Momus - "Thought of the Day"
Posted on Fri, Feb 19 1999
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Xavier:

The British pop icon Momus, pioneer of Analog Baroque, mentions Morrissey in his "Thought of the Day" column under the subject heading "Write the Fucking Manual". Momus was mentioned several months ago in your guestbook, and if Morrissey fans have yet to introduce themselves to him, they certainly ought not wait any longer.

Comments / Notes

Well, what he said about Moz does ring true.
sucka (
- Fri, Feb 19, 1999 at 13:04:51 (PST)

Momus is brilliant, and I'm pleased that he didn't rag on Morrissey! Since Nick Currie declared that he was all for total artifice and postmodern insincerity, I thought he might not appreciate the realist aesthetics associated with the image and musical style of Smiths.
Good to see that Currie is smarter than that!

Say, did anyone notice the index to Thought for the Day? The one before is about Howard Devoto, a fellow Mancunian and acquaintance (close friend even?) of Morrissey. Morrissey is also mentioned in the Thought devoted to Devoto. Morrissey's close friend Linder used to be Devoto's girlfriend, and Morrissey would hang out with them. Devoto was in a couple of bands Morrissey has expressed admiration for -- the Buzzcocks and Magazine. I heard rumours that Morrissey read some of Marcel Proust's work before introducing Devoto onstage, but I guess it really did happen! What I wouldn't give to see Morrissey coming out on stage with the introduction, "And now, deigning to rise from his sick bed, all the way from his bedsit in Manchester, Marcel Proust!"
So, can Morrissey really speak French then? Awww...he was just being very lazy!

My pervert doppelganger <[email protected]> (
a place in hell - Fri, Feb 19, 1999 at 14:52:44 (PST)

Momus often mentions Morrissey in his writings and interviews, always in a witty and complentary way. It'd be very interesting to compare and contrast Momus and Morrissey. Momus lives in the future, whereas Morrissey lives in the past, yet there is a seemingly obvious similarity between them that is hard to figure out. Perhaps Momus is playing the role of Morrissey's id. I don't know.

I saw Momus in concert a few months ago (with Kahimi Karie, a Japanese singer who sings in English and French--many of her songs were written by Momus) and his concerts are a direct contrast with Morrissey's concerts. Momus fully utilizes a slew of synthesizers in his concerts, etc.

Here is another one of his comments about Morrissey:

To quote:
"Consciously or unconsciously, by our choices we all recreate ourselves every day. We are all the architects of our own personal style. We are all curators.
Morrissey, in 'November Spawned A Monster', sings about a deformed girl who nevertheless (and decisively) will one day be 'wearing the clothes she chose for herself'. That line keeps coming back to me. It seems so important, so humane, so defiant. Ultimately, in a world in which so many choices are made for us, the freedom to pick out a shirt becomes exemplary."

Hagop (
- Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 11:54:49 (PST)

My pervert doppelganger: yes, Morrissey did read Proust before introducing Devoto on stage. I believe it was a Luxuria concert (the band Devoto formed after Magazine). Morrissey read an English translation, though, not the original French. I have this on cassette - but it's back home in England (I'm in the US right now). I should try to get my mother to find it for me, convert it to a wav file, and put it on the net.

Also, I think Moz and Devoto used to share a flat. I distinctly remember reading this. True or false, true or false?


ay, did anyone notice the index to Thought for the Day? The one before is
about Howard Devoto, a fellow Mancunian and acquaintance (close friend
even?) of Morrissey. Morrissey is also mentioned in the Thought devoted to
Devoto. Morrissey's close friend Linder used to be Devoto's girlfriend, and
Morrissey would hang out with them. Devoto was in a couple of bands
Morrissey has expressed admiration for -- the Buzzcocks and Magazine. I
heard rumours that Morrissey read some of Marcel Proust's work before
introducing Devoto onstage, but I guess it really did happen! What I wouldn't
give to see Morrissey coming out on stage with the introduction, "And now,
deigning to rise from his sick bed, all the way from his bedsit in Manchester,
Marcel Proust!"
So, can Morrissey really speak French then? Awww...he was just being very

Elbowless <[email protected]> (
- Mon, Feb 22, 1999 at 08:51:28 (PST)

Dear Elbowless:

I would be very happy and grateful if you ever posted that bit of Morrissey reading Proust on the web when you get a chance!

I received a nice e-mail reply from Momus on Friday shortly after visiting his site and e-mailing him. Yes, Momus indeed admires Morrissey. I think Momus also recognizes Morrissey as a kindred spirit -- intelligent and creative, therefore alienated and despised by many.

I went to go see my first Momus show about a year ago (during the Amerikong tour to promote "Momus Plays Ping Pong") prompted by urgings from people on this board. Thanks for the excellent recommendation!

My Pervert Doppelganger <[email protected]> (
a place in hell - Mon, Feb 22, 1999 at 09:58:49 (PST)

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