posted by davidt on Thursday March 19 2009, @08:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Thursday March 19 2009, @12:00PM
Kewpie sends the links to the post in the forums by lutewhine (via Morrissey reddit):

Reissue promo sleeves
No Roy's Keen on Maladjusted reissue - confirmed

posted by davidt on Thursday March 19 2009, @12:00PM
An anonymous person sends the link:


Turbo dating to angst-ridden songs: Is it really so strange?
posted by davidt on Thursday March 19 2009, @12:00PM
Roland writes:
British / International radio station British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS) had a small Morrissey special on this Tuesday night’s „ The Evening Show“. It started by playing Arms Around Paris followed by interview excerpts, and I managed to catch some quotes – not sure where the original interview is sourced from.

„I always did sing as a very small child, and I bought music from the age of six. I bought music at Paul Marsh in Manchester, and I was obsessed with this record shop. I was just absolutely transported somewhere else, and I never left that place to be honest. I knew even then that I wanted to sing.“

„I think when people in pop music sing songs that affect you, you really fall in love with them - I don’t mean physically that you want to jump on top of them, but they‘ll stay with you forever.“

„I always felt that the strongest form of expression was to sing, it’s the strongest mode of expression, and to me it’s a gratification standing in front of people… I feel joy when I make music because I know there are a lot of people like me who love music.“

They also played One Day Goodby Will Be Farewell, announced as „One day will be farewell“ , and It’s Not Your Birthday Anymore as last track.

There is a website with a Listen Again service - click Tuesday 17/03/2009 Part 3, Morrissey starts at 22 minutes in. A serious warning about the crap 20kbit sound quality though
posted by davidt on Thursday March 19 2009, @12:00PM
Torr sends the link / excerpt:

1000 songs everyone must hear, Part one: Love
The Guardian, Saturday 14 March 2009

There is a Light That Never Goes Out
The Smiths

This sublime ballad from The Queen is Dead defines the multi-dimensional brilliance of Morrissey’s lyrics. The poetic longing makes you cry; the black comedy of the chorus makes you laugh. But the delirious melodrama also implies that love and death are identical objects of desire. While Moz spins your head with “the pleasure and privilege” of being mown down by double-decker buses and 10-ton trucks, Johnny Marr’s glistening guitars and exquisite orchestral arrangement cast their own mystical spell. GM
posted by davidt on Thursday March 19 2009, @12:00PM
Irregular Regular writes:
The 15/03/09 issue of the UK newspaper The Sunday Times comes with a free CD of Noel Gallagher performing an acoustic set live at The Royal Albert Hall.

The CD includes a very good cover version of There Is A Light That Never Goes Out.

Worth buying the paper for that track alone if you get the chance...
posted by davidt on Thursday March 19 2009, @12:00PM
A. writes: has posted a 4 1/2 star review of Years of Refusal...

Fairly glowing review from a fairly well-respected punk site...
posted by davidt on Thursday March 19 2009, @12:00PM
Guillaume Metayer writes:
"Le Grand Journal" is a famous envening show on French TV channel CANAL +.

Pete Doherty was the guest on March,12.
At the end of the show the guests have to answer to questions in "La Boite à Questions", "Questions Box".

Look at this video (around 1 minute 28) what Pete answered to the question :
"If you were a song which one would you be?"

It is here:
posted by davidt on Thursday March 19 2009, @12:00PM
Torr sends the link:

The boys looked at Johnny
The Observer, Sunday 15 March 2009

The Smiths' guitarist Johnny Marr and Pet Shop Boys may seem to come from opposite ends of pop: one laddish with guitars, the other disco-synth and ironic. But their sensibilities merge, and since Marr quit the Smiths, they have collaborated consistently and fruitfully. They first met by chance in an elevator at the Mondrian Hotel in Los Angeles in 1987, when Marr said how much he liked the song Hit Music on the latest PSB album Actually. Two years later, they were working at Marr's house in Manchester on his Electronic project with Bernard Sumner. Marr then played guitar on a couple of tracks on the Behaviour album, and in 2001, on Release, recorded at Neil's house in County Durham, he appeared on almost every song. On Yes, he plays on five tracks, each possessing what Neil Tennant calls "that beautiful light acoustic style with a swing to it. It is very distinguishable: you can also hear him on the Modest Mouse record and you think, 'Here's Johnny...'"

Tennant and Chris Lowe sat for Marr's questions at Home House members' club in early March. They said that one day they would get him back.

JM: Who are the greatest British men and women?

NT: Yes, your influence is primarily the street. I get everything from books really - what's on the telly, what's on the radio. I'm probably meant to say Noël Coward, aren't I? But I don't really feel that personally influenced by Noël Coward. I've always liked kitchen-sink dramas. My favourite film is The Servant by Joseph Losey. Like Morrissey, I find the legends of British working-class culture fascinating. Maybe unlike Morrissey, I also find the legend of British middle-class culture very attractive too. They are all about resilience, and making do, and not making do, rebelling against it or settling for it. I prefer black and white films to colour films, for some reason.
posted by davidt on Thursday March 19 2009, @12:00PM
Paul Miller writes:
Amoeba will be holding FREE screenings of music-related films every Monday in the Month of March. Along with the free screening, there will be FREE Izze Soda and FREE popcorn at the Snack Bar!

The next screening takes place THIS MONDAY, March 23rd at 8 pm, in the courtyard of Space15Twenty, just up the street from Amoeba at 1520 N. Cahuenga Blvd, Los Angeles, CA.

Our next film will be PASSIONS JUST LIKE MINE- Director Kerri Koch tells the story of Latino music fans in the greater Los Angeles area whose lives have been utterly transformed by the words, music, and lifestyle of British pop star Morrissey. The film offers a stirring glimpse into how one’s course in life can be changed by a total stranger with seemingly no cultural similarities. The fans’ stories are revealed by the devoted themselves, providing powerful portraits of their obsession and transformative journeys..

For more information and to see the rest of the films playing this month, visit this link.
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