posted by davidt on Tuesday March 11 2008, @10:00AM
Strutting Rooster writes:
Morrissey was spotted at the Siouxsie gig-

'Absolutely electric atmosphere! I was crushed at the front (which I guess is how it should be!) Fantastique!!
OH! AND....Yes, the gig was filmed
Also, some of us at the front saw Morrissey on the upper levels of the venue'

Link to The Banshees & Other Creatures Forum post

Second post down...
posted by davidt on Tuesday March 11 2008, @10:00AM
[email protected] writes:
This may have been already addressed and I've been meaning to submit it for months since I heard it. But the very last lines to "Moving to L.A." by Art Brut has the line..."

I'm drinking Henessey
With Morrissey
On a beach
Out of reach
Somewhere very far away"
posted by davidt on Tuesday March 11 2008, @10:00AM
David Rich writes:
So a random article in the April issue of Playboy reports on a mannequin manufacturing company that produces female dummies that approach Amazonian proportions. And the headline??? "Some fake girls are bigger than others."
Today's News | March 14 | March 12  >

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