Munich and Vienna (Oct. 16, 17) confirmed? |
Posted on Fri, Aug 6 1999 at 8:50 a.m. PDT by
David T.
<[email protected]>
Thanks to Andy from Berlin for
the following:
Andrea Scholz from The International
Booking Department & Management Munich/Germany, who
booked Morrissey in 1997 for Hamburg, sent me this German
e-mail on the 3rd of August 1999 because I ask them about
information about a Morrissey tour 1999:
wir buchen diesmal nur Muenchen und Wien am 16./17.10.
die anderen daten macht Sunrise darum herum
In English:
This time we will only book Munich (Germany) and Vienna
(Austria) on the 16th and 17th of October. The other
dates around this time will be booked by Sunrise,
Ticket-Hotline 040 - 227431-31/41 ).
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