Billy Bragg covers "Jeane" in concert
Posted on Wed, Sep 1 1999 at 8:52 a.m. PDT
by David T. <[email protected]>
I believe they were talking about the last time Billy Bragg played the House Of Blues (June 25, 1998) and Morrissey was backstage at that one -- I'm pretty certain he wasn't at this one. From Mannix:

Just thought I'd let you know what happened at the House of Blues Los Angeles last night, August 30th.

"This is a song from a group who are no longer around to play it themselves live."

With that introduction, Billy Bragg began his acoustic cover of "Jeane" by, of course, The Smiths. The interesting thing was that later backstage Bragg told us he heard that Morrissey himself had worked his way backstage during the performance. Bragg's guitar player (Lu Edmonds, I believe) had talked to Morrissey during Billy's solo set. Morrissey made mention that his Porsche was recently stolen from the driveway of his rented home.

The cover was brilliant.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

Firstly, as a recent victim of such comments, I am not going to question the truth of this story, it's quite possible that Bragg said this last night (Bragg just might not have had the story straight). However, I do want to point out a few things that just don't seem to add up. 1) Morrissey definitely OWNS his home here in LA and is not renting. 2) The car that has been on his driveway for sometime is, in fact, German but NOT a Porsche (though that would be cool). 3) This is a man which didn't have a license for years and, though he does have a new found love of driving, I find it hard to believe he drives a manual (stick) transmission. Once again, I DO NOT want to start a flame war on the truth of the contributor's experience. I am just adding my two cents on what I know.

Derick Greene
- Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 09:04:58 (PDT) | #1

ok stalker, but morrissey has, in fact, owned a porsche in the last few years...
goes to show how little you know...

sdavenport <[email protected]>
- Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 12:11:16 (PDT) | #2

dammit! i knew i should have gone to the show!

i better pass the LSAT because of this...and it better be worth it!

state of emergency
- Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 13:53:16 (PDT) | #3

I like the info. and I would like to believe it is reliable. It fascinates me to think of Moz in such casual conversation. I think I will listen to the song 'Sexuality' tonight, in fond memory of the tune that Marr co-wrote with Billy.

- Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 14:49:22 (PDT) | #4

Not directly related to this story, but it reminds me of the time we saw Billy Bragg in 1988-ish. He was playing one of his songs (I think Greetings To The New Brunette?) which Johnny plays on on the actual record. As Bragg was doing a solo version he said "Where's Johnny Marr when you need him eh?" just as the guitar solo should have started. Then Bragg said something like "...I bet that's what Morrissey's thinking an' all". Oh how we laughed. This was after the Smiths split but prior to any solo Morrissey stuff - I can't remember the exact date.

Manchester, UK - Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 15:22:23 (PDT) | #5

David's just announced a new name for this website: Lord knows, that mu'@#!!!er plays a gig every night.

Jeff <[email protected]>
- Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 16:20:34 (PDT) | #6

Billy Bragg has got the Smithsmania. Moz has got the socialism of the heart. Neato. And why wouldn't Moz want a manual? All the auto snobs like manual for the control. It makes them feel like F1 racers. (doesn't Porsche make automatic?) Shame to have a car stolen. It's floating in a boat to Malaysia, probably.

mysterious eel will now shut up
- Wed, Sep 01, 1999 at 22:37:10 (PDT) | #7

So Morrissey doesn't need a house that's a show place. He has the car.

Moz Tard
Dijon - Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 00:36:17 (PDT) | #8

Sorry but the story is false of Morrissey going backstage at the Bragg concert. Morrssey wasn't in LA on 30th August.

Scott <[email protected]>
England for the English - Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 02:34:48 (PDT) | #9

Esteban estuvo en Los Angeles. Fue a Chicago por dos dias nadamas. I'm trying.

EDDIE RIFF <eddie [email protected]>
Los Angeles, London or San Miguel de Allende - Mexico - Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 04:03:57 (PDT) | #10

There is a billy bragg album, I think its called "Strange Fruit". It's all electric guitar and voice versions of his songs like Greetings..., marriage, She's got a new spell, etc. Anyway there's a really cool version of Jeane on it. There are also some songs I haven't heard before and I have all the studio albums. I don't know if they are B- sides or what. Good stuff if anyone is interested. Billy rocks!!

- Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 10:10:27 (PDT) | #11

I think the problem I have with this story - is if he is going back stage while his song is being sung - and decided to stay to chat why would the only thing that MOZ mention be his car being stolen from a place that he is renting! Sounds very trivial and not very likely!

Joyce Rourke
Indio,CA - Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 10:57:11 (PDT) | #12

Your correct Joyce - it's not likely because it didn't happen!

Scott <[email protected]>
England for the English - Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 01:03:03 (PDT) | #13

I think the "strange Fruit" CD is his Peel Sessions, on Strange Fruit records...It is a good cover of Jeane though.

Deltona, FL - Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 16:15:18 (PDT) | #14

well i must admit that this story seems a bit off but then again morrissey always surprises us. oh and scott why are you so sure that this story is a fake?

adrien <[email protected]>
- Mon, Sep 06, 1999 at 18:12:09 (PDT) | #15

* return to Morrissey-solo