posted by davidt on Thursday October 15 2009, @09:30PM
Dite writes:
Morrissey has just appeared in the MTV Latin American awards presenting the "Leyenda" (legend) award to the Mexican group Cafe Tacuba. As Morrisey got presented the audience got nuts!!, screams were everywhere and the Cafe Tacuba members almost were in tears, it seems they didn't know who was going to deliver the award.
Update: 10/16 06:18 GMT: Link posted in the forums (original thread) by Kelley:

Musical Legend Morrissey Honors Café Tacuba At Los Premios MTV 2009! - MTV Tr3s Blogamole

Update: 10/17 15:37 GMT: An anonymous person posted a link to the clip on YouTube:
posted by davidt on Thursday October 15 2009, @09:30PM
leedoggpimp sends word Ticketmaster has pre-sale info for the Oakland, Pomona, San Diego and previously reported Los Angeles shows. also sends word there is also a special KROQ pre-sale for Pomona and Los Angeles shows.
posted by davidt on Thursday October 15 2009, @09:30PM
An anonymous person sends the link:

Johnny Marr Talks About the Cribs and Modest Mouse, Not About the Smiths - Pitchfork


Pitchfork: You said in a recent interview that you and Morrissey aren't feuding, and that you email with each other. Is that true?

JM: I'm done talking about that shit. Who cares?
posted by davidt on Thursday October 15 2009, @09:30PM
pepsilizrd writes:
I went to The Airborne Toxic Event show on Tuesday at The House of Blues in Boston, and on the last song of the evening, Missy, was played by them and halfway through the song they did a Smiths medley including Panic, Ask & Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want, kind of a treat to hear that the classic Smiths song still being played to this day by the new bands that are out there. He said "in case you don't know who does those songs, it's a great band called The Smiths"
posted by davidt on Thursday October 15 2009, @09:30PM
goinghome sends the link:

Swords: Album download pre-ordering information -

15 October 2009

Swords, a compilation of b-sides of singles from Morrissey's recent albums, can be pre-ordered on the download format now in the UK.

You can pre-order the Swords download now from iTunes UK.
posted by davidt on Thursday October 15 2009, @09:30PM
Scott Colothan sends the link:

Oasis, Morrissey and Joy Division As You've Never Seen Them Before - Gigwise
Inside Pete McKee's new exhibition...

Cartoonist Pete McKee launched his new exhibition – 'Great Moments In Manchester Music' – last week touring Odd, Odder and Oddest bars around the city until January 14. In his inimitable style, the Sheffield artist has depicted defining moments in Manchester music, from when Morrissey met Johnny Marr to Peter Hook buying his first bass guitar, alongside such icons as Mark E Smith, Shaun Ryder, Oasis and Ian Curtis. See a selection of his brilliant works, plus commentary from McKee himself, below. Check out his official website HERE

When Johnny Met Steven - The stuff of legend… “I had a pair of fifties Levis on with proper American bike boots and a Johnson’s sleeveless jacket and a Johnson’s shirt and a real proper old American flying men’s cap and a super quiff which was faultless… Amazingly, he let me in.” Johnny Marr, taken from The North Will Rise Again by John Robb.
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