Unigram merger / MTV news
Posted on Tue, Jan 19 1999
by David T. <[email protected]>
Thanks to Brian for the following:

On MTV 1515 this Sunday, it is reported that there will be some major reworking of the current Mercury label and its artists. News has surfaced that Mercury will be involved in a massive merger, ultimately becoming a portion of Unigram records. It is speculated by people at The Velvet Rope (a music industry website) that artists signed to the Mercury label and other labels such as Geffen, Island, Interscope, A&M, and Def Jam, that have sold less than 200,000 units with their latest release will be dropped. Following this announcement, a caption with accompanying stills from the respective artists was displayed. Among the notable performers were: James, Girls Against Boys, and regrettably Morrissey ('Alma Matters' played in the background). Is there any confirmation to such a claim? I propose we as fans pool together our resources and start our own label so Morrissey doesn't have to bothered by this persisting nuisance.

Additionally from KB and Amy Roush, it was also noted on the program that Maladjusted has sold 78,000 copies.

I haven't heard the details but I'm pretty sure Morrissey was the one who initiated his departure from Mercury, as he stated he was attempting to do in the recent Albuquerque interview.

Comments / Notes

call me naive....but i'm willing to donate a few $'s to establish a label....or am i missing something here?
julie <[email protected]>
oz - Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 05:29:46 (PST)

If everyone contributed some money, maybe we could start a label, but who's to say Moz would accept the invitation? You know he is very unpredicable (I think).
Wendy <[email protected]>
- Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 10:06:33 (PST)

MOZZER <[email protected]>
- Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 18:56:57 (PST)

There are lots of labels that would sign on Moz, and even some that would treat him like a human, why is everyone so anxious to start from square one? He is hardly a business man and would likely run the company into the ground in days, or get taken advatage of (remember the million or so he just lost?)
- Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 19:41:18 (PST)

yeah I saw it. yet I freaked out when Moz showed up. But now I know why he didnt stay with Mercury.
- Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 17:47:53 (PST)

I wouldn't underestimate Morrissey's business sense; on the contrary, from early on in the Smiths' career he (and Johnny) practically ran the business side of the group and he has been able to keep creative control without the pesky record companies butting in. But I don't think he'd be interested in starting up his own company - he's not Prince.
Swallow On His Neck
- Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 22:45:00 (PST)

Morrissey is not a businessman. It does not take a genius to know that if you don't sell records you will be dropped from your label. Morrissey, comparitively speaking, does not sell records. I love his music, but he should just give up and retire. He should have gone out on top with the Smiths and never made another record. Morrissey, either bow out gracefully now or reunite with Marr and sell some records.
happiness <[email protected]>
SoCal - Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 20:31:04 (PST)

Certainly us fans cannot start our own label for him, but it does make for good daydreaming. I don't understand Happiness when he/she writes that he/she loves Morrissey's music but that Morrissey should retire. I anxiously pant at any new news concerning new Moz music. I love his music also and would love for him to keep doing what he does best. Great job on the site David and I hope the Mozzer doesn't listen to this fan(?) so you can stay in business.
Jeffrey <[email protected]>
Scottsdale, Az - Wed, Jan 27, 1999 at 10:03:35 (PST)

happiness your not a moz fan your a smiths fan....go aggravate and you do it under an alias....happiness...what is your name? you don't even use a real email practicing trouble maker you...dissappear
Kakarot <[email protected]>
- Wed, Jan 27, 1999 at 10:51:27 (PST)

Happiness, what on earth are you doing commenting on anything concerning Morrissey's solo work. Obviously you don't respect any of the Moz's solo work so why even read about it. I feel that Morrissey still has much to contribute to the music world, and I, for one, can't wait until he gets his act together wih a band, a record company, and a new album. I can hardly wait for something new from Morrissey!
- Sat, Jan 30, 1999 at 08:43:07 (PST)

Morrissey himself knows that he is nothing without the Smiths. You are all kidding yourselves if you think that Morrissey will ever sell large amounts of records without Marr. He made those songs. Morrissey steals every lyric he writes from Oscar Wilde. Everything Morrissey says has been said before, more eloquentley in fact, by Mr. Wilde. I could have written lyrics that are just as good if I used his quotes as the basis for all of my ideas. But don't get me wrong I love Morrissey solo as much as I do the Smiths. But Marr made Morrissey.
djupstart <[email protected]>
- Sat, Jan 30, 1999 at 16:38:18 (PST)

that is such a load of crap, djupstart.
Khasan <[email protected]>
dallas - Tue, Feb 02, 1999 at 04:30:59 (PST)

Once again, djupstart(happiness) has not only insulted Morrissey, but the thousands upon thousands of fans who love him. Go ahead, pick a famous poet from the past, base your lyrics on what that person says in his/her writing, and make millions of dollars. It really is that easy, isn't it? Oh and wow! A singer was influenced! What a new concept! Think about it, kay? Just sit there and contemplate your thinking. Maybe you can find more than 1% of your brain somewhere.
Jeffrey <[email protected]>
- Fri, Feb 05, 1999 at 18:19:56 (PST)

I can't do much but disagree with Djupstart & Happiness. The statement that "Marr made Morrissey" is plainly laughable... Have you ever heard Electronic? I can't say I've heard much, but what I heard was like... not good. Without Moz's lovely singing voice and extraordinary lyrics, it was just another pop band, struggling to be good. Morrissey made Marr just as much as Marr made Morrissey.

Another fact is that Maladjusted was an excellent album, far better than "Strangeways...", and not far away from "Meat Is Murder". "Viva Hate" and "Your Arsenal" also holds clear "Smiths-class"... One more album like that and it's evened out.

Henrik RydĂ©hn <[email protected]>
Strangeways Prison, Manchester - Sun, Feb 07, 1999 at 14:15:26 (PST)

* return to Morrissey-solo