In my Jam Concert and Events newsletter (, there is a picture of Morrissey next to the enigmatic words: "Coming Soon: The Ringleader of the Tormentors"
No dates, no cities, just that teaser!
October 16- Morrissey nominated by Russell Brand as "Greatest Living Cultural Icon", Outkast influence (48)
- The Dears guitarist bashes Morrissey (168)
- Moz out of tune on "Dear God..."? - article on "Auto Tune" technology (25)
- Mexico City and Guadalajara ticket prices for pre-sale, flyer (71)
- Swedish radio to broadcast Karlstad gig on Oct. 27th (9)
- Extended 'Youngest' video credits at commercial production site (5)
- "Frankly, Mr. Shankly" - #1 "Best Song About Work" in Uncut (10)
October 12 -
October 11 -
October 10