Comments / Notes
My favorite concert was at the Starlight Bowl in San Diego. I believe it was in 1992- cannot remember. The seating was excellent-I had a perfect view of Morrissey. He was wearing an incandescent pink button up shirt that seemed to glow. He was wonderful. Thank you. Kali
Kali <[email protected]>
San Diego, California - Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 12:36:38 (PDT)
Well unfortunatly I have not seen Morrissey in Concert because I was too little. I remember he came when I was about in the third or fourth grade twice! I really hate my mom for not letting me go but my brother went to go see him twice with ex-wife aka Satan! Lucky bastard! Well I hope Morrissey Comes to the El Paso or to Las Cru. so I can see him and maybe start a mosh pit! lol J/K
Everyone Buy Geri Halliwell's new album Tommorrow! Please!pretty please I don't care if you like it , you can you use it as a really expensive coaster or a frisbee or set it on fire! Just please buy it! She is English you know!
Gosh Im cheesy and lame!
Morrissey and Geri! Forever!
Anna Serrano <[email protected]>
El Paso aka El Hell Hole, TX - Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 13:12:02 (PDT)
Alain or Boz, perhaps are you there?
juan soler <[email protected]>
A Coruña (España) - Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 13:12:16 (PDT)
I saw Morrissey on Nov 2, 1992 when he was on the your arsenal tour in El Paso, Texas. It was the greatest day of my life. I was only twelve but I remember the day vividly. He had on a glossy blue shirt,blue jeans, and dockers. At the end of the show he had changed to a green shirt and gave away two of the shirts he was wearing. Moz fans of El Paso unite..and find me!
ViVa MoRRiSSeY !!
Crystal O. <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas - Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 14:17:43 (PDT)
I certainly doubt he was wearing Dockers.
Orange County - Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 14:36:45 (PDT)
come back to the bay area sooon! we miss you!(whom am i writing this to) Viva Moz!
alex caz <[email protected]>
s.j. ca. - Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 14:48:40 (PDT)
Ahhh, It was a beautiful October day in Las Vegas. Got there early and watched as the tour bus showed up. All the die-hards made this trip. They were all there talking about their near Moz experiences, others about meeting the Mozzer himself in a hollywood thrift store. The show was amazing! The room filled with energy as the intro for the operation began. People instantly closed in on each other, crushing one another to catch a glimpse of Moz. Left and right people fainting and having to be protected from being killed. The Maladjusted album didn't quite capture me like his other albums, but, the tour was incredible. I can't wait for the next.
Javier Obregon <HeDrewAMozzerOnMyNeck>
Montclair, CA, USA - Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 15:17:16 (PDT)
I've never seen moz live either because i was also too young last time he came around and wasnt really into music very much. If he EVER tours again im gonna be taking a road trip and follow him around wherever he decides to TOur..common moz we need some good music!!
Girl least likely too
mozzyfornia - Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 15:17:44 (PDT)
I saw Morrissey a total of 3 times and each time was a very wonderful experience except for the last time I saw them in Chicago and Morrissey had gotten ill only 4 or 5 songs into the show and cancelled it right before he was scheduled to play a couple of smiths songs .... I was very disappointed about this as I had been really hoping to hear him perform smiths songs as he had done in a number of other cities on this same tour. No refunds were given........
Robert Rice
[email protected]
Robert Rice <[email protected]>
Wisconsin - Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 15:34:57 (PDT)
I've been a MOZ/SMITHS fan since the 7th grade. Back then I was 14 now I'm 19 entering college and i still haven't been to a MOZ concert!!!! Pretty PATHETIC huh! Well I told myself that i must go to a MOZ conert before I die! I want to see the MOZ in person so i must go his next concert/s if he comes back to LA in tour. SO PLEASE MOZ HAVE ANOTHER TOUR IN LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DARIO RIOS aka TOP CAT <[email protected]>
LOS ANGELES - Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 16:00:02 (PDT)
14 in grade 7? Oh dear...
ronny <[email protected]>
- Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 17:29:53 (PDT)
when i saw him he was fat and old. Problably smelt bad too. Good show though
dirtest buddy alive
lake forest - Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 19:07:37 (PDT)
last time, I saw him, what can I say.... genious. Well, the man has talent. Well after sneaking my camera in my pants through security I managed to end up with a few photographic memories. As he sang his life away, for the Maladjusted tour, I found myself giving my life away to him. It was at Hospitality Point. Front row isnt too bad, especially when you have a view of Morrissey. I guess the 12 hours in line were well worth it. Viva Le Moz!!
mozmiths <[email protected]>
san diego - Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 22:58:11 (PDT)
It was at Hospitality Point for me in San Diego... I was up in front enjoying the view of Moz's bum :) mmm mmm mmm good :) (silly me)
Valerie <[email protected]>
San Diego - Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 00:05:44 (PDT)
The first time I ever saw him were in Copenhagen 97...I am always remember that day...it is very special for me...
Peter <[email protected]>
- Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 01:55:57 (PDT)
December 22, 1992. That was the day "Beethoven Was Deaf" was recorded live at Paris. December 23, 1992. That was the day Morrissey played at Düseldorf. It was his last concert of the "Your Arsenal" tour. It was the only concert at Germany. I was 18. And I was there.
Mat <[email protected]>
- Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 05:50:07 (PDT)
saw Morrissey only on Kill Uncle tour in Holland. On the Your Arsenal tour Morrissey performed in Dortmund, Germany stating that the Dutch could see him there and he did not play Holland. Imagine sharing this moment with 15000 Germans. Of course I did not go.
- Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 06:32:21 (PDT)
I haven't seen him since I was too young, but next tour if there is one I will go anywhere to see him...I'll even risk my life on a greyhound bus if I must! Now that is commitment!
P.S. morrissey was never old and fat foolish person
Corey <[email protected]>
PA - Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 06:38:49 (PDT)
This goes out to John, June 15:
You really didn't go to a Moz concert, because you didn't want to share it with Germans?! What a prick you are! This Dutch-German-hate-thing is unbelievably stupid. Not going to a Moz concert because of disliking my people. Viva xenophobia!
By the way, that concert you wanted to see at Dortmund was NOT on the "Your Arsenal"-tour, it was in summer 1993, when Morrissey was to join David Bowie as support for his "Outsiders"-tour, but couldn't play his German gigs due to nervous exhaustion.
Mat <[email protected]>
- Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 07:47:51 (PDT)
Well, I have only seen Him once. It was the last date of his North American Maladjusted tour, just before Thanksgiving 97'. And to make it even more enjoyable, if at all possible, it was in New York. Probably the greatest city in the U.S.at any rate. The concert was simply mind-blowing to me. I was so close...ended up in the front row. Morrissey looked great, sounded great. I was twenty seven at the time, thought I would be a little too old to act like such a mesmorized child. But alas, I caved in to my feelings of utter pleasure and simply become lost in his magnificent show. Can't wait for the next one!!!
T.J. <[email protected]>
- Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 11:02:42 (PDT)
I saw the man himself 3 times in 97' Malajusted tour in Central Park, NYC/State Theater, NJ/and The Hammerstein Ball Room, NYC! Morrissey! I love you! "This is you on bad day"
Charlie <[email protected]>
New Jersey - Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 11:11:12 (PDT)
Ah, the concerts....yes, I have been blessed enough to see him twice in this dreary land they call Ohio. The first concert was September 21, 1997 and was wonderful despite my crushed ribs from being against the railing, and the rude sign held up by the juvenile delinquent who attended alongside me...Moz even took my card!
The second was November 19, 1997--even more glorious than the first. Although I was a few rows back, I had the unforseen glorious fortune of apparantly catching his eye and that experience is more valuable to me than gold or money. I only wish he'd write back! Talk about a tease and a heartbreaker!! :-)
Live long, dear Steven and please, do tour this pitiful state of uselessness once more....my spirit can't rest until you do! May the passion continue--this SHOULD go on forever!!
Amy Beth <[email protected]>
Columbus, Ohio - Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 14:13:31 (PDT)
Moz come to las cruces, umm maybe not...... it might be harder to try to get him to come back to el paso.......but there are those of us who wont stop dreaming....... MOZ IS THE BEST!!
DJ RITO <DJ [email protected]>
las cruces - Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 14:50:25 (PDT)
It took me long enough. Saw him on the Maladjusted tour and traveled from L.A. to Vegas. Got near the front of the stage and am so glad I went since I had terrible seats for the next day's show at the Greek theatre (not to mention no sleep from the gambling and the drive home afterwards w/no sleep). I'll be sure to go to more the next time around. yeah....
PeteMoz <[email protected]>
Moz Angeles - Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 15:51:13 (PDT)
When will have a tour of Moz in the South America?
I'm 25 and never, never I've been seen Moz in concert.
Heaven knows I'm miserable now.
- Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 20:35:47 (PDT)
Well, the best concert i've been to see "The Living Legend" perform. It's got to be, when he perform at Claremont College. When he got on stage, he said "Hola" to everyone in the audience. I really enjoyed his set, especially when he sang the "Queen is Dead". That was the @#!!!en icing in the cake. He was very kind to the fans like always. Morrissey really appreciated, the fans for attending is show on a sunday night. I think the reason he said that, because we had either school or work the following day. I'm looking forward in seeing "The Living Legend" again. Long live. Morrissey........
Mario Lopez <[email protected]>
Boyle Heights, Ca - Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 21:15:00 (PDT)
The first time I saw him was at His first "Solo" show in the States (that's the way it was being promoted) in San Diego - in 1991. I remember getting really excited as the days got closer to the show.......and was NOT dissapointed!! Was at the Starlite Amp show mentioned above too.....that was another increadible show. Come to think of it..I have seen Morrissey a few times, and never was there a bad show. - p
Paul <[email protected]>
now in Portland Oregon - Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 00:07:12 (PDT)
Physically I've seen him twice. Mentally....its uncountable. Once on his Malajusted tour. The other was in Mel's Diner in West Hollywood. I couldn't believe it...there he was, the man that physcologically changed me. I handed him a napkin of which I scribbled the words..."Fifteen minutes with you." When he reached to take the napkin from my hand, he touched my in the process, and from there on I don't remember what happend next, cuz I blacked out. When I awoke minutes later he was gone, but I was left a gift. A song/poem he appearantly was writing while in the Diner...the waitress gave it to me when I came too. So I guess I got my 15 minutes you can say and then some. Thank you for you time.
Monica <[email protected]>
Third Rock from the Sun - Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 00:20:05 (PDT)
I do not remember 14 people being on stage in
the band...
Michael Nissen <[email protected]>
Denmark - Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 02:41:17 (PDT)
My only Moz wxpieriance was at Newcastle City Hall (Feb 17th 95) Moz played three Smiths songs that grand evening,(London,That joke is'nt funny..... and shoplifters) the of which he played as an encore wearing a newcastle united shirt, i may of came! oh how vulger?
daganham dave
good question - Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 03:43:51 (PDT)
This is a bunch of sick crap. I think I'm going to go vomit after reading some of this garbage.
S. Davenport <[email protected]>
- Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 05:05:30 (PDT)
parece que en lima moriremos sin ver a moz en vivo, quizas en algun lugar de sudamerica
nestor <[email protected]>
lima - Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 09:13:13 (PDT)
Of all the Morrissey shows I have been to, Hospitality Point in San Diego was definitely the most surreal experience so far.. The boats off in the distance and Morrissey speaking Spanish. Whats next? Juggling monkeys on the side of the stage?
Johnny Marr <[email protected]>
Southern California - Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 10:37:48 (PDT)
"Fifteen minutes with you" is a line from an older song from a band he used to be in you might not have heard about. The song was called "Reel Around the Fountain." I'd hate for you to think that you caught him mid-verse.
Orange County - Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 13:24:46 (PDT)
I saw him in San Diego, Del Mar, Claremont, and Atlanta. Yada, yada, yada.
Flora Poste
- Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 13:55:16 (PDT)
I saw him VEGAS of 97, how wonderful it was to be there. I wanted to see him in 94, but what from i heard, he cancelled that tour. But standing in line for 7hrs(+3 inside the venue)was worth it. Just now cant wait for him to tour again, so i can go to every concert.
Orphan ANNIE <[email protected]>
- Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 23:11:01 (PDT)
Stephen, please come to Indonesia be4 the armageddon comes
VIVA_HATE <[email protected]>
- Thu, Jun 17, 1999 at 07:22:41 (PDT)
I saw el Mozzo for the first time Halloween Night
1992, on the Your Aresenal tour at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in San Diego County, California. It was awesome, with Boz in a dress and Gary in a big cowbot hat!
The second and third times were during the Maladjusted tour at Clairmont College and at the University of California Irvine. Both were excellent shows, with the band playing Paint a Vulgar Picture both nights and encoring with the Queen Is Dead at the first! What memories!
Don't miss him if he tours again all you Cal. Moz-heads!
- Thu, Jun 17, 1999 at 07:56:02 (PDT)
Wow, I hadn't really expected "0" (my number too...) to rank that highly! And "1" neither...
HollyG <[email protected]>
D - Thu, Jun 17, 1999 at 14:12:51 (PDT)
First show in Philadelphia July 7th 1991, Tower Theatre. Up until then, thought that Morrissey fans were a small clique (which I was in) until I found myself face to face with thousands of hysterical flower waving Moz fans. The show was magical albeit somewhat disappointing to come to the realization that I was just one ripple in a sea of fans. A relationship (musically) which once seemed so personal was now public. Like finding out that the girl of your dreams has already slept with 6 of your friends. 2nd show Sept. 92 (Mann Music Center) was less magical, but a better set minus the Kill Uncle crap.
Allentown, PA - Thu, Jun 17, 1999 at 21:02:53 (PDT)
That is right. After attending a Smiths concert in LA, jounalist Jane Garcia wrote in a 1986 issue of the NME: "listening to the Smiths in public is like having your diary read out loud". Very true indeed.
- Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 01:12:00 (PDT)
Well. unfortunately i cant vote and why, because Moz haven't set his foot here in Asia, or in the Philippines. If he could only....
Chris <[email protected]>
Manila, Philippines - Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 02:14:53 (PDT)
22nd December 1992: Morrissey at Düsseldorf, Philipshalle: great concert and - as mentioned here before - last one of the "Your Arsenal" Tour. Next Concert should have been Dortmung, February 1996 supporting David Bowie... Hey Moz, you still owe me DM 50,-- for that cancellation!
Stefan Krix <[email protected]>
Germany - Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 07:42:46 (PDT)
It has always been my dream to see MOZ in person and hear his songs live. Indeed, but Morrissey dissapeared or something because he will not even tour a city as popular as my city of Angels.
Roue <barsafc>
Los Angeles - Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 15:00:18 (PDT)
How many times, how many times...Los Angeles, London, Petaluma, SF, San Diego, Las Vegas, San Jose, Mountain View, Santa Barbara, Arizona, Concord...where are all the die-hards? Anyone with me when we met Moz outside SF hotel on Arsenal tour? Outside the Warfield backdoor on Maladjusted tour?
Josh <[email protected]>
- Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 16:11:52 (PDT)
The closest I've come to seeing him perform is the "Morrissey Live from Dallas" video. Such are the woes of living in Australia......
Has he ever toured down here? There are a lot of fans....
neetch <[email protected]>
- Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 16:56:58 (PDT)
27 band members. Yeeeesss...
Alison <[email protected]>
Weston-Super-Mare - Sun, Jun 20, 1999 at 03:03:58 (PDT)
the prob with this poll is that i've tried to attend at least two concerts, one of which was cancelled (melbourne 90? 91?) other of which i just plain missed cos the plane landed too late...not telling the date of that one, blush!).
but i would DIE to see la moz in concert!
ciao julie
julie <[email protected]>
oz - Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 07:49:45 (PDT)
Moz never played ThatJokeIsn'tFunnyAnymore on any solo tour. And the Bowie tour was in '95 not '93.
keep your damn ticket stubs! :-)
I saw Moz 13 times on the MalTour.
No other tours though.
Torr <[email protected]>
Dallas - Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 11:19:05 (PDT)
Best concert i went to was in '97 at the Hospitality Point in San Diego. General admission, so i got some real close up pics if the MOZ.
Also knew the @#!!! that punched the Moz at the Greek Theatre in '97 while singing Shoplifters of the World. NO props to him.
- Fri, Jun 25, 1999 at 07:28:04 (PDT)
I saw Moz on September 26, 1997. I was in front of Moz so I started blowing kisses at him. He saw me, shook his microphone and blew two kisses back at me. He said he was coming down with the "chicago flu" but he sounded fine and he looked beautiful. He was wearing a black pair of jeans and a blue shirt. For the encore he changed into a white shirt and blue jeans and sang "Shoplifters...".
I can't tell you how hard I cried. It was the greatest night of my life!
The Girl Racer <[email protected]>
Chicago - Sat, Jun 26, 1999 at 12:35:20 (PDT)
I have not seen Morrissey live since the Boxers tour in 1995 but on all 4 occasions he has been a charismatic joy to behold. Lets hope his European tour goes ahead and once again will we reel around the fountain of his talent.
Sorrow Will Come In The End <[email protected]>
- Fri, Aug 06, 1999 at 17:49:46 (PDT) | #