posted by davidt on Wednesday May 30 2007, @09:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Wednesday May 30 2007, @06:00PM
Abrahan Garza sends the link:


MAJOR MILLER REJOICE! WHO KNEW that after his show the other night Morrissey didn’t, in fact, leave town. Turns out that, since last Saturday, the pompadoured one and his band have been holed up in Houston’s Sunrise Sound Studio recording a track titled “That’s How People Grow Up” for his upcoming Greatest Hits CD. How do we know? Turns out that the last of the gang to die had a list of some vintage gear he was looking for and the studio’s manager Ben called up none other than the recently shaven Mr. Steven Burnett. In the end, he who is the last of the family line got out of his Asian gear Rut by renting a Korg and two Roland Space Echoes. “I didn't get a chance to meet Moz but, he was nice enough to sign a few of Smiths LPs for me” commented Mr. Burnett. Awe.

We went on to be informed that the track was produced and engineered by Jeremy Simms and Joe McGrath, who also worked the levers for Morrissey’s 2004 release. Party. So, if you happened to be down in Sharpstown or Sugarland this past week and thought you saw a guy that looked like an English Celibate – you may actually have.

posted by a d r at 2:33 PM
posted by davidt on Wednesday May 30 2007, @10:00AM
Erica from Nederlander Concerts writes:
Before each Phoenix and Tucson show we are doing a sweepstakes at radio on-site van/booth giving away front-row upgraded tickets as well as this commemorative and signed poster designed by Frankie N. Carranza. Model: Chris Alvarez.

posted by davidt on Wednesday May 30 2007, @10:00AM
Lon sends the link:

Morrissey performs at Palladium - Dallas Morning News

Angst retreats to back-burner status at Dallas show

12:43 PM CDT on Sunday, May 27, 2007

By THOR CHRISTENSEN / The Dallas Morning News
[email protected]

posted by davidt on Wednesday May 30 2007, @10:00AM
Xfm manchester writes:
I think you guys would like this:

Xfm Meets Johnny Marr - XFM Plus (free registration required)

It's an interview with Marr about the Smiths, the current state of the band's relationships and his new band Modest Mouse


And finally Clint spoke to Johnny about The Smiths. Despite various court cases and acrimony, Marr explained that first and foremost some members of The Smiths were friends before they were a band

"At the moment I don't think things are getting better from what I've seen, I'm not talking about myself because I've a not-too-bothered stance, but there are battles still going on..."
posted by davidt on Wednesday May 30 2007, @10:00AM
adalfan writes:
per - singer Jeff Buckley regarded Morrissey as a ‘living legend’, his mother Mary Guibert has revealed and often included 'I Know It's Over' into his own sets.

Jeff Buckley Held Morrissey As A 'Living Legend'


The late singer occasionally incorporated his version of The Smiths classic ‘I Know It’s Over’ into his live sets – a version of which is released as a single this coming Monday (May 28).

In a fresh interview, she said: "Jeff was a huge Smiths fan. He thought Morrissey was a living legend, so this song (‘I Know It’s Over’) was a very meaningful choice."
mozandeffect also writes:
from, today's release of a Jeff Buckley compilation includes a cover version of the Smiths' classic, "I Know It's Over."

Jeff Buckley revealed as massive Smiths fan
posted by davidt on Wednesday May 30 2007, @10:00AM
Jonny Holden writes:
Part 7 of the current BBC Series 'The Seven Ages of Rock' is titled 'What The World is Waiting For' and will cover the story of the British Indie scene. The story starts with The Smiths and moves on to Oasis etc and other current day Indie acts. The show is to be aired on BBC2 at 9pm on Saturday 30th June. See link

Can we expect interviews with band members, rare clips or just soundbites from the usual rent-a-quotes? Should be worth a watch anyway...
posted by davidt on Wednesday May 30 2007, @10:00AM
harry_piel writes:
"Because of his sexual vagueness and ambivalence you get so incredibly attracted to him, she says."

Oh, and because he's "the best lyricist in the pop world", surely.

Miss Persson is currently working on the new A Camp album.

Read her interview here.
posted by davidt on Wednesday May 30 2007, @10:00AM
Alan Rance writes:
"I was looking for love and I found love, but heaven knows I'm miserable now…"

A play by Alex Broun
Directed by Robert Chuter
David Forster as William

William is too smart for his long black drinking, tight jeans wearing, emo hairstyle sporting, ‘The Smiths’ worshipping good. He only exists to devour coffee, despise ’people’ and worship the patron saint of wrist-slashing -Steven Patrick Morrissey. Just like his Idol the world he occupies is cruelly lonely. He stumbles from café to cemetery in search of a companion or maybe just a confidant. He runs headlong into Salome; the obtuse, obstructive, agent of seduction that slithers her way into his addictive personality where she infatuates herself remorselessly. Meanwhile, the best friend that he never knew he might not have one day, Rick, is struggling with his own desire for William and his dwindling mortality. William is confined in a terrible triangle; the girl of his dreams treats him like dirt, his best friend is in love with him and on top of this, the Smiths have broken up. A beautifully dark, blackly funny and painfully touching play set to the music of The Smiths, the music that gives William a chance to be more than just, ‘Half A Person.’

Corner King & Bray Streets
Newtown South, NSW, Australia

Bookings MCA Ticketing 1300 306 776; or

Preview: Tuesday, 18 September @ 9.00pm
Wednesday-Saturday, 19-22 September @ 9.00pm
Tuesday-Saturday, 25-29 September @ 9.00pm

Tix: Preview: $17.50 & $27.50/$22.50 [Concession]

For more information, interviews, images etc, contact:
Geoff Sirmai
Watchdog Communications
Landline: (02) 9389 3907
Mobile: 0412 669 272
Email: [email protected]

David Forster as William

posted by davidt on Wednesday May 30 2007, @10:00AM
an outraged dbowie writes:
Just picked up my daily newspaper this morning and was horrified to read and article in the Celebrities gossip column about Morrissey. This is the article word for word:

Daily Express - Wednesday 30th May 2007
Edited by Kathryn Spencer

"Cover it up Mozza"

Having recently seen their hero turn 48, embarrassed fans of morose warbler Morrissey are now calling on him to stop stripping down to the waist during shows.

While Mozza has traditionally torn off his shirt during concerts, hundreds of fans are now registering their opposition on websites, claiming the singer is "too long in the tooth" to be appearing half-naked on stage.

"At the end of the day, Morrissey isn't the slim young thing he once was and actually has a middle-age spread these days," confesses our Mozza source. "A large percentage of fans now actually feel rather embarrassed when he insists on stripping off as it's not a particularly pretty sight." Time to hit the gym Morrissey?
Today's News | May 31 | May 29  >

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