posted by davidt on Wednesday August 19 2009, @10:00AM
Kewpie sends the link to the post in the forums by chelsea_steve (via Morrissey reddit):

The Light Sound Journal features Moz
One for anyone interested in the technicalities of the stage show & lighting up Moz.

i-Pix BBs for Morrissey - The Light Sound Journal
Lighting designer Max Conwell of Naked Eye has been using 12 i-Pix BB7 beam lights for Morrissey's 2009 "Tour of Refusal"

posted by davidt on Wednesday August 19 2009, @10:00AM
lily writes:
a-ha Video Interview: Leonard Cohen, Morrissey, Moisturiser & Drugs - The Quietus

The influence of Morrissey and Leonard Cohen on a-ha, that Family Guy episode, and the benefits of a good moisturiser.

Stan also writes:
Magne and Morten from a-ha have spoken with the brilliant Akira The Don (himself described as "the rap Morrissey") about their new album and, around the 3.30 mark, discuss Mozzer. Interestingly, they agree a new song "Shadowside", would have fitted very well on Vauxhall and I.
posted by davidt on Wednesday August 19 2009, @10:00AM
An anonymous person sends the link:

Morrissey, In Far Off Places - AudioScribbler

August 9, 2009 by Jack Ohms
Less of a review and more of a blissful reminisce, Jack Ohms describes his experience of watching Morrissey in Finland earlier this year.
posted by davidt on Wednesday August 19 2009, @10:00AM
S J Banks writes:
I recently attended La Route du Rock - a festival in the Brittany region of France. After passing the bag search i was given a free news letter. In it was a nice letter to Morrissey imploring him to come to their festival next year. This is my translation:
Since its creation in 1991 La Route du Rock has welcomed the biggest artists of independent rock. From Sonic Youth to Franz Ferdinand, The Cure to PJ Harvey, the list is long. Only one artist is missing: Morrissey. On May 25th 2009 Morrissey yet again declined the invitation of the festival director. In an attempt to rectify this situation here is a missive that François Floret, the director of La Route du Rock, would really like to send to the ex singer of The Smiths:

Dear Morrissey,

So here we are. For years we have tried to bring you to La Route du Rock. It's a lovely festival, you know. However, you have always declined our invitations. Certainly, each time, very politely. Once it was because your mother was ill and you didn't want to leave her alone in hospital; we understood, be assured. Another time it was because you were recording a new album - know that we were the happiest of all to hear this news. Unconditional fans, we are glad when you have work to do.

But frankly Morrissey - now you are having a laugh. You don't know what you are missing. If there is a festival that you should rush to in your mocassins it is La Route du Rock. You who love animals, you can play on our stage with the sight of sheep before you. I do not talk of the crowd who come in their numbers each year, but the lambs who run about above the crowd on the old walls of the fort.

We know that you are a vegetarian - we can serve you some soup in our canteen. We serve the best ones in the region, notably one with mint and lentils, which the singer of The Ting Tings ate twice last year. In your lodge we will install a large mirror - just for you - so that you can apply your hair gel. You see - we do things well. And then you can go walk along the old city walls of Saint Malo - it is wonderful.

You can walk on the beach where we organise concerts and show off the marvelous muscles that you displayed on the cover of your most recent album. You would have every one talking, both boys and girls.

In the theatre that we hire you could attend music discussions, watch some additional concerts or just have a drink with a view of the sea, it's always a nice thing to do. So if you do not like a band you can always look at the sea gulls. If you so desire you can go to the casino next door to spend the huge sum that we will pay you!

Otherwise you can play football in the tournaments we organise on the beach. Its a nice proposition that we put to you no? Next year you surely cannot refuse us? Of course sometimes we have rain - i know that can put more than one person off... However that is a given.

I think some people would ask for their money back if they didn't have a little rainfall during the festival. But don't worry we will have a umbrella to cover you from your lodge to the stage so that you do not get wet. You know Billy Corgan cost us a lot of money, but he came. So Morrissey, is it a yes...?
posted by davidt on Wednesday August 19 2009, @10:00AM
Kewpie sends the link to the post in the forums by mozzinger (via Morrissey reddit):

Draw Morrissey
Recently we created a new blog called "Draw Morrissey".

The URL is:

This blog was inspired by all the work we saw here and there about Morrissey drawings. We wanted to create one place where all the work inspired by him could be collected.

We already have some drawings up and we are in search of more and more. If you send us an email at [email protected], we'd be more than happy to post your work...
posted by davidt on Wednesday August 19 2009, @10:00AM
Sir Alf writes:
The interesting thing, for me, is that Morrissey eats pizza.

David Tennant: rich, talented and famous.. but still likeable - The Daily Record


The annoyingly likeable David said: "I still get that thing where I think, 'Oh, I'd love to say hello to him,' but then think, 'Oh, leave him alone.' I saw Morrissey once having a pizza in a restaurant in London. Meat-free, not a Meat Feast - that would have been a coup.

"I've not even ever been that big a Smiths fan - I've always liked them and I like his solo stuff - but there's something about Morrissey. He's a 'thing' isn't he? A creation. He just comes with aura.

"He was looking remarkably normal. He was just sitting there with a mate, laughing and joking.
posted by davidt on Wednesday August 19 2009, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
On the new Levis site under the Mens section, great picture of a Smiths tee on model for the 511's fit. The Smiths... great "jean-etics"...

posted by davidt on Wednesday August 19 2009, @10:00AM
The M writes:
In a hot off the press story, Fat Bloated Morrissey from the Future has been killed by that slag Michael Vick.
Wanted: New Satirical singing fat bloated Morrissey from the Future.
Can you take direction? Can you sing for 45-60 minutes? Are you snarky? Do you know The Smiths and Morrissey like the back of your hand?
Prefer a female, but will accept a male (sort of).
Please send an email to [email protected]
You will be completely anonymous and sworn to secrecy.
Fat Bloated Morrissey from the Future previoiusly wrote:
Menstruatoooor... Blood Moon river... We did a show today, won't you like to listen?

You all look sexy.
Fat Bloated Moz from the Future.
posted by davidt on Wednesday August 19 2009, @10:00AM
Jukebox Jury writes:
Paint a Vulgar Picture is a street-wise short story collection inspired by the music of one of Manchester’s most famous bands, The Smiths. This special launch event, hosted by editor Peter Wild, features readings from contributors Jeff Noon (author of cult novels Vurt and Automated Alice), Catherine O’Flynn (author of What was Lost, which won the Costa First Novel Award 2007), James Hopkin (up and coming author of Winter under Water and Even the Crows Say Kraków) and Helen Walsh (author of acclaimed novels Brass and Once Upon a Time in England). It takes place at the Salford Lads Club, scene of one of The Smiths’ most famous photo-opportunities. Prepare to be charmed!
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