Comments / Notes
how come country's where the main language isn't english have moz smiths nights but we americans can't have on eto save our lives...except in LA...but is that really considered part of the US?
boyeastlikelytoo(Kakarot) <[email protected]> (store-156-80.sssnet.com)
- Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 13:12:06 (PST)
The US get the concerts and the ignored countries must organize their own events...moz is focussing just on the us-market now (50 concerts in the us and just 2 in england)...it seems so unfair I want to cry...
Heiko Mack <[email protected]> (spider-we063.proxy.aol.com)
- Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 13:35:27 (PST)
what in the devils brief case is a smiths night? dont you know that the smiths are done and gone? get over it for gods sake you are making me ill. i have to admit i am a smiths fan, but come on let it die. holding on to a thing that is long past tells me you have a bit of a reality problem.
smoke all my cigarettes <[email protected]> (jupiter.cybrzn.com)
shove it - Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 13:41:24 (PST)
Yeah, reality check?....try telling that to an Elvis fan.
No one in particular
- Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 13:49:55 (PST)
Und wo wollen die im Roseclub Videos und Filme
zeigen ;-)
jens <[email protected]> (
- Thu, Mar 11, 1999 at 01:54:41 (PST)
there is a smiths/morrissey convention coming up april 24&25 at the palace in hollywood. the sweet & tender hooligans will be playing nothing but smiths on sat. and nothing but moz on sun. if you have any questions call(626)967-7811.
and last years convention was good. they have a bunch of good stuff for all of the moz.& smiths fans.
- Thu, Mar 11, 1999 at 11:37:27 (PST)
Das gibts doch gar nicht, endlich ein Event auf das ich so lange gewartet habe, ich dachte schon, daß ich der einzige 'kranke' hier bin...
ehem, wo genau ist denn der Rosenclub? Kann mir da jemand ne gute Wegbeschreibung schicken?
Miguel <[email protected]> (tl-2.proxy.is-europe.net)
Mannheim/Ludwigshafen - Sun, Mar 14, 1999 at 08:47:20 (PST)
what excactly is a "SMITHS and MOZ night"? what will happen? i am stupendously ignorant.
Aaron <[email protected]> (mp-39-80.daxnet.no)
- Mon, Mar 15, 1999 at 21:55:03 (PST)
The "sweet & tender hooligans are performing in Hoolywood again? Great! I saw them once, also in L.A., they are great. My personal number one hit is their version of INTERLUDE. Does anybody know it they have a CD? Anyway don´t miss the Cologne event - why don´t we have such an event in Munich - shame!
- Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 01:31:08 (PST)
und da muß ich 5 jahre warten um mal in den roseclub zu gehen. aber dafür lohnt es sich (-))
oli <[email protected]> (gate.plandata.de)
Cologne - Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 23:58:26 (PST)
Wow, eine Smiths-und-Moz-Veranstatlung in Deutschland! Gibt es andere S'n'M-Fans hier im Norden die vielleicht nach Koeln fahren moechten? Wenn ja wuerde ich auch gern mit... These's a club if you'd like to go, aber allein macht's nie Spass (wie Moz schon damals wusste, der Kluge).
Jonathan <[email protected]> (rzaix05.rrz.uni-hamburg.de)
Hamburg, Germany - Wed, Mar 31, 1999 at 08:08:04 (PST)