Comments / Notes
Just for the record, Luna is freakin-excellent.
Mikey <[email protected]>
New Effin Jersey - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 11:58:51 (PDT) | #1
No doubt. I'm very pleased.
John tha...well, you know
- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 12:52:44 (PDT) | #2
I am extremely dissapointed in this news. Luna is probably the most talentless, insipid, droning, bush-league band of the 1990s. Too bad Jericho could not lure any kick-a** bands that are around today such as Blink 182 (who I hear may be looking for a new record deal), the Offspring or American Maple (whose live show is INSANE and Moz-like!). We can only cross our fingers that Jericho will not sign any more talentless bands (Suede, etc.). Viva La Moz!P. "Pettibone" Sturm
Patrick the "Raging" Sturm
- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 18:10:29 (PDT) | #3
Luna is one of the best ands around, as for the Bush comment you made, they were around long before Bush were.
Luke <[email protected]>
Arvada, Co - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 21:44:18 (PDT) | #4
Blink 182? The Offspring? It amazes me more and more everyday what Moz fans' tastes are. Sometimes it just doesn't make any sense to me.
Ken Joyner
- Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 07:31:25 (PDT) | #5
Blink 182...Green Day, 1999 version.The Offspring...a "punk" band that has to rewrite the Beatles "Ob-La-Di" and Simon & Garfunkle's "Ceclia" to have a "hit"... Yeah, you've got greeeeeat taste... I hear Poison are working on a new comeback album! Are ya pumped? xxoo
John tha...well, you know
- Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 07:34:23 (PDT) | #6
I hope that Patrick person was kidding.
The Girl Racer <[email protected]>
Chicago - Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 09:19:11 (PDT) | #7
Music is all about evolution and derivation, my friends. One might (insecurely and unduly defensively?) laugh about Blink 182, Poison, etc. but it says here the Stooges begat the New York Dolls (Moz's fave) who begat the Buzzcocks (Mike Joyce's fave and former band) who begat Gang of Four who begat Soft Cell who begat the Human League who begat the Thompson Twins who begat the Smiths who begat Moz who begat the Smoking Popes (another fave of Moz who toured with him on numerous occassions, no less) who begat Green Day who begat Blink 182. As for anyone's undue criticism of 80's metal, one might note (with extreme consternation and subsequent denial for some of you, no doubt), that the riff in "Shoplifters of the World...", sounds suspiciously familiar to the riff in Ratt's "Round and Round".P. "Pettibone" Sturm
P. Sturm
- Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 09:47:37 (PDT) | #8
Well, indeed while Johnny and Moz were listening to T.Rex, Ramones, and NY Dolls over in the UK, in the US, Axl and Slash were listening to them, too.I'm just saying-
Rowdy Yeats <[email protected]>
- Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 11:05:55 (PDT) | #9
Some Moz seem to get Flame happy if you like music they consider main stream. Pretty lame music is how the listener views it.. I like Blink 182. I like Tool, Ben Harper, PAvement.. Those bands are other reasons I am goign to Coachella. Smith/Moz are still one of my fave bands. But I don't exclusive to them, not so close minded that if I listen to something that is mainstream I must not be a true Moz fan. Load of crap that people think that.
Luke <[email protected]>
Arvada, Co - Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 11:58:40 (PDT) | #10
There is nothing wrong with listening to Mainstream music but geez... The Offspring? If I don't hear "GIVE IT TO ME BABY" for a hundred years it'll still be to soon. I'm sure you're a nice person Peter. My best friend really likes Poison and Bon Jovi.
The Girl Racer <[email protected]>
Chicago - Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 12:08:36 (PDT) | #11
Did I just get lectured about musical elitism by a guy who was complaining about Luna getting signed?Just checking.
John tha...well, you know
- Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 12:15:10 (PDT) | #12
Amazing how a string related to Luna ends in a discussion concerning Poison, Ratt, and Bon Jovi. Oh, the irony!
Mikey <[email protected]>
New Effin Jersey - Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 12:16:05 (PDT) | #13
Smoking Popes begat Green Day? That's news to me. I agree with your musical theory of evolution, but I would like to think that music has evolved into something much more artistic than The Offspring. The line seems more likely to follow from the New York Dolls to The Clash or the Sex Pistols, to Joy Division, to The Smiths, to Radiohead. This seems to be a bit more logical and derivative, if we have to draw a line. Something like that. I realize I'm skipping a bit of time and a lot of bands. Somewhere else in there is The Pixies, Nirvana (however over commercialized), and so forth.Take it with a grain of salt. We all have different opinions of music, I know, but I would hate to look back at music one day and acknowledge that Semisonic or Limp Bizkit or somebody was a pioneer. Seems doubtful.
Ken Joyner
- Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 18:15:39 (PDT) | #14
Hello,the album Bewitched by Luna is a very good album. I usually play it once on long drives, say to LA or Vegas.
Spiral Stairs
- Sat, Aug 14, 1999 at 09:53:37 (PDT) | #15
Yeah, I hat to think Thompson Twins begat the Smiths. Ick! I'd say the Byrds, Beatles, T. Rex, Roxy et al sired the Smiths.But as for the topic on hand, Luna's made some great songs and some so-so ones, but I'll vote for them.
Rowdy Yeats <[email protected]>
- Sat, Aug 14, 1999 at 14:43:09 (PDT) | #16
Who here gives a rat's a... about 80's metal. The worst music ever. Get out of town dude!
Adrian <akalove>
- Sun, Aug 15, 1999 at 19:11:06 (PDT) | #17
I Just Wanted To Add that Suede is a great band - Since some moron was heckling them before.And, I agree with the Ramones / NY Dolls -> Joy Division -> Smiths -> etc theory!!!! Commercial Music Sucks!!!!
Ken <[email protected]>
Long Island - Mon, Aug 16, 1999 at 12:21:16 (PDT) | #18
I've used this formula (unconsciously until recently) for almost forty years: 1) Undeniable musical genius (ex. Smiths-Moz, Kate Bush, Cat Stevens, Frank Zappa, add your own) Or 2) unique sounding with great arrangements (the above and Jale, XTC, Jethro Tull, James, TFF) Or atleast 3) Talented and fun (ex. Semisonic, Smashing Pumpkins, Fat Boy Slim, Lightning Seeds, Superdrag, and many other bands people like us consume like food). p.s. I listen to the Tori Amos, a 1), and the Offspring, a 3). The Carpenters and the Wonder Stuff, both 2)'s, sometimes verge on a 1) but I won't take you there. Many of you need to OPEN YOUR MIND. Music is not four-dimensional. You can not hold or touch music but you can close your eye's and explore it.
Hobo, NJ, USA - Sat, Aug 21, 1999 at 18:01:56 (PDT) | #19