My Only Weakness

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  • thanks for adding me! your kind words really cheered me up. amazing, the power of the internet.... i'm trying not to post TOO much. there is such a thing as over-sharing, i think, and it can be hard to find a balance.... off i go to eat my rice and veggies! happy weekend to you!
    Oh, that was, well, if I had to review it, I couldn't it. It is perfect.
    What a mind.
    What choices of words.
    Seems he has many children, if not by loin, by verse, the method in which he is most fertile.
    That was intoxicating, thank you so much!! Feel free to send me words anytime.
    imma send you my poem about Morrissey as a private message. hope you don't mind....
    cool. thank you! loved that. i don't find a great deal of telly that makes me laugh painfully, and this one did it for me. the physical comedy, the absurdity! good stuff! we collect fine comedy round here like some people collect wine. we don't drink so it would be utterly preposterous to collect wine. i do want a wine cellar, but what to do with it? hmmmm.
    Man Down Series 2 will be on this year. More Rik Mayall apparently and I'm glad he's getting a bigger role. I hope it gets better because it sort of dwindled towards the end of Series 1
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