Morrissey Convention in Philadelphia, Spring 1999
Posted on Tue, Nov 10 1998, at 12:33 a.m.
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Maria Morrissey:

In Spring of 1999, there will be a Morrissey Convention in Philadelphia. The dates are yet to be released due to some confusion about the actual space where it will be held (and putting someting like this together is quite slow-moving).. but if anyone from the Tri-State (or where ever) area in retail or otherwise would like to set up a booth of stuff to sell (non-profit orginazations are definitely welcome)... I am especially interested in artists who would wish to display any of their creations for selling purposes or just for our, movies, photos, painting, 3D....whatever....its all welcome...just e-mail me.

[email protected]

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