Comments / Notes
I can't imagine what moved Moz to contact her. Obviously, she's another kind of person. This is it! from now i @#!!!ing hate Siouxie too.
Marvin <[email protected]> (backbone-16-002.guate.net)
Guatemala - Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 13:17:21 (PDT)
I can't believe some ignorant person spoke that way about MORRISSEY!! She's sure to burn in hell for insulting him that way! Infact if I were to meet Morrissey, I'd probably fall to the ground of a heart attack! LOL Anyway to all of you MOZ lovers I LUV ALL OF YOU!!!!
- Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 13:39:39 (PDT)
I love Morrissey--his image, his lyrics, his voice, everything--with this caveat: I'm glad I'm only a fan and don't have to work with him in 'real life'. (Even though when I have met him, he was extremely nice to all his fans.)
Chris <[email protected]> (
Denver - Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 14:51:28 (PDT)
So, is there a video for Interlude, or am I just misunderstanding the statement about "nationalistic imagery in the video"
dave <[email protected]> (
- Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 15:15:55 (PDT)
It appears that some people have no tolerance with other people, in trying to understand why they do what they do. She doesn't seem to be able to see grey areas. I know if I was trying to talk to a hero(ine) I wouldn't be all slaps on the back, hows your Father. And we all know how shy dear Moz is. And even if she really had to slate him like she did, she could have gone about it in a more rational, calm way. It just showed to me how braindead she (almost certainly) is.
John Paul <[email protected]> (
Derbychestershire - Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 15:33:14 (PDT)
I can't believe how someone could hate siouxsie just because she doesn't like morrissey. I've met them both under non fanlike conditions and let me say that while Siouxsie treated the people she worked with like they were intellegent human beings, Morrissey was a total bitch and snob. This isn't to say I still don't think he and much of his work (especally smiths era) is genius, but he is not a pleasent person to work with.
-George Alley
p.s. Siouxsie has a genius level I.Q.. She is not "dumb" or "unable to recognize grey areas"
George Alley <[email protected]> (douglass-1.wooster.edu)
ohio - Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 16:18:01 (PDT)
It's too bad Siouxsie still decided on recording the song with Moz despite her animosity towards the Great One. It's also a shame that the single for 'Interlude' is a crummy piece of packaging. To blindly place 3 indentical versions on the CD and pawn them off as different mixes is a bit shaddy!!
J.J. Harrier <[email protected]> (anc1.alaska.edu)
- Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 16:36:01 (PDT)
It strikes me as very interesting that- the things one does not like about another are usually the character traits one is afraid of confronting in oneself. The lady, she doth protest too much.
- Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 16:45:43 (PDT)
You cannot go hating someone for this it's just too stupid and why would you?? How can you call souxsie ignorant, she met the man you didnt. Being a Fanatic is one thing and actually taking your time to work together with someone else is a different story. Nationalistic, whats wrong with that we all know he's british. It appears like some of you think you know him because your a fanatic, but I don't think that cuts it here, Souxsie has actually met her. I got a question, "If she's so damn braindead why the hell did he waste his time working with a braindeader?? it makes you wonder don't it, hey maybe she does have some brains. I admire work not men, I don't care if "MORRISSEY" is the kindess person in the universe or the worst bastard on earth, I like what he does not how he lives, oh and I don't care about that banshees life either. Interlude is a beautiful song, if any of you out there. don't like it,then I suggest you don't listen to it and shut your ass. Why the hell is that lady telling the whole world about how he treated her anywho???
- Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 19:03:36 (PDT)
Ah Siouxsie is just mad cause she is all washed up and Morrissey is still rocking. Moz said it best "we hate it when our friends become successful"
Timm McIntosh <[email protected]> (d-128-208-35-51.dhcp.washington.edu)
Seattle, Wa. - Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 20:52:19 (PDT)
I cannot believe what she said. I love her music as I do Morrissey's, but she sounds tactless. I have met Morrissey on several occasions and he's been nothing but a gentleman.
Eddie Riff <Eddie [email protected]> (spider-tp072.proxy.aol.com)
Hollywood - Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 21:35:53 (PDT)
Siouxsie - do something else.
Pinkie <[email protected]> (
- Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 04:52:37 (PDT)
hey, how about taking it easy with mr.God here?
I 'm a fan too, and i 've been one for 10 years now, but i can understand that Morrissey must be a bitch to have around! Haven't you ever criticized him for what he's done? I mean, he's a genius and everything, but that certainly doesn't give him the right to mistreat people, cause he does do it. And i don't think it's a bad thing to say so, like Siouxie did. I think it was only natural for her to be pissed off.Don't we all get like that when we are mistreated?? Besides, she wasn't the first one to be honest about it, leaving all PR aside. It should make you think, instead of just praising him for EVERYTHING he does. Don't get me wrong, i love Morrissey and his work, with or without the Smiths, but i would appreciate it if i saw more messages that were subjective and not just hot-headed. The man IS bitchy, but you don't have to love him for that reason. You have many other reasons for that!
Katerina <[email protected]> (athe530-f107.otenet.gr)
- Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 06:17:33 (PDT)
Katherine, I agree.
I do love MOrrissey, he's my favourite, but as all
the humans, he must have negative sides as well.
It's so pubescent to adore him so blindly whatever
he does or he does not.
If Siouxsie thought those things, why not saying them? Maybe in a more gentle way...but that tdoesn't alter the issue
claude <[email protected]> (comc64.bham.ac.uk)
- Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 06:59:32 (PDT)
i've never met either sioux or moz, but from what i do know of them i can say i'm not suprised they didn't hit it off. morrissey is reputed to be hard to work with, and sioux doesn't put up with bull@#!!! from anyone...'ice queen' indeed. it's a shame really, i've always wantd to know the story behind the single, but i (silly me) assumed they got along well. the duo still strikes me as odd, based on thier respective bodies of work, i wouldn't think it would occur to one or the other to record together. but hey, the single was still produced, so they must have got on well enough to at least do that much, that is to say, they respected each other enough to both want to record the song. and by the way, sioux is no where near being washed up. i'm waiting patiently for moz to resurface, but for now i'm content to see sioux next week as she tours her new album.
peter whimsy <[email protected]> (d075104.stir.ac.uk)
- Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 07:27:00 (PDT)
Siouxsie obviously has strong, negative feelings regarding our dear Steven. However, I'm sure Morrissey is a tough one to please--and I'm sure he makes his unhappiness known. Why pretend to be satisfied when your not? Those of us who are more in-touch with the disgust of the world around us (you know who you are) tend to be a bit more bitchy than the rest of humanity, because we "feel" more, and frankly all of the bulls**t gets to us!!
Personally I never have understood why Moz worked with her. "Interlude" is indeed a beautiful song, but the first time I heard it I cringed at the sound of Siouxsie's voice. Sorry, but she doesn't sing well, regardless of the depth and breadth of her alleged wisdom and intelligence.
I'm sure Morrissey is very moody, but aren't we all?!?
Amy Beth <[email protected]> (mail.skcbsa.org)
Columbus, Ohio - Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 09:11:42 (PDT)
Let me say I pondered for a brief moment over something to say on this item that was witty and intellectual, like most of the moz militia, but I think this one short sentence will suffice on Siousie Sioux. Then I needn't say more.
"Kiss them for me, Kiss them for me".
marc daniels <danielsmarc> (
- Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 10:05:51 (PDT)
"Morrissey still rocking"? When did he start?
- Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 10:47:37 (PDT)
Why do all the Morrissey fanatics hate it when Morrissey gets trashed by the likes of Lloyd Cole, Ian McCuclloch, and Siouxsie. I read comments here that Big Mac and Siouxsie are washed up. Excuse me. Moz made an album in 97, and so did Echo and the Bunnymen. Echo now has a new album out right now. Does Moz have a new album out now? On top of that, does he have a contract with record company? At least Siouxsie has a new album out as well. To each his own, but it's unbelievable how all of you put Moz on a pedestal. I love his music, but I dont drink Coronas, i dont like Suede even though Moz likes Suede, and i dont hate electronic music even though Moz hates it, and i eat meat. I'm sure all of you fanatics are educated. Try being yourself instead of trying to be like Moz. Rock on Rockin Kid and Katerina.
- Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 11:02:18 (PDT)
Errrr, well. What can one say? Everyone knows Morrissey can be a bit tough to other artists (even though "Sorrow Will Come..." is a bit more on the personal level, I think it's pretty much the same thing), and everyone knows other artists are known to be a bit tough to Morrissey...
Regarding the post right above mine (can't remember who posted it). Well - are you trying to say that just because Morrissey doesn't eat meat, his fans should do it? That's pretty silly, to care more for a reaction against someone than for all the animals dying to feed people. Even if (for instance) Hitler would have been a vegetarian, that doesn't make it wrong... Or does it?
Henrik Rydéhn <[email protected]> (rb7040.dialup.telia.se)
? - Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 12:22:36 (PDT)
dmfan--you couldn't have said so perfectly! by the way, hitler was a vegetarian...
i've followed moz since "hand in glove" and i've known moz has a big mouth and can be a jerk. i read novels of articles about him and his comments through the past 15-16 years!! i know the rivalry he's had with mac, bryan, etc. it's ok. why don't you all look at my rant in the "mac on moz" section... i don't want to be redundant. ROCK ON dmfan!! Thanks...
george o.
- Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 12:41:22 (PDT)
to dmfan:
What does having a new album have to do with anything? If you tell me that they released a new album that is better than any of morrissey's… now we are talking. I've read reviews about E&B new album and its not all that. That is exactly the point people are trying to get across--how could some no talent bash morrrissey like if they are the god of music… I But I don't think YOU will understand since you are proclaiming dm as better than morrissey (I used to think the same, but that's when I was a rookie at this). That's a joke. Don't get me wrong I like dm… I have their stuff, went to their concerts etc. But in no means are they better than moz/smiths. NO WAY…
I don't think he likes Suede very much either…
I think you found a b-friend
rob <[email protected]> (buggs.water.ca.gov)
- Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 13:18:30 (PDT)
If Souixsie doesn't like Morrissey she doesn't have to be so cruel about it. Obviously alot of negative things Moz says and does spawn from his own pain and fears. He doesn't "Hide behind people to do his dirty work" because he thinks it's entertaining or because he wants to be mean. He does it because of his own personal anxieties. Just because Souixsie Doesn't share the same feelings about how you should deal with certain situations, doesn't mean she should bash him because of it. Have a little sympathy. The man's in a lot of pain.
By the way, I'd have to agree with Amy Beth about Souixsie's voice on "Interlude".
- Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 13:27:12 (PDT)
You were saying about Depeche Mode, it seems to be a cliche about American Moz fans liking them, in fact I'd say DM are the biggest alternative/80's (British) band in America - everyone seems to like them! same with The Cure, after those two it's New Order then (yay!) Smiths. I like some of the pop classics by DM and Cure but they are perceived very differently in the UK, they were never that revered, the actua popl lineage in the UK was
Joy Division-Jam-Smiths-Stone Roses, as long as you like Smiths best then you're ok lol, I must say that all the Americans I have spoken to have great taste in music, which kinda surprised me, not all loved Cure or DM of course, but looking at the stuff in the Billboard chart you'd think that Americans have bad taste.
John <[email protected]> (spider-to051.proxy.aol.com)
Glasgow, Scotland, UK - Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 13:56:43 (PDT)
Just wanted to add one more thing: In May 1995, Siouxsie came to Buenos Aires to present “The Rapture”. Interviewed by the most famous radio station here, she was asked about the experience she had had working with Moz for the “Interlude” single and, she said that even if it was a very short, it had been “very pleasant one”. So, I’m really surprised to hear about her recent comments, but what else can you expect from someone related to Robert Smith?
To “dmfan”: I’m a big fan of Echo & the Bunnymen too, but even "Ocean Rain" is miles away from anything The Smiths or Moz had done. And, please, would you be so kind to explain me the relationship between “new records” and “artist quality”.
By the way, “What are you going to do with your life” is horrible, and Moz doesn’t like Suede anymore! Try listening to “The Green Fields Of Foreverland” by The Gentle Waves (Isobel Campbell, singer and cellist, also likes Moz!!!).
Charles Byron <[email protected]> (host029094.ciudad.com.ar)
Buenos Aires - Argentina - Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 17:51:02 (PDT)
I truly think Evergreen was much better than Maladujusted. Therefore, that shows that Ian McCulloch does have talent, and even if you dont think he has talent, Big Mac has every right to bash Moz. Also, if I remember correctly, I did not mention Depeche Mode anywhere in my post. DM was only in my handle. I do think Martin Gore is more talented than Moz. Moz does not write music. He does not know how to use any instrument except for his own voice. Where would Moz be if it were not for Johnny Marr and Stephen Street to save him? Look where he is now with his rockabilly band. No album since 97. No record contract. Country and Western singers do not write their music nor their lyrics, but they can get away with it. Moz could not have made it big without some help. Moz does have a wonderful voice and beautful lyrics. By the way, I think that U2 were the biggest British act in America in the 80s. George O, several others and you are the only ones brave enough not to defed Moz.
- Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 18:01:33 (PDT)
Oh but U2 were Irish!, same geographical area though, The British Isles lol. You're certainly right there, U2 were the biggest band in the world for a time, much to my chagrin, there are soo many that are better than them, but then that's life. Evergreen did have one absolute classic - Nothing Lasts Forever which according to Uncut was co-written but uncredited to one Johnny Marr!
John <[email protected]> (spider-to081.proxy.aol.com)
Glasgow, Scotland, UK - Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 18:25:49 (PDT)
Regarding the Siouxsie/Morrissey issue - I love them both but I also understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether we like it or not. Having said that, I think it is very STUPID to bash someone for merely stating what they believe in. Siouxsie gave a candid answer to a question she was asked - that's all. She is entitled to dislike whomever she wants, just as Morrissey is. And by the way, Siouxsie is no where near being washed up. Just released a new album on her very own record label. Pretty nifty, I think!
Richard <[email protected]> (spider-wo081.proxy.aol.com)
Los Angeles - Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 20:30:20 (PDT)
Hitler was not a vegetarian.
For more famous veggies (and non-veggies) check out: http://www.veg.org/veg/People/famveg.html
- Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 22:58:14 (PDT)
I 've never met either one, but I will say I'm confussed? I mean so many people said comments about Moz being an @#!!!, now one would think that either they all reak of jealousy or their wright. I think the people who didn't work with Moz and said such rude remarks do envy him. on the other side of it the people who did work with Moz said he's difficult person to work with and bla bla bla are probably wright. I strongly believe that is why THE GREAT ONE doesn't have a record deal. Maybe not?? By the way of course Moz is going to be gentlemen towards his fans. like alot people I love both Moz and Robert Smith alot and we all know the hated rivalry between those 2 ,but I don't care what they think of each other that doesn't mean i'm going to favor one over the other.
ruffian <[email protected]> (client-151-201-27-65.brads.net)
midland PA - Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 23:44:41 (PDT)
Black Eyed Susans of the world unite and take over.
Da Body and Da Mind - Sat, May 01, 1999 at 00:12:20 (PDT)
Hmmm...so they didn't get along.... big deal...it was a great song anyway. Bye the way Hitler was not a vegetarian! He ate as much meat as Oscar Wilde... The most interesting thing about the messages posted here is the number of people who seem to want to down morrissey at every turn. Sure downing Morrissey is a common thing nowadays, but who would have thought that the people who dont like him go to web sites about him and post messages about how he doesn't have a record contract! Thats a lot of time on your hands people! I admit I love the man and he is my passion so I frequent this site. On the other hand, you can be sure that I do not have the time to go to a Souxie web site and slag her for her comments on Morrissey. Just an observation.
Iamawas <[email protected]> (98ab2837.ipt.aol.com)
- Sat, May 01, 1999 at 01:15:42 (PDT)
oops! I misspelled suzy's name :)
Iamawas <[email protected]> (98ab2837.ipt.aol.com)
- Sat, May 01, 1999 at 01:29:54 (PDT)
A few other points -
I don't think most fans love everything about Moz and aren't brave enough to diss them, that's nonsense, Madonna fans are always arguing about stuff they hate about her, and it's the same for Moz(although he has less stuff to hate obviously!) I for example hate Kill Uncle, Southpaw and don't care much for Maladjusted....
Speaking of which, to whoever said he released his last album in 1997 - um, like so what! that is hardly unusual, many artists take 4 or 5 years between records so count yourself lucky, yes we are desperate to hear his next move, but it hasn't been all *that* long, or perhaps it has if you were unsated by Mal..., plus Moz used to release a record every year - as prolific as Prince!
Re: not liking Suede - me too! I dunno if Moz still likes them, he's heard it all before(and much better) with Bowie and himself, I like some of their lyrics and tunes but not Brett's voice, he sings like the wicked witch of the west at times on uptempo stuff like Lazy and Film Star. I don't like all the bile and the sex and drug references are unnecessary - Moz's never do that!, there's a lot to be said for the lighter touch, they seem to be trying too hard. Having said that, I think Sci Fi Lullabies disc one and their first album are classics.
As well as Suede, I don't like any of the other Smiths-derived bands - Echobelly, Shed Seven and Marion are all useless...Gene have had a few fanciful moments but are very patchy, and Roz's sheep bleating singing is annoying. The only ones I like are - B&S - who are more like Nick Drake, and Black Box Recorder who's album "England Made Me" is reminiscent of The Smiths first LP, also love Pulp and Radiohead if they count.
John <[email protected]> (spider-wk014.proxy.aol.com)
Glasgow, Scotland, UK - Sat, May 01, 1999 at 07:29:09 (PDT)
My web site?
I was just making the observation that it makes sense that "Black Eyed Susan" really is about her.
Other than that, I admit, I'm a horrible person. fire away!
Da Body and Da Mind - Sat, May 01, 1999 at 13:23:50 (PDT)
first of all, i read in a few bios and bio film on hitler that he was a vegetarian. i did a very thorough research paper on him in high school 100 years ago.
i, personally, can't stand sioxsie or any other gothic stuff, but we have to be mature about things. I have heard the new Echo record and it's great!! i think it's better than "Evergreen." I just wanted to say that I think Echo's releases have been great and mac does have a reason to brag! Moz's releases in the last 5-6 years have been very dull and really i think has lost something. I personally think it was the dumping of Stephen Street, Craig Gannon, Mike Joyce, and Andy Rourke. Moz got greedy again and paid for it.
He now has those neo-rockabilly fools backing him up and they're bringing him down. No creativity whatsoever...sorry moz.
Roddy Frame picked up Craig again for his back up
band and they're freakin' great! Then again, Roddy is great! Rock on dmfan! We're on the same brainwave...
george o.
- Sat, May 01, 1999 at 14:21:17 (PDT)
"Interlude" was a weak effort anyway, and probably best left forgotten.
Johnny Spade <[email protected]> (hem-53-0238.direct.ca)
- Sat, May 01, 1999 at 19:50:50 (PDT)
This is all very strange to me. Just last year or so I heard an interview Siouxsie did in Canada. One person called in and asked her what the experience of recording with Morrissey was like. Although I cannot remember word-for-word her response, there was not a hint animosity in it-so this comes as a surprise. What is making her change her story, not just with the Canadian interview but also with the other purported 97 American interview?
- Sat, May 01, 1999 at 20:14:21 (PDT)
All I have to say about people saying that Siouxsie is just saying this cause she's all washed up and Morrissey isn't... well Siouxsie is still writing new and inventive music.. and Morrissey is working with the same damn formula that he has for year and years... whilst Siouxsie is constantly trying and defying new areas of music, and Morrissey is writing songs like "Roy's Keen".... I mean.. 'cmon... you can't even BEGIN to say Siouxsie is "stupid"... she's a f*ckin' genius.
- Sun, May 02, 1999 at 05:40:54 (PDT)
PS. Hitler WAS a veggie. =)
- Sun, May 02, 1999 at 05:43:45 (PDT)
First of all... Errrr... Well, I'm surprised to see how many people are obviously hating "Maladjusted", which is in my opinion Morrissey's best solo album, equalling all Smiths-albums except maybe "The Queen Is Dead"...
And second, I can't understand why people have such problems with "those neo-rockabilly fools backing him up" (Boz & Alain)... Is it only idiotic remarks from people who know nothing about playing the guitar and writing music? Recruiting Boz and Alain was the best thing Morrissey could do, they're more talented guitarists than Johnny Marr (even though the songwriting is quite different)... If Moz had NOT recruited them, people would have hated him for never trying to get anywhere with his solo-career...
Henrik Rydéhn <[email protected]> (rb7149.dialup.telia.se)
? - Sun, May 02, 1999 at 06:06:22 (PDT)
I for one am glad that Morrissey is not spewing out an album every year. If others choose to do so - wonderful, that's just brilliant! But I am just so sick of all this whining about how other bands release a new album every single year and how they are moving on with new material and new this and that and Moz is just laying around on his genius arse letting his musical career fall apart. I enjoy the ecstatic anticipation of a new release from Moz, even if it is every five years - at least it is not regurgitated crap.
I must say that I do think Siouxsie was a bit harsh in her comment about the Moz, but like everyone else she is obviously entitled to say such things - that goes for bitter Ian as well.
Now, as Rik of the Young Ones once said: "Guys, look at us! Squabbling, bickering...like children! What's happening to us? We never use to be like this!"
oh, yes we did!!!
Lisa <[email protected]> (spider-pa072.proxy.aol.com)
in the alley by the railway station - Sun, May 02, 1999 at 12:00:45 (PDT)
nuf said..
i was all quite happy to see such an intelligent discussion...
but to say the alain and boz outplay johnny?
that they were the best thing for moz?
many of you are confused:
moz is such a good lyricist and vocalist that we adore most his songs even when the music is not as good as his singing. you just need a medium music writer to make a good moz song..
it is no accident that the smiths were so popular in the eighties..they had music! bona, arsenal and vauxhall were good because they didnt force anything experimental and innovative on moz.
moz maybe made something new and modern with maladjusted but it was soul-less.
to all those who ment to say that moz is full of himself sometimes, coky and arrogant - that is very much true. it doest contradict his being a gentleman to people who adore him...
and if any pubescent fanatic has anything he really wants to say: i am not gloating!
the reason we all yak about his musical choises is we now his potential. he could have been bigger than the smiths. quality sometimes sells, you know (pulp, radiohead)? like sting made well after the police (regardless of my opinion on his music) and others also after parting from groups
by the way, you guys are much smarter than the morons at the forums..
live long and prosper
the violent one <[email protected]> (ts030p10.tlv.netvision.net.il)
israel - Sun, May 02, 1999 at 16:13:39 (PDT)
So Sioux doesn't like Moz...that's a shame. I like both of them, and thought they were on friendly terms since they did "Interlude" together.
I remember seeing Moz back in '92, and listening to some of the songs being played over the loudspeakers before the show. One of the songs was "Mirage", one of my favorite Siouxie songs. I was thrilled upon hearing it and told my friend that Moz and I like the same song! lol!
But anyways S. & the Banshees disbanded recently, but she and Budgie put out another Creatures album back in March and it's fab!
????????? - Sun, May 02, 1999 at 19:36:47 (PDT)
Well Hitler sucks ass! Ok Siouxsie rules! Well I love Morrissey as much as I love Siouxsie but I think this is sooo stupid who cares watch she thinks about him. This is another thing people I hear say "if Morrissey hates this than i hate that". Well Morrissey is just another person like everyone else, he impacted my life and many other peoples lives but this doesn't make him GOD. Siouxsie is another person that has influenced my life but not as much as Morrissey has. To all the people that call Siouxie washed up look at her she at least has a frikin' record deal for god sakes! I would agree with dmfan all the way! I would like to say I turned out to be the oppisite of Morrissey I don't try to be like Morrissey. Morrissey has taught me many things though his music but the one thing that I get from him is to BE YOURSELF!
Its Like That And Thats The Way It Is.....
Anna L. Serrano <[email protected]> (1cust48.tnt9.dfw5.da.uu.net)
El Paso, Texas - Sun, May 02, 1999 at 19:38:31 (PDT)
Souxsie is not washed up. Well maybe
he's peforming private shows for you, because I haven't seen him perform live since the Greek Theater show. I got a question why was Souxsie "MORRISSEY" bashing on the air?? I met him once and I seriously do not know how you fanatics came up with the conclusion that meeting him once for 15 minutes was all you needed to know the way the man was towards everybody else.
Souxsie music is beautiful so lets get off her work, if you don't like it don't listen to it and please shut your mouth, because there are people who love MOZ's work who
are sometimes in the mood for her music and everything else that tilts towards that side.
If it wasn't for the beautiful Talents
of "MARR", street, boorer, & whyte and the rest, his lyrics would have no Music.
Who's U2??
- Sun, May 02, 1999 at 21:30:42 (PDT)
Hitler only had one testicle. U2 are from Eire. Not part of Britain I'm afraid. I'd have to put Simple Minds in there as being one of the biggest British bands of the 80's. They were quite good until Peter Gabriel spoiled it all. I wonder if Morrissey prefers Glasgow Celtic to the huns.
Spiral Stairs
- Mon, May 03, 1999 at 00:05:43 (PDT)
jeremy <[email protected]> (bfce-wbg.wuerzburg.army.mil)
- Mon, May 03, 1999 at 08:01:03 (PDT)
I am truly, truly, truly astonished by how all you MORRISSEY FOLLOWERS care about how someone can say about MORRISSEY. You know what he is. We all do. MORRISSEY is something special to us all-in many different ways. Think about how many of your "PERSONAL" friends BASH MORRISSEY EVERYDAY!!! Do you talk crap to them? You probably don't even defend him. The radio bashes him by not playing him-EVEN AFTER YOU REQUEST HIM. There are 48 entries before me. 48!!! I cannot believe that this many people think it offensive to what that 80's TRASH said about MORRISSEY. Does it hurt you when your friends talk about him that way? You as a MORRISSEY fan just go on believing that he is GOD and you maintain your happinesss, Right? That's what I do. KEEP YOUR'S HIDDEN, that's what MORRISSEY does. Don't bash on someone's own opinion. What is it worth? I'm sure the message after mine will be a bash on my own opinion as well.
Abrahan Garza <[email protected]> (56k-263.maxtnt4.pdq.net)
Houston, TX - Mon, May 03, 1999 at 08:15:55 (PDT)
Let them say whatever they want. If you don't care about what that 80's trash said let the rest do. Oh, and your friends don't go to a radio station to trash Morrissey and say that he is an @#!!!.
If she hates @#!!!ing people like Morrissey why does she even bother to make a comment. She was just wanted something to talk about.
And for dmfan or whatever: Nobody is trying to be like Morrissey if you like something you do it, don't you? If you do the opposite to what he does, fine, who the hell cares!!! but don't come to this site to tell us to get a life.
- Mon, May 03, 1999 at 12:16:04 (PDT)
...(blanca is that you???) I knew I was right about the bashing towards me...
Abrahan Garza <[email protected]> (56k-160.maxtnt8.pdq.net)
Houston, TX - Mon, May 03, 1999 at 13:45:42 (PDT)
Who's Siouxie ?
Tara_Byte <[email protected]> (pool-207-205-143-43.rvdl.grid.net)
- Tue, May 04, 1999 at 03:44:29 (PDT)
More people responded to this item than the number of 'Maladjusted' records sold. How funny! And wouldn't it be funny if this was all a hoax?! I mean, there's probably some sod who wants a headline on this site and made the whole thing up knowing people would respond to the 'battle of the Goths'.
Siouxsie is like 60 now. She lives in a castle with 50 cats. What's that say about her mind frame?
And we all knew Moz is a beitch. Hell, that started his career-ball rolling!! And finally, to the boy in red who bravely jumped stage to hold Mr. Maladjusted in Portland '97..I love you. You make me moist...
J.J. <[email protected]> (anc1.alaska.edu)
- Tue, May 04, 1999 at 10:13:20 (PDT)
Hi there,
this is my first note on a discussion board - so please be kind...
I'm a great of Siouxsie & The Smiths - I've just spend thousands of D-Marks for records & stuff.
The comments for Morrissey were very interesting. Siouxsie - started as a Sex Pistols-"Groupie" - just wear a Hakenkreuz-TShirt (a Nazi-Symbol) in the late 70s. But don't forget the irony in her statement - and don't forget her record-sales... ;(
Olaf Siemen <[email protected]> (primux01-50.north.de)
- Tue, May 04, 1999 at 17:18:47 (PDT)
i'm one of the guys who called boz and co. a bunch
of "neo-rockabilly clowns." they aren't rockablliy!!
Charlie Feathers is rockabilly, Eddie Cochran is rockabilly, Ronnie Dawson is rockabilly, Carl Perkins is rockabilly!! Need I go on...
Boz was in the Polecats!! those cheesy, early 80's
retro-rockabilly bands like them, rockats, stray cats,etc...PLEASE!!
I'm not a siouxsie fan and never was...but i think she can be a critic. The same for Mac. Mac has reason to brag...his past 2 records have been fantastic!! the return of Echo has been marvelous!!
He has reason to bash Moz. Moz hasn't put out a decent record since "Your Arsenal"!
dmfan--I stand behind you!! I was a HUGE Smiths fan when i was a kid--I saw them 5 times in Los Angeles.You can't beleive how I hate seeing kids who look like him and hate the things he hates, love the things he loves, etc BE ORIGINAL!! That's what first
attracted me to The Smiths back in 1984!! They were different...all these chach people who now like him, all the fake rockabillies, "greasers" whatever they call themselves now make me ILL!!
I repeat myself...the biggest mistake Moz did was dump Street, Gannon, Joyce, and Rourke...His biggest mistake was pissing and bitching at Johnny Marr!! He never was the same...
By the way...I do play guitar and I do know what it's like to play a "rockabilly" tune...Johnny Marr could still blow away anything Boz ever played...
Roddy Frame and vintage Paul Weller are the ones who could rival Johnny...
george o.
- Tue, May 04, 1999 at 20:07:34 (PDT)
Well you're entitled to your opinion which you've reiterated several times, but most would disagree. I doubt if the new Bunnymen and Siouxie side project albums are much better than Maladjusted, and Roddy Frame is MOR rubbish, these artist's glory days are long behind them, you could say the same for Moz too but at least he is still capable of a thrilling live show as the Maladjusted tour proved. Yes, most fans, including myself, prefer his work with The Smiths, but if Your Arsenal is the last album you liked then you really shouldn't be on here. I see what you mean about rockabilly bands like Stray Cats et al, but it's funny how you cite Arsenal as the last one you liked considering it is the most rockabilly sounding, the ones which followed had hardly any rockabilly, they may have served time in rockabilly bands but that's not the sound they add to Moz anymore. Plus most importantly, why should he have kept Street, Joyce, Rourke, Gannon and Marr? wouldn't that be defeating the purpose? he would look really sad if he tried to keep The Smiths together, they are long gone and the likelyhood of a reformation is next to nothing(reunions are always @#!!! anyway like Moz said). He was wise to get rid of Street, who is a great producer but isn't a songwriter, Viva Hate was good, but patchy, a fact rubbished when it was welcomed with open arms and warm critical reception cos it was so soon after The Smiths, however if Viva had all the Bsides from Suedehead and ..Sunday on it then it maybe would've been his best album(remember that Hairdresser On Fire is on the US version but not the UK one) Arsenal and in particular Vauxhall are better than Viva, contrary to popular opinion Moz has improved a lot since those early solo days. Also, Moz's solo work pisses over anything Marr has done post-Smiths, the last two Electronic albums were dreadful, it's maybe just as well The Smiths split when they did cos they never really got @#!!!(bar the final B sides, lol) Marr was never the same after that car crash and totally lost the plot, both mentally and artistically(Strangeways... was written in notes before the crash)
Anyway, here is some more news about Sioux, I almost choked when I saw this, what a hypocrite she is! In the latest NME there's a feature about Nazis in rock, and lo there's a picture of Siouxie wearing a Nazi uniform replete with swastikas(I can scan this for anyone if they like, email me!) even if she was wearing this to be contentious then it was very naive of her, even flirting with this imagery, in an early song of theirs "Love In A Void" she says "too many Jews for my liking". Oh she's repented now and dedicated a German song to an anti-Nazi collagist, and claims that the "Jews" in the song meant businessman, but she should be the last person to criticise Moz for using Nationalistic imagery which is far less offensive than Nazi imagery anyway, I like Sioux's music but if anyone's the arsehole it's her and not Moz.
********End of extra long rant in e minor***********
John <[email protected]> (spider-wa051.proxy.aol.com)
Glasgow, Scotland, UK - Sat, May 08, 1999 at 00:48:48 (PDT)