posted by davidt on Thursday December 13 2007, @03:00PM
Maladjustedx writes:
From Lyn Boorer myspace...
Hello everyone,
just to let you know that Zane Lowe will give the New Morrissey/ Boz Boorer single T'hats How People Grow Up' its first play on his Radio 1 show on Monday night, 17th December.
It will go out at around 7.25pm in his Hottest Record in the World slot!!

Have a listen, it is good...........well I would say that ......but its true,
Merry Xmas.............
Lyn Boorer
posted by davidt on Thursday December 13 2007, @03:00PM
Von Sulstrus writes:
On his MySpace page, Paul Heaton absolutley rips into Morrissey for his NME interview.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Dear Morrissey...

So Britain isn't British enough for Morrissey anymore?
Tragedy! What the fuck has it got to do with him? He doesn't even live here, does he?
In 1977 i would sit in a classroom, virtually helpless as my close friend and the only black boy in class and year Joe Sweetinburgh, would be racially and physically abused everyday by the same four or five idiots. Now exactly thirty years later, i take my six-year-old daughter to a classroom populated by white British, black British, Somalians, descendants of Chinese immigrants, African immigrants, Kurdish, Iranian, Indian, Pakistani and Irish immigrants. It is without doubt the happiest classroom you will ever see! And that includes children, parents and teachers, who all get along just fine. Oh, and top of the class, a young Polish boy, who up to two years ago couldn't speak a word of English. Morrissey apparently longs for the class of '77. Well it may not be 'your' Britain but it IS mine, so keep your nose out you peckerwood bastard!
And be careful Stephen Patrick Morrissey- There's a large group of youth in your white adopted city that hark back to the days of empire, when the Romans would hang, draw and viciously bum 'stranieri' like you! And that wouldn't be very British would it?
Forza Hackney Wolverines! Forza Commando Ultra Curva Sud!
posted by davidt on Thursday December 13 2007, @03:00PM
An anonymous person writes:
Politician and academic, Rupa Huq comments on the Morrissey furore in the New Statesman.

"Morrissey’s subsequent statement is unambiguous: "Racism is beyond common sense and I believe that it has no place in our society." This and his explanation of 'Bengali In Platforms' as addressing a specific case and not all Bengalis is good enough for me to bury the hatchet.

These are the words that I’ve been waiting for since 1988 – also the year of Morrissey’s anti-Thatcher ditty Margaret on the Guillotine which provoked a police raid on his then home. For the past decade he has lived in the USA and Italy but he has not mellowed with age. Public anti-Bush remarks earned him questioning by the FBI.

Twenty years from the highpoint of my Smiths obsession, I’m hurtling towards middle age. Tellingly this whole furore illustrates how 80s pop fans are now old enough to be in command: selecting what goes into the papers and which questions are asked and picked for Dimbleby. On a more personal note this incident has made it acceptable for this Bengali to like Morrissey again - although the record, I’ve never worn platforms. "

This article is also going to be published in the leading British socialist journal, Tribune.
posted by davidt on Thursday December 13 2007, @03:00PM
Update: 12/16 07:35 GMT: Merck Mercuriadis writes that the below about Morrissey's mum doing an interview on Irish radio is a hoax on someone's part.
Stiofán Hero writes:
Irish economist and TV and radio presenter David McWilliams said an arranged interview with Morrissey's mother fell through at the last minute for logistical reasons. According to an interview he gave RTÉ 2FM's Dave Fanning tonight (12.12.2007)where he also spoke about The Queen is Dead, McWilliams had arranged the interview with Mrs. Morrissey as part of a TV series examining the economic impact of Irish emigration, and the descendants of Irish ex-pats.
posted by davidt on Thursday December 13 2007, @03:00PM
Sushi writes:
The OnionAVClub, the non-satirical interviews/reviews arm of the Onion, has a list of 23 songs that should never be covered again.

Topping the list is "How Soon Is Now?" They say:
"Perhaps because it's The Smiths' most recognized and recognizable song, "How Soon Is Now?" has endured countless ignoble recreations since it debuted 20 years ago. It's high time for it to retire with dignity. In spite of what bands may think, the nearly seven-minute epic isn't easy to cover, as it quickly exposes their shortcomings—few things are worse than someone trying to be Morrissey. Sadly, the song's association with the '80s and The Smiths' cool cred guarantees more ill-advised reprises down the road. See faux-lesbian Russian teen-pop duo t.A.T.u., who make it sound like a number by The Chipmunks."
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