trenton, NJ - Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 06:32:14 (PDT) | #27
Well, with Johnny making crap music on the computer, I thought I'd give it a shot. Now I am using this computer to get updates on my dearest friends. See you on tour !!!!
Craig Gannon
- Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 07:37:03 (PDT) | #28
Yeah right, what kind of crap is this? Will the liar please step forward! Anyone who believes this is living in a dreamworld. Thank you and goodnight!
Mike Head <[email protected]>
Denver - Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 08:17:15 (PDT) | #29
What about a reunion of the mighty NOSEBLEEDS !!!Surely this would be much better than Moz having this skinny old bastard that Johnny Marr is. Come on !! "I think Iīm ready for the electric chair" !!
Billy Duffy
- Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 04:02:19 (PDT) | #30
roxanne <roxylynn6>
- Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 21:55:53 (PDT) | #31
You've seen nothing yet, as cochella comes nearer the rumors will become more intense. It would be good advice for all of you to prepare for a deluge of rumours as the eve of this event inches nearer.
Hawaii - Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 01:02:46 (PDT) | #32
Am I the only one who's actually going to attend Coachella? I heard about moz and marr and freaked out and sold my soul for tickets. $60. and 4 cents! thats insane! I'd really like to know about any other moz or smiths fans who are attending because heaven knows all my friends hate the smiths and moz. I'd like someone to get all freaked out over the two of them with me. Anywho if anything spectacular happens there in 2 weeks i'll have it posted even before Tseng does. hehe
This Charming Girl <[email protected]>
fresno CA - Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 20:49:25 (PDT) | #33