"Great Pop Things" article
Posted on Sun, Jul 11 1999 at 9:14 p.m. PDT
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Jake The Stripper, a link on a U2 site which quoted from the NY Times (Dec. 3, 1998) article "Cartoons Dare To Mock Icons". An excerpt:
..."Some people have a problem with the comic strip," Mr. Langford said. "Morrissey picked up a copy and threw it across the room and said his chin was too big. He was quite angry. But others, especially less popular bands, have used the comic as a T-shirt and view being included in it as an honor."

related articles: Jul 5, 1999 - Morrissey Lightbulb Joke, Great Pop Things (1997)

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Comments / Notes

Then Morrissey shot the television and cursed all living things right?
Johnny Marr <[email protected]>
Southern California - Mon, Jul 12, 1999 at 11:01:38 (PDT)

All people must criticise their hero once in a here I go...

What, does Morrissey have no sense of humour? My God..."My chin's too big!!" I liked the comic strip! I don't think it was done as an insult or anything. I think he SHOULD be honoured! I would! This makes me think what Morrissey would do if "Weird Al" Yankovic were to parody one of his songs. (Perish the thought!!) Would he sue?? Christ... Moz...get a grip!! It was FUNNY!!! You know...ha ha ha? I'm sure you've had a laugh before...and if one can't laugh at oneself...well...'nuff said.

Tara <[email protected]>
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 12:29:49 (PDT)

Well, "The More You Ignore Me..." HAS been parodized, and as far as I can tell, he hasn't commented yet.
Henrik Rydéhn <[email protected]>
? - Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 05:04:19 (PDT)

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