posted by davidt on Friday October 20 2006, @10:00AM
bcbc23 writes:
In my Jam Concert and Events newsletter (, there is a picture of Morrissey next to the enigmatic words: "Coming Soon: The Ringleader of the Tormentors"
No dates, no cities, just that teaser!
Jake sends the link to the mailer:

Jam Mail -

posted by davidt on Friday October 20 2006, @10:00AM
Guillaume Metayer writes:
Morrissey in Conversation: The Essential Interviews (Paperback) -

A new book ?

by Paul A. Woods (Editor)

Out at Plexus Publishing Ltd, 1st Nov 2006.
posted by davidt on Friday October 20 2006, @10:00AM
John writes:
I thought it may be of interest to let you know who I bumped into in HMV in Grafton Street this evening... I was wandering around the aisles when I noticed a familiar-looking figure, wearing a snugly-fitting tweed cap (the type that Bob Geldof wore at Live 8).

On second glance, yes, it was the great man, Morrissey, perusing some Stevie Wonder albums. I approached him, and trotted out some stock pleasantries about being a big fan. He was polite but very shy. I complemented him on his animal rights activism and told him that he had been an inspiration for my vegetarianism. Then I said "I'm sure this isn't the first time you've heard that". He replied "No, it's the second actually". Classic quick-wit!

A few minutes later he exited HMV, giving me a big smile on the way out, and ambled down Grafton Street. A bright spot on an otherwise miserable, aptly-Mancunian day in Dublin!
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