posted by davidt on Thursday October 07 2010, @11:00AM
Kewpie sends the link (via Morrissey reddit), originally posted by goinghome in the forums (original post):

Have the Chinese lost face over the Morrissey “subspecies” comment? by Sonny Leong - Eagle Eye, Independent blogs


The response of the British Chinese community was deafening silence. Can you imagine the fuss if Morrissey had made such comments about Indians, Africans, or Jews? There would be uproar, marches down Parliament and demonstrations across the land. So where are the Chinese protests or demonstrations? Nowhere. Absolutely zilch! Have we lost our face over this comment?
goinghome also writes:
As the Morrissey and A A Gill furores show, says The Telegraph's Michael Deacon, liberals like nothing more than getting offended on Twitter: ..."The best measure of liberal outrage is Twitter. Whenever a public figure does or says something that suggests insufficient reverence towards a particular minority or PC principle, the site blazes. Think of the time the writer A A Gill jokingly called Clare Balding a "dyke on a bike", and the time the singer Morrissey called the Chinese "subhuman" because of China's animal rights record (difficult one for the Left-ish, that: attack him for racism, or acclaim him for caring about animals? On balance they decided xenophobic epithets were worse than killing puppies for fur). Last week's target was Nadine Dorries MP, who'd said that if those on benefits were capable of Tweeting dozens of times a day, they should use their computer skills to earn a living. This was interpreted as an attack on the disabled.

I understand it. We all love thumping the table at some perceived social wrong, particularly when the like-minded are thumping the table too. Nothing beats the indignant thrill of the herd..."
Full story -
Morrissey, Clare Balding, Nadine Dorries: liberals love a good Twitter outrage by Michael Deacon - Telegraph
posted by davidt on Thursday October 07 2010, @11:00AM sends the link:

10 Live Recordings That Trump Their Studio Counterparts - Paste

7. The Smiths – “Bigmouth Strikes Again” from Rank
Rank catches The Smiths at their peak, and Morrissey’s growling on “Bigmouth” are unmatched by the tamer studio release
posted by davidt on Thursday October 07 2010, @11:00AM
Kewpie sends the link (via Morrissey reddit), originally posted by theboywho in the forums (original post):

Edwyn and the band are off on their travels next month. We have some changes to the band as some of our usual team have been called to other duties. Tom Edwards returns on guitar, the amazing Boz Boorer switches from guitar to keyboards and sax (smart alec) and of course, Paul Cook, our very own in-band legend, is back on drums.The line up is

Paul Cook - Drums
Andy Hackett - Guitar
Tom Edwards - Guitar
Carwyn Ellis - Bass and Vocals
Boz Boorer - Keyboards and Sax

More dates in Europe to come..
posted by davidt on Thursday October 07 2010, @11:00AM
Kewpie sends the link (via Morrissey reddit), originally posted by matto in the forums (original post):

Muitos concertos, dos "terríveis" aos "fantásticos (video) - SAPO Música
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