posted by davidt on Tuesday July 24 2007, @07:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Tuesday July 24 2007, @02:00PM
Mentioned in the Philadelphia post-show comments by LucasT (original post):

Musical Rumblings: Things That Make You Go Hmm - Philebrity

...BONUS ROUND: Important Morrissey update: Do not get pissed off when Mozzer snubs you at Tattooed Mom’s. He’s a fucking superstar. And if you persist, well-dressed men will intimidate you a la Terrence Stamp in The Limey. It’s fitting, really.

Encounter posted by Expulsion on the message board: philly: morrissey is at tattooed moms.
posted by davidt on Tuesday July 24 2007, @02:00PM
An anonymous person sends the link:



Morrissey Mann Center Philadelphia July 23, 2007

Going to a Morrissey show is like playing Russian Roulette. You never know what is going to happen, and if you are going to exit excited, energized, disappointed or angry. In my 16 years following him around I have seen some of the greatest shows ever, and I have seen shows cut short to due to stage invasions, a fire hazard and nights he wasn't "into it." The original date of the Philadelphia show was postponed due to illness, and other shows had been canceled. Monday night in Philadelphia, a city with a non-deserved, in my opinion harsh reputation, Morrissey dazzled the crowd in what may have been the greatest concert I ever witnessed!
posted by davidt on Tuesday July 24 2007, @02:00PM
devout sends the link:

Miserable no more: Smiths label sold off - The Guardian


The music group Sanctuary is selling its stake in Rough Trade Records, the label that first signed the Smiths - famed for their 1980s miserablist hits - to the long-established independent Beggars Group.

Sanctuary is set to announce the sale of its 49% interest in the loss-making label for a cash sum of £800,000.

The disposal of Rough Trade, which counts Pulp's frontman Jarvis Cocker and Pete Doherty's Babyshambles among its acts, comes as Sanctuary is about to be taken over by the world's largest music company, Universal.
Today's News | July 25 | July 23  >

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