posted by davidt on Monday October 15 2007, @09:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Monday October 15 2007, @10:30AM
Emil Bigsten writes:
Swedish television will feature a segment about Morrissey's latino fanbase in East LA (including an interview with José Maldonado) on Monday 15th October on SVT 1 21.30.

It can also be viewed on the web:
Träffa Mexicos svar på Morrissey

Below the picture of José Maldonado press on the video camera that is followed by the words "På webben redan nu: Morrisey [sic] och latinofansen."
Uncleskinny sends the thread started by Chartres in the forums with a link to the video already released on the SVT site.
posted by davidt on Monday October 15 2007, @10:30AM
DAVID is my HERO writes:
Beto Cuevas of La Ley interviews Morrissey.
29th September, 2007.
You have killed me (LIVE)

posted by davidt on Monday October 15 2007, @10:30AM
Jukebox Jury writes:
There Is A Light That Never Comes On: Confessions Of A Morrissey Tribute Act

The above is part of the Manchester Comedy Festival and takes place at the Ape and Apple pub on John Dalton Street in Manchester city centre on Wednesday 24th October at 8.30pm and is free to get in!

In the festival programme, the event is described as thus:
'For one night lonely, Ridgeley Working men's club presents the bitter recriminations of its most enduring 'turn', Morosey. Starring Jason Cooke. Written by Jason Cooke and Tony Kinsella.

More details.
posted by davidt on Monday October 15 2007, @10:30AM
vickimoz writes:
Saw Moz and the band at the Cat and Fiddle after the show last night. It was so great to see him just hanging out, laughing and drinking with the guys in the band.

We wanted to go there just to say that we have been there, NEVER expecting that Morrissey would actually be having dinner there. I didn't attempt to talk to him or anything. I was happy just sitting there 10 feet away from him and glancing over once in a while (trying to blend in). I figured he was tired and I wanted to respect his space and free time. His one security guy (the bald one) is an ASSHOLE though. My friend was texting, not even in the general vacinity of Morrissey and he came up to him "ARE YOU TAKING PICTURES?" Then checked his phone! He was just texting, for God's sake! That ass wouldn't even have a job, if it weren't for Morrissey's fans.

Overall it was a perfect end to the 8 days of Morrissey. Thank God I don't have to hear Kristeen Young for a VERY long time! =)

And thanks to all the great people I met in line and in the crowd. See you at the convention!
posted by davidt on Monday October 15 2007, @10:30AM
tamkim writes:
I have had several requests from fellow 10-packers to re-post instructions on obtaining a refund for the cancelled shows which I originally posted on 10/3.

Because the venue honored tickets for the 2nd and 4th to be used the 8th and 9th, you will need to send your UNUSED tickets to Ticketmaster to request a refund. Here's the address:

ATTN: Consumer Support - REFUNDS
1000 Corporate Landing
Charlston, WV 25311

Send them a note explaining that the show was cancelled and postponed on a date which you ALREADY had purchased tickets for. I'd also advise that you include a print out of your Ticketmaster confirmation page and include your confirmation/order number in your note.

Here’s the link to the original post.

Good luck!
posted by davidt on Monday October 15 2007, @10:30AM
There's too much caffeine writes:
I came across this review of Moz's Palladium residency on N:Zone Magazine at:

Morrissey live at the Hollywood Palladium - n:zone
posted by davidt on Monday October 15 2007, @10:30AM
An anonymous person writes:
Just finished reading a story on Yahoo! regarding our beloved Moz's idol, Oscar Wilde.

Oscar Wilde crowned king of the quips - Reuters / Yahoo! News
jdbabz writes:

Details of how to purchase the new album are included in the pony club forum as below-

"It's been too long, so while we fart around sorting out a "proper" release if anyone wants the album on a CD with promo artwork send a cheque for 10 euros made out to Pony Club to Pony Club, 199 Lower Kimmage Road, Dublin 6W. Include your name and address.

It been far too long, let's get on with it." posted by carrollj@indigo
posted by davidt on Monday October 15 2007, @10:30AM
sylvietricot writes:
the one and only italian tribute al Signor Morrissey e al suo genio!
24 novembre 2007!

check the website:
Today's News | October 16 | October 14  >

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