posted by davidt on Friday November 16 2007, @02:00PM
suparni writes:
Morrissey concert dates in France and England in January 2008 -

16 November 2007

January 16 - Clermont Ferrand - La Cooperative de Mai
January 18 - Strasbourg - La Laiterie
January 19 - Lille - Aeronef
January 21, 22, 23, 25, 26 and 27 - London - Roundhouse
Also, the notice of the Miami cancellation (which stated more details would follow) was removed from true-to-you.
posted by davidt on Friday November 16 2007, @10:00AM
bennyhana22 writes:
You might want to follow this link...I con't believe TTY or yourselves haven't posted it before I saw it...!

Morrissey Announces Six Night London Residency! - Gigwise

by Scott Colothan on 16/11/2007

Morrissey has announced a six night residency at the London Roundhouse for early next year.

The former Smiths man will play at the hallowed Camden venue at the end of January. It will be his first UK stint since his completely sold-out tour in 2006.

Tickets go on general sale from 9am next Friday morning (November 23) and as of yet, there’s no word on exactly how much they will cost. As always, come on to Gigwise to check ticket availability.

Catch Mozza on the following shows:

London Roundhouse – January 21
London Roundhouse - 22
London Roundhouse - 23
London Roundhouse - 25
London Roundhouse - 26
London Roundhouse - 27
posted by davidt on Friday November 16 2007, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
I have it in good faith that Morrissey was interviewed by the NME recently to promote a free 7 inch single being offered with each copy of the music paper. However, for whatever reason,the NME have withdrawn the issue of the free cd and are currently considering whether or not to publish the interview. What reasons could they have for not publishing as Morrissey has had the offer of retracting his statements and declined this offer?
posted by davidt on Friday November 16 2007, @10:00AM
Fran writes:
Stars singer Torquil Campbell embraces pop-music anarchy -
by Deena Cox


"I think that Morrissey's palpably aware that he carries a kind of mysterious power that is hard to achieve," Campbell explains on the phone from Golden, Colorado, where he and his Stars bandmates are taking a day off from touring to soak up the scenery. "What's so great about Morrissey is he is arbitrary and infuriating and irrational, and that's what a rock star should be."
posted by davidt on Friday November 16 2007, @10:00AM
Fran sends the links:

Morrissey Makes Misery Sound Sweet by Sara Yoo - The Trinity Tripod

Anglo For Your Ear: My Tribute to Morrissey and The Smiths - BBC America Anglophenia blog
posted by davidt on Friday November 16 2007, @10:00AM
Torr sends the link:
posted by davidt on Friday November 16 2007, @10:00AM
Now Play It writes:
Come check out Morrissey's very first 'Lite' tutorial on the new music tutorial site where the artists are the tutors. Lites on Suedehead and November Spawned a Monster will also be going live in the next week or so.

Let us know what you think.

NPI Team
posted by davidt on Friday November 16 2007, @10:00AM
GoldRadio writes:
Gold DJ David Jensen talked recently to Andy Rourke and Mike Joyce, the ex bassist and drummer from The Smiths and now you can own the interview as a free downloadable podcast.

Simply download it to your PC and enjoy it on your MP3 player time and time again or listen to the audio stream on the website.

Go to for more info.
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