posted by davidt on Tuesday December 12 2006, @02:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Tuesday December 12 2006, @12:00PM
An anonymous person writes:
To go along with Johan de Witt's post on UK sales, I thought you might want to post Morrissey's US sales.

Current Soundscan numbers from albums released in the Soundscan era (Dec. 2006):

ROTT - 94,419
YATQ - 223,829 copies (22,195 from the Deluxe Edition)
Maladjusted - 88,149
Southpaw Grammar - 66,528
Vauxhall & I - 291,055
Your Arsenal - 363,856
posted by davidt on Tuesday December 12 2006, @12:00PM
Jonathan sends the link:

Jon Henley
Tuesday December 12, 2006
The Guardian

Despite his famously sunny disposition, young Dave Cameron's tastes in music are decidedly glum: perky Mancunian popster Morrissey was, after all, among the Tory leader's Desert Island faves. So staff at Sanctuary records were not over-surprised to receive a last-gasp call from Dave's office last week, inquiring politely, if rather insistently, whether there might not be a ticket to be had for Friday night's Wembley gig. The tickets were duly forthcoming - but not, we're told, before a most unhappy Mozza, whose love of the Conservative party is well documented in such melodious serenades as Margaret on the Guillotine, had let it be known that a fate worse than the chop awaited anyone who allowed his most loyal fan anywhere near backstage. A missed opportunity, wouldn't you say?
posted by davidt on Tuesday December 12 2006, @12:00PM
Joe Castro writes:
I recently posted a friend's travel story about her trip from Delaware to Chicago to catch Moz at the Aragon Ballroom. It includes a few live pictures as well as the set list. I thought you might be interested - you can check it out here.
posted by davidt on Tuesday December 12 2006, @12:00PM
Abrahan write:
"The U.K. in L.A. or, How to be Cary Grant" - LA Weekly

excerpt: British pop star Morrissey encountered a similar phenomenon during his own nine-year L.A. residency, when “tribute” bands began springing up in the Latino community (as documented by William E. Jones in his 2004 film Is It Really So Strange?), having discovered in the lower-class British dandy a kindred spirit. Morrissey’s ultraemotional singing style, coupled with his look — particularly his pompadour hairdo — is very much in keeping with Mexican pop singing. But Mexican pop stars don’t have the special edge of melancholy regret and worldly-wise ennui that drives his L.A. Latino fan base wild. As Jones’ film notes, tough-as-nails cholos have been known to break down sobbing at “Moz” concerts.

photo used in article was the cover of "Live In Dallas"
posted by davidt on Tuesday December 12 2006, @12:00PM
Torr sends the link (registration required):

When Lauren Met Morrissey -

A surprisingly upbeat Morrissey spoke to Lauren at length about his remarkable year and gave his opinion on the future of music. Listen to it all right here.

2006 has proven to be a very busy year indeed for Morrissey. At the start of the year he released the well received 'Ringleader Of The Tormentors', his eighth solo album and recorded with legendary producer Tony Visconti.

The rest of the year was spent touring pretty much every corner of the globe including a spectacular headlining performance at this years V Festival.

Speaking to Lauren at length he talks about his incredibly busy year, future plans and of course has a bit of a moan about the future of music and the planet:

'How are you feeling today?'
"I'm feeling very well as you've just given me some vodka.." [listen]
'What kind of year has it been for you?'
"It's been very short and very hectic..looking back on it, it's been great.." [listen]
'Are you going to continue your current production pace?'
" Many people would like me to run off and be shot in a field..but that's not going to happen.." [listen]
'Are you optomistic about the future of music?'
"No no no....I think most people out there are absolute rubbish.." [listen]
'How do you feel being voted in the top three cultural icons?'
"I'm thrilled to be amongst such amazing company and thrilled to be placed third.." [listen]
'How do you feel about your current audience?'
"I try to be as close to them as possible and now i'm surprised how young they are.." [listen]
'What is your opinion on the music industry?'
"I feel like I don't have anything to do with it anymore.." [listen]
'How will you be spending Christmas?'
"I'll do what I normally do...try to completely avoid it.." [listen]
posted by davidt on Tuesday December 12 2006, @12:00PM
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This Charming Ben writes:
To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Smiths' final concert performance (at London's Brixton Academy on 12/12/86), San Francisco's own Smiths tribute band will be performing this historic show's set list in its entirety. The Brixton show was special for many reasons including that with Gannon's departure, the Smiths played their last show back to the original foursome, not to mention it was the first, last, and only time time "Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others" was ever played live. And now the four of us will pay tribute to the songs that saved our lives by doing our best to recreate the sound and the energy of the Smiths' final concert. All of this will be taking place at San Francisco's New Wave City. Come out and drink, dance, and celebrate this bitter-sweet anniversary!


New Wave City
at The Mighty (new location!)
119 Utah St.
San Francisco, CA 94103

posted by davidt on Tuesday December 12 2006, @12:00PM
vivasouthpaw writes:
A night dedicated only to The Smiths and Morrissey will take place in Istanbul at Studio Live on 15th of December. Instead of the regular formats of The Smiths nights organized twice yearly in Istanbul where mostly audio tracks are played, this night will consist mostly of visual tributes of The Smiths and Morrissey projected on a big screen, footages from the live shows, promotional videos etc.
Just before the end of year in which Mozzer paid his first visit to Istanbul, it'll be a great chance to show our gratitude.

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